View Full Version : entering keys using remote humasx 5400

10-01-2009, 02:21 PM
i am trying to input keys for dig*tv provider 2111 nag2 into my humax 5400irci hot 11.1
no matter where i put the latest key 31 12 08 it wont work. its my first time entering keys so might be doing it wrong.
it says put it in 00 but it wont all fit so does it overflow into 10 or 01
or do i put it in 10 and 10 or 00 and 01?
i have seen conflicting info even if 00 is active put it in 01 and 02
please help footy is on soon!!!!

i realised where i was going wrong. my son was reading out the wrong info a d instead of a zero!!!
so now i know what to enter but it now all reads zeros and wont save my date input.
i have tried uploading keybins but it stays at zero.
any ideas?

10-01-2009, 02:48 PM
Key 00 goes in to line 00 & 01

there should be eough numbers/letters to fill both lines

key 01 goes in line 02 & 03

10-01-2009, 03:35 PM
Key 00 goes in to line 00 & 01

there should be eough numbers/letters to fill both lines

key 01 goes in line 02 & 03

i cannot enter any keys either keybin or keys by remote now.
i could earlier but they are all zeros now.
i reuploaded 11.1 firmware and new settings and tried uploading last keybin i had that worked for digitv but keys all read zero.
any ideas?
an hour ago i could change all the zeros by keybin or by remote singly

11-01-2009, 05:55 PM
afternoon fellas

if u have reloaded settings or whatever - use on and off switch on STB when doing below - not remote

try reloading firmware in --> hot 11.1 --> STB off 2 start until message waiting for humax using i use wdnoak4 +

then re load pmct table - i use xamuh's from16/07/08 --> i use pmct edit

then reload latest key bin --> using DSR 5600

make sure u have programmed fun card in top slot- face up /chip up

adjust toh menu/config - my settings below r

nagra au - off

card blocker ECM + EMM

Ciad preselect ---> Card + EMU (mine ) or Card + EMU + S or Card + S + EMU

all others as when u have loaded new settings

except Display CI window --> off & AC3 burst Installation --> off

switch off & On STB after above

then it will work

u can add keys by remote if u want as when Digi TV changes keys


25-01-2009, 10:46 PM
my prob was i was using an old version of dsr to upload keys that was creating all the zeros. the latest version fixed it.
thx for info.