View Full Version : Plasma tv to be banned.

13-01-2009, 04:53 AM
No joke.E.U. ministers are discussing plans to ban plasma tv sets on energy conservation grounds.
Pity we cannot ban these ministers for the amount of hot gas they produce!:mad:

13-01-2009, 06:02 AM
Misleading title and a one-sided reaction they are not banning plasmas they are grading them.

Over the past 30 years, the number of electric appliances and gadgets in a typical home has almost trebled – from 17 to 47 and the number of televisions in homes has also grown rapidly; there are now 60 million of them, one for every person in the country.

The amount of power needed to run this electronic explosion has more than doubled in the same period, and the official Energy Savings Trust estimates that it will grow by another 12 per cent over the next four years.

Manufacturers are responding by making their products greener. The best new plasma televisions now use one-third less energy than the average, and new LED televisions, which are more efficient, are being developed.

The worst performers will be phased out, and the rest will have to be labelled with energy ratings which, says Defra, "will make it easier for consumers to identify the most and least energy-efficient televisions available". The scheme is modelled on an existing one for fridges and other white goods which has greatly increased their efficiency over the past decade.

The EU has already agreed minimum standards for the electricity consumed in standby mode. Defra says this should cause a fourfold drop by early next year in the energy used by a TV when it has been switched off by remote control instead of the main switch. Similar steps are being taken in Australia and the United States; in the US, 275 million televisions gobble up as much electricity as is produced by 10 coal-fired power stations.

13-01-2009, 10:39 AM
Since I bought my panny back in the summer, its like having an extra radiator in the lounge.

If only I could get the right picture geometry !

13-01-2009, 01:33 PM
No joke.E.U. ministers are discussing plans to ban plasma tv sets on energy conservation grounds.
Pity we cannot ban these ministers for the amount of hot gas they produce!:mad:

Sounds like Daily Mail EU misinformation.
See grumpyy's post above.

simon 2003
13-01-2009, 06:11 PM
agree when i stand next to my 50" the heat that radiates from it is suprising,,one benifit is no flys .moths can stand it for long