View Full Version : CubeRevo Newbie Questions

  1. Whats the difference
  2. whats on the 9000 hd
  3. help with setting up not satellite
  4. Help setting up a connection with ubuntu
  5. UK card
  6. what keys?
  7. Cubrevo mini
  8. Beginners Guide to the Cuberevo/Ipbox
  9. basic setup
  10. what is incubuscamd
  11. help with incubuscamd
  12. Itvhd
  13. BBC HD Causes Freezing
  14. Flashing
  15. NLB8873 + Keys ??
  16. How to start gbox in newcamd?
  17. setting up with a vbox
  18. How Many Servers?
  19. Cube revo 3000HD connection problem
  20. anybody close to barnsley S74
  21. EXT. HDD, which one?
  22. editing incubus.cfg
  23. anybody really happy with this box
  24. cube revo`s on e**y
  25. hard drive recomendations
  26. cuberevo 9000 booting problem
  27. help newbies +++
  28. cube revo newbie questions
  29. cube revo and freesat
  30. difference between 9000HD & 910
  31. Sound problems on 3000HD
  32. CubeRevo 3000 HD
  33. Cuberevo 9000 maximum supportable internal HDD size ?
  34. Card reader
  35. Moving from Azbug to Cuberevo-mini (I need help)
  36. factory reset
  37. Anyone tried incubus 1.10?
  38. Which Image
  39. Newbie wants to know how to access cam from remote on Cuberevo 250HD
  40. C:Line entries
  41. C-line on Mgcamd possible in IPBOX9000 HD ??
  42. Mgcamd restart
  43. Help with Cuberevo Twin Tuner, HD PVR Ready BOX PLEASE!!!