View Full Version : Firmware: official versus gxmax ?

08-01-2009, 11:42 AM

Hav just got the HD200, have upgraded firmware to enable PVR functions.

From the official mvision site there is a vers 3.18 firmware update. I have also learned of the gxmax (speedy) updates. My question is what are the differences and advantages in using the speedy ?

also (noob question), with notes.txt with the speedy update is the following

Activate your Speedy experience selecting
Accesory, key edit
UCAS Autoroll ON

Mvision PC remote tool (remote control by RS-232 port)
Go to ‘menu’, ‘rs-232’ and select ‘settop control enable’
Use the ‘mvision pc remote.exe’ for control from computer'

Anyone explain what this means ? (real noob quesstion)

08-01-2009, 01:08 PM
The GXmax version contains an emu which enables the HD200 with k*ys to descramble certain encrypted channels.

Not seen the mvision pc remote.exe’ program anywhere, I think if you used this you could control the receiver via an rs-232 cable.

'Activate your Speedy experience selecting
Accesory, key edit
UCAS Autoroll ON'

This is the emu. bit like a built in Matrix cam. the autoroll is for the automatic updating of k*ys on certain providers.

08-01-2009, 01:15 PM
very interesting. would you say that gxmax vers are stable ?

08-01-2009, 01:29 PM
Just as stable as the original firmware, same firmware just modified by GXMAX to include the EMU and some official cards to work . One thing to remember is if you are using the Diablo cam or any other cams emu to watch channels its best to stick the the non gxmax firmware as this might cause a clash. You can still use the GXmax firmware, but you have to make sure the UCAS is turned off.

08-01-2009, 02:43 PM
Just as stable as the original firmware, same firmware just modified by GXMAX to include the EMU and some official cards to work . One thing to remember is if you are using the Diablo cam or any other cams emu to watch channels its best to stick the the non gxmax firmware as this might cause a clash. You can still use the GXmax firmware, but you have to make sure the UCAS is turned off.
gmax emu and diablo seems to work ok together in the hd200

10-01-2009, 02:35 PM
could any body tell me more about these 'keys' (for educational purposes you see, I am a complete noob)

also, the gxmax update numbers (F113 etc) don't seem to match official ones by number - so what would be the gxmax version for (official)02.10 ?

10-01-2009, 04:45 PM
Gxmax usually have an f in front, eg 2.10 = f2.10

k*ys can be entered on the Gxmax version with the remote

latest versions are Official 3.18 and Gxmax f3.18.

10-01-2009, 05:26 PM
very interesting. so, these k*ys then, how do you now what to press on your remote, sorry if appear dumb.

11-01-2009, 05:21 PM