View Full Version : NEwbie - Mediaplayer

10-01-2009, 11:25 AM
Read the recent thread about mediaplayer. Is this complicated procedure necessary if you store media files locally on the DB?
Which folders should be used locally for storing music and video files i.e where does standard mediaplayer look for files?
I have had my dm800 for a few days and tries to learn all the features. Yesterday I tried mediaplayer and after a long time the OS crashed and the box restarted. It seemed that mediaplayer was looking for files w/o finding any (no files yet transfered). When starting mediaplayer I anticipated getting to a setup menu but no such thing. Appreciate any help!

10-01-2009, 11:30 AM
from your FTP program open /hdd and in the directory if they are are not listed simply create 2 folders Music and Movies or whatever you want.

then just copy over your files to which ever folder you want

regards: canthackit

10-01-2009, 12:36 PM
Thanks for the answer! But how do I tell Mediaplayer where the files are? No setup menu came up, does mediaplayer scan for files everytime starts?

10-01-2009, 12:40 PM
from your FTP program open /hdd and in the directory if they are are not listed simply create 2 folders Music and Movies or whatever you want.

then just copy over your files to which ever folder you want

regards: canthackit

Please give more info on this m8, what kind of files are compatable ?

10-01-2009, 01:24 PM
@ wabe what can i say mate you open mediaplayer in the left pane there's all the folders listed and on the right a playlist will be empty.

so on the right among the folders will be /hdd click on that and in there will be the folders you created in your FTP prog and assuming you copied the files you wanted they will be listed, if it's music you want you can copy over any tracks or albums (showing my age):nopity: into the playlist.

regards: canthackit

10-01-2009, 01:31 PM

as regards music just simply mpeg3.

video on the other hand maybe someone with a better knowledge than me on the differnt formats can answer.....all i know is no matter what i try so far avi, mpeg2 a vlc icon is applied they play.

hope this helps.

regards: canthackit

10-01-2009, 02:21 PM
@ canthackit

Most helpful! I'm a bit puzzled about what happened last night however. When I entered mediaplayer for the first time, the program started and went on forever - then OS (Nabilo BH 0.6) restarted with error message.
I never saw any folders in "right window"..... ???

I suppose next step is to copy some files over according to your instructions and try again - hopefully with a better result

Thanks for helpful input!

10-01-2009, 02:38 PM
no mate the folders will be in the left, when you click on /hdd there will be your music & video and maybe even movies if you've made a folder for 'em.....so if you wanna play a track click on /hdd>music>select track(up/down cusor) then ok or green button.

good luck.

regards: canthackit

14-01-2009, 05:20 PM
Tried the mediaplayer again and it works ... sort of.
When starting the mediaplayer, after ftp'ing a few files, the player starts but only after about a 3-4 minute delay when I only see the "revolving wheels"). After this long wait I can see the folders and find my files.
Any idea what's going on? Do I need to install any additional components? Is there something wrong on my system.

14-01-2009, 10:12 PM
I'd love there to be a piece of software made for this (like XBMC if anyone ever used that on the xbox?) that just browses any shared folder on your network and plays whatever file you want it to play, including .avi and mp3.... if a piece of software ever gets written for the Dreambox it would not only be such a great bit of kit for watching TV, but it would also act as a mediacenter too.... which would just be unbelievable. I know you can use the VLC thing but i cant get it working properly.

16-01-2009, 07:48 AM
@ wabe being a newb myself i got it working using this method:

1: install VLC 0.8.6 on pc (other versions may work this works for me)
2: click on settings>preferrences>main interfaces> select HTTP and save.
3: click on settings again and under add interface select WEB INTERFACE.
4: minimise VLC and load to the task bar.

go to dreamy:

1: open VLC
2: click on add server
3: on server address enter your pc local address ie 192.168.1.(whatever)
4: press green button to OK it
5: press blue button to set server as default
6: then press OK this then should show all you pc drives

hope this helps & good luck.

regards: canthackit