View Full Version : Itvhd

10-01-2009, 09:02 PM
Hi Guys

got my box all sorted now except for itvhd, not matter what i do i cant seem to get it, have scanned the tp that is in ********* but not picked it up.

could someone export a csv file from the reelook editor with the channel in it for me, i can then import it in my db.



10-01-2009, 11:21 PM
I am able to get ITV hd when it is broadcasting on my IP900o HD with the following settings

SAT name: Astra 2A-B-D (28.2E)
Transponder: 11426 / 27500 / H
Service ID: 10510
Media Type: HD
PMT-PID: 3400
V-PID: 3401
A-PID: 3402
PCR-PID: 3401
Type: 1
Video Type: 27
Audio Type: 129

Hope this helps

10-01-2009, 11:47 PM
no thats not working for me, any chance you can export the single channel as a csv file from the relook editor and pm it to me?


11-01-2009, 01:09 PM
I am able to get ITV hd when it is broadcasting on my IP900o HD with the following settings

SAT name: Astra 2A-B-D (28.2E)
Transponder: 11426 / 27500 / H
Service ID: 10510
Media Type: HD
PMT-PID: 3400
V-PID: 3401
A-PID: 3402
PCR-PID: 3401
Type: 1
Video Type: 27
Audio Type: 129

Hope this helps

I have also tried the above, but this does not work for me either and I cannot find any settings with itv HD already in. It would be nice if someone could upload there sat settings with ITV HD so we can try it out...................Thanks Montyboy

11-01-2009, 02:18 PM
These setting work for me on my IP9000 HD. Bear in mind they do not always have the ITV HD screen up.

Next programe to be shown is Wild at Heart Sunday 8:30pm today

11-01-2009, 02:30 PM
Hi lads

If you send your settings from your box to your pc editor & then create a new channel by right click to add,
click transponder & sat astra 2a & enter details

SAT name: Astra 2A-B-D (28.2E)
Transponder: 11426 / 27500 / H
Service ID: 10510
Media Type: HD
PMT-PID: 3400
V-PID: 3401
A-PID: 3402
PCR-PID: 3401
Type: 1
Video Type: 27
Audio Type: 129

Then resend to your box & reboot box & then search channels alphabetically to find ITV HD

You may want to do a factory reset on your box before sending new settings back to box or you may end up duplicate channels & box running slow

On ITV HD you will get picture & no sound until its on air

11-01-2009, 03:03 PM
Not been able to get ITV HD for two weeks now on the Technomate 6900 Super with Magic Patch 667p 18/12/08.
About to look into this, but any input would be welcome.
May not get a chance to-night to try, Wild at Heart - 8.30pm to 9.30pm

11-01-2009, 09:34 PM
ok that works thanks guys

11-01-2009, 09:34 PM
Can confirm 'wild at heart' now on ITV HD & working fine

14-01-2009, 10:07 PM
working fine here.Had no sound before.Thks