View Full Version : Shappa's Blog on the DM8000

14-01-2009, 12:35 AM

This is truly an amazing product, I have spent the last few years trying all sorts of tech for the DVB world, and have a Windows 7 Media Center with extenders, Sage TV system with extenders, a bunch of DM500's + DM600's [S & C] and DM7025.

But as far as stability and first impressions this box is right at the top. Each solution has its merrits, and in the quest for the perfect Media Center solutions, I think i am finally heading in a direction where the system can be considered deployment stable.

Dont get me wrong, SageTV has been excelent, but the CAM/Decryption for DVB has been a pain; Windows Media Center was dismal until FireDTV got into the game, and MS have finally got there balls in hand and have true DVB support with HD and its finally working on the gen 2 extenders also, so its clearly going to pressure Sage. There are a few others but without extenders i was not very motivated [XMBC is cool but no good for TV so far]

Now - back to facts. The box ships with CVS image from Dream, and works quite nicely with US and EU TV's offering the option to run at 50hz or 60hz refresh.

The side panels are a match for the front bezel, and slide off easily to revel 2 screws each side which we need to remove along with one additional screw at the back to allow us lift off the cover.

Once open we see a WiFi adapter embeded [not really useful, but neat none the less]. Installing a DVB-C card is a 2 minute process just poping out the blanker plate and slot in the card. No tools required.

Adding a disk is just as simple, the chassis has 4 rubber bungs to kill vibration, and ships with 4 matching mounting screws to hold the disk in place. I popped in a WD 500Gb disk [2 actaully as the first was a DOA]. the SATA/Power connection is perfectly located so click and done.

You can see on the front right an internal USB slot, and that has an USB to ESATA adapter, this has a sata cable running back to the chassis where the DVD should be mounted. Checking out the fourm apparently this is an intermin solution for a bug in software where apparently if both onboards SATA ports are used, then the box suffers DMA issues. Nice workaround.

Ok, cover back on and power up; and using the remote we can detect and format the disk [initialize it as its called in the menus], this gets mounted automatically and its instantly ready for use :)

Now - Scan a few DVB-S channels and lets see how we look. Well impressed is one word that comes to mind. the upscaler in this device is quite good. I have been using a DVDO iScan HD for a few years with my DM500-S to get 1080i picture on my LCD and RPTV and the picture upscaled on the DM8000 is very impressive.

Right - True HD, well thats got to be my fav channel - BBCHD, and comparing this to Sage/MCE/Humax Freesat HD - they are sitting in the dust. the DM8000 does an amazing job.

All in all. I have to admit im not one bit sorry for the decision to invest.

14-01-2009, 12:55 AM
Well, the process for serial connection and dream up is well know, but I nearly died of shock when i saw the Niablosat Flash image [50Mb in size] was going to take 77 Minutes.

not a hope in hell i was going to wait for that, so powered off, and tried to use the IP update process. which reduced the 77 Minutes process to less than 5 Minutes.

What you need to flash

You need the image file you want to flash. Image files have the extension *.nfi. (You can't flash other images like *.img files)
You will need a DHCP server to flash a new image, you can use the second stage loader. It must be present and not broken.

Removing the power connector.
Press and hold the lower frontpanel button to the left of the OLED display
Keep a press on the lower frontpanel button, and Switch on the dreambox
The text "*** STOP ***" should appear in the OLED display. If something like "/flash".. appears, you didn't hold the button properly, and need to try over again
Above the "*** STOP ***" text, there should appear an IP-address. Open your web browser and enter in the address bar "http://ip/" (where ip must be replaced with the value in the OLED Display)
Once the web page displays, on the bottom of the page, there's a link called "firmware upgrade". Click it
On the next page, you can select the flash image you want to flash. be sure that it has the ".nfi" extension.
Click on "FLASH!" and wait. It might take some time to upload and flash the image
After about 90 seconds the page will change to a progress display. Once this reache's 100% we are done!
Now, power off the Dreambox, wait a few seconds, and power back on. The box should now boot from the new Flash.

Since this is a new image, we are going to have to go trought the startup ****** again, but thats cool.

If you have used the same Niablo Image it will also have tried to install Barry Allen for you, this is simply a cool multi boot tool, so we are going to have to reboot the box again once Barry Allen is installed. If you have not used the same image, Im sure you can grab a copy of Barry Allen, and I do strongly suggest you do! its going to save you so much time trying out different images :)

Ok - thats it for tonight. Tomorrow, Ill install Niablo Blackhole 0.6 and use Barry Allen to set this as my main image, this will be stored on the HDD.


14-01-2009, 06:06 PM
Hi Guys, I have just become the proud owner of a DM8000 and am beginning to explore its capabilities. I also have an Echostar 3000 and Technomate 6900 combo super. My Diablo Cam UW 1.54 works a treat in both receivers but not in the DM8000. I have tried it with Enigma 2 and Gemini 4 images (installed via Barry Allen). I installed using the simple single satellite setup (universal LNB) on Thor 1W.

So far I have only been able to open FTA channels.

Has anyone else got experience with the Diablo cam and got it working ? Any thoughts would be welcome!

15-01-2009, 12:48 AM
:) Welcome to the Blogroll, and more importantly to the magic world of dm8000.

I have not yet been brave enought to stick in the Diablo - but i have got your answer m8

Open /etc/modules.conf

Write In a new line:

options fpga alternate_image=1

Save it and reboot the box.

15-01-2009, 12:59 AM
Ok, So lets progress this game.

Yesterday we stopped off with the Flash in place, and Barry Allen installed [part of the flash right]. Now in the enigma menu we can see Barry Allen, and have a set of options. One of these is to look at the images on the HDD. Well Duh, we have none so running this, will show - nothing.

Out with Filezilla or your fav FTP client, and grab a copy of your Fav image. for me - I starting with Niablo Black hole 0.6 as its got support for EPG on BSKYB and has a cool list of feature.

FTP the Image over to the folder \MB_images on the Dreambox, and then back to the menu for Barry Allen. Now, again use the option to see the images on the HDD, and we can see our image, but its not installed????

Well, pop the coloured button and install it right .... ok that takes all of 30 seconds, and then the software restarts Enigma. that takes about 3 mins, but after that its back to normal.

Back in again into the barry allen menu, and this time we see the image as installed. cool. on the menu you will see, restart the dreambox and the option to select the desired image, so I have two to begin with, the Pure Flash version and the HDD back hole.

Select the HDD one, as thats where we want to be, and the DM will reboot. after 5 mins we are back up with the start up ******, as we are in a spanky new image and ready for fun....

after scanning thor and astra 28 i have a full set of channels, so check the FTA and see that all is good.

Now, using the plugs in menu, add the cam of your chioce - you can see them all there, cccam, gbox, etc... install, and set it active - of course you need to make any necessary edits if you are sharing, but 5 mins later you will be online and happy out.

I did not try to plung my nds card into the card reader as the dm800 sounds like it messes up, so ill dig a bit more first to see whats the risk like on the 8000, so for now, the card is tucked into the dm500.

15-01-2009, 09:34 AM
Thanks Shappa. I have now installed the Nabillosat Black Hole image but not yet evaluated it yet. I am new to Dreambox Linux based receivers so can you give me some direction. I take it I need to edit the Image Linux program - can you recommend the best image editor to use to add the line you suggest, and I will let you know how I get on. Thanks once again m8!

15-01-2009, 12:04 PM
the normal tool that users are recommending is DCC. its a sort of all in one utility. if you have linux skills you can just use SSH and connect over.

You need to install your CAM eumlator first, go with a 'full package' version as that will have default configuration files. if for example you are looking at CCcam then you will see \var\etc\CCcam.cfg

this generally does not need to be edited on the older dreamboxes, just insert viewing card and off you go, but on the 800's and prob on the 8000's there is chance that the reader will cook the card. so tread with care. I have not yet inserted my card in the 8000 as i need to be sure that ill not regret it.

so. for me i have the same setup on a dm500, and simply added 1 line in the CCcam.cfg file

F: username password

and then back on the DM8000 i added a matching line with the ip address of the dm500

C: 12000 username password

and restart CCcam on both boxes, now, you sould be able to use the card on both.

its that simple. ill update once i get the balls to plug in the viewing card directly. i also have a diablo that i plan to test tonight in the dm8000 to see how that works.


15-01-2009, 12:24 PM
Hi Shappa, Thanks for this. I had been playing with DCC and found etc/module.conf. This is great help.

Have now booted up the Nabillosat BH image.

Just one thing the Diablo Cam appears to be intialising but I get a range of error messages - keys out of date, CAIDS file needs updating.

FYI, I have also had a pop at CCCam with the GEmini 4 image, on 28 degrees east no joy on NDS channels with my full HD package card. So when you get that far let me know. Subsequently uninstalled CCCam from Gemini, and decided to focus on Diablo on 1W. Are there any DM softcams with the same functionality as Diablo on 1W ?as a plan B ?

15-01-2009, 01:56 PM
@ carrpet ive managed to clear my full sly hd package in the dm8000 via an old t-rex cam + official card and copying the serial number from the sly hd box to the cam but havent yet tried setting it up via the internal card readers !!

15-01-2009, 03:30 PM
Still no joy with Diablo (which still works nicely in Echostar and TM6900!). As advised by Shappa have added program line in /etc/module.conf using DCC and rebooted but to no effect. Good news CCCAM is working nicely on RCS channels on 1W but no joy on Telenor. Is this just a case of updating the CCCam keys or do I need another Cam (MGCam ??) to get the CONAX channels. In which case the Diablo issue is less of a problem, except that I would like to open the NDS channels on 28E and the Diablo should be a safe way of doing that.

15-01-2009, 05:18 PM
Well done Fiddla !

15-01-2009, 08:08 PM
hi every one i am new to dream box i got dream 8000 and i have two problems.dream up or editer won't work at all ip adrees ok and network connection of when i connect to my dream and swich on noithing happened at any idea please .
my next request my dish not moving from sat to another
thank you very much

15-01-2009, 10:48 PM
Extract Dreamup into a folder put the image file into the same folder, tick the use network box and put your 8000s ip address in, then connect a your box with a Ethernet cable and press connect!

15-01-2009, 11:57 PM
i downloaded dream up and extract when you open dream up there are 3 ip 1 for pc one for dream and third location.i can't press flash button to put file inside dream up.i press the standby button after connecting but no much luck.sorry gerry i don't know what i am doing wrong

16-01-2009, 09:09 AM
Have now tried my S*Y HD card in Nabilosat CCCam but was unable to pull in anything other than FTA channels on 28E. S*y card was fine when returned to HD Box! I hope that Shappa's experimentation last night has been more successful and he has some further thoughts on getting NDS and Diablo to work. Incidentally I assume the card should be inserted chip down. There was no message from the Dreambox that card was initialising. Should there be ? Would welcome any other experience.

16-01-2009, 02:44 PM
Hi Shappa, Thanks for this. I had been playing with DCC and found etc/module.conf. This is great help.

Have now booted up the Nabillosat BH image.

Just one thing the Diablo Cam appears to be intialising but I get a range of error messages - keys out of date, CAIDS file needs updating.

FYI, I have also had a pop at CCCam with the GEmini 4 image, on 28 degrees east no joy on NDS channels with my full HD package card. So when you get that far let me know. Subsequently uninstalled CCCam from Gemini, and decided to focus on Diablo on 1W. Are there any DM softcams with the same functionality as Diablo on 1W ?as a plan B ?

That sounds like you need to get Underworld 1.55 on the CAM, do a format and reload. Im going to do mine this evening. I have DigiTV clearing on 1west [from the west of ireland on a 1m dish!] and will try to clear conax later. My dilemma is that it apprears i dont have the Enigma 1 options of selecting CAM per provider/sat. which sucks.

16-01-2009, 02:54 PM
Well - I spent most of last night, playing with Niablo image - trying to find what it can and can not do. its has a lot of neat features, including displaying cool CCcam stats in the skin.

I am afraid though that the CAM options are limited - on my DM500 i can set different CAMs per provider, etc. and i dont see to be able to do this on Niablo [or Enigma2 from what i can see so far], which sucks, as the only way to clear Canal 1west is with diablo cam, and since im using Discqe to select which dish im feeding from, this will mess me up; as cccam is clearing DigiTV [ya diablo will do dat - but i need a diablo per CI - not a problem either i have a few but not a nice solution], and cccam is clearing Sky from the card in the DM500, but not i cant say - use CCcam for DigiTV and Sky, but diablo for Canal :001_07:

Since im in Ireland C4 HD is also not on my Card, so a good pal sent me a old freeview card and that works the magic on C4 HD, so now i need to find a home for that NDS card also, - I was kind of hoping that i could put this in a dm8000 slot or another dm500, and have CCcam figure out which card if needs to use to clear specific channels...

great criac this.

I also noticed the Time shift function works but its got a few bugs, im going to see if i can locate the home of the niablo people and bug them abit on my to 'problems'

But - on the good side. I have a full EPG from Sky!! - ill explain that trick niablo has later on ;)

16-01-2009, 03:16 PM
Hi Shappa from what I remember the Gemini 4 image for DM8000 enables choice of softcam per channel or provider so I am a novice here but I do not think it is down to Enigma 1 v Enigma 2.

Can you just clarify - have you got one of your 2 S*Y cards working with CC cam in DM8000 or not because my card does not work with CCCam and I don't get any "Card Initialization" messages - so I am wondering whether it is seeing my Card - is there anyway of telling if the DM8000 is seeing / reading my S*Y card ?

16-01-2009, 04:39 PM
@ carrpet ive managed to clear my full sly hd package in the dm8000 via an old t-rex cam + official card and copying the serial number from the sly hd box to the cam but havent yet tried setting it up via the internal card readers !!

good work, but you dont want to stay like that for more than a month. the old t-rex will not auto-update the entiltements on the card, and you will have to plug the card back into the sky box.

On the 800 you need for 100% certainty to get a smartgo usb card reader, and stick the sky card in that, which will get you going. I just hope i dont have to spend more money and do the same on the 8000, but i expect that will be the case.

16-01-2009, 04:46 PM
If you are not using CCcam for sharing and you just wish to use your viewing card I believe MgCamd with NewCS will keep your card up to date.
MgCamd 1.31 with NewCS 1.62 works 100% in my DM800.
Keep up the great work shappaeye:respect-055:

16-01-2009, 04:47 PM
Can you just clarify - have you got one of your 2 S*Y cards working with CC cam in DM8000 or not because my card does not work with CCCam and I don't get any "Card Initialization" messages - so I am wondering whether it is seeing my Card - is there anyway of telling if the DM8000 is seeing / reading my S*Y card ?

thanks for the gemini tip, my bro in dublin just confirmed the same on hs 7025 for gemini, so ill drop that on the 8000 and test it. i also logged a bug on the niablosat fourm to see if they will address it.

- now - your sky card in the card reader of the 8000. I have not put mine in the 8000 yet, i know for 100% that you will not work with the sky card in a 800 reader. you need a smartgo usb reader and stick the card in that for it to work. i think the 8000 will be the same.

you can test - but be careful that you dont kill the sky card.

telnet to the dm8000, and type

PS -auwx

you will see a list of numbers on the left and cccam on the right.
find the first cccam in the list and its corrosponding number on the left. [it may read cccam_2011 or something - note that down - its also case sensitive we will need it in 2 mins]

then type

kill -9 [the number on the left for the first cccam instance]

this will kill cccam running, you can check by running

ps -auwx

again and not see cccam again

now - we start cccam again but this time in debug mode so we can see what the hell its doing - type the name of cccam program as we saw it in the PS list a few momenets ago

cccam -d

then - off it goes....
now stick in the sky card, and see what cccam says...
if it reads it ok you will see some thing like 0961 ok
otherwise - its not going to happen..

Ill try it also later when i get balls :)

have fun

16-01-2009, 05:43 PM
Thanks Shappa, I've got some work to do ! Do I need a linux driver for the USB card reader or is there one in Enigma 2 already. Also are there other readers that will work or just thius one designed for the DMbox ?

16-01-2009, 06:25 PM
Internal DM8000 Readers -

Ok, well i finally got the balls. I had a old funcard of 3 or 4 years that cleared 1 west many moons ago. in the 500 it identifes the card, in the 8000, nothing - card read fail

then - i tried my freeview card. - that made more progress - identified that the card was nds, and got the box-id, but then card init fail, and they kept cycling with the same old.

the card was in for only 30 seconds and it was HOT to touch, so i think its safe to assume that its not going to read the cards natively yet.

So - you will need to get the USB reader. The smartgo appers to be one everyone with dm800's are taking a good like to, and seems to have drivers in most of the images.

now - i have also tried the Diablo, and with the edit below that can be detected and looks to work, but the silly thing keeps telling me my keys are expired - typical ****.

so - ill try to get that resolved, and see if canal+ will open - digitv is cool with cccam keys, so no need for the diablo for that.

havin a ball really. NOT!

18-01-2009, 02:05 PM
there are reports on the naiblo site that a new setting in the gbox file will enable both card readers in the 8000, and that this will read most cards. I have not had a chance to check it out yet, but will and let you know whats the results. But for now CCcam will NOT work with NDS on the DM8000 internal readers.

I also noticed that Niablo BH 0.7 is out since yesterday for the 800, so the 8000 should be close, the main changes appear to be extended functions in the epg area. - which i owe you a how to on getting it to work on SkyUK. - its cool -

Weather here hit 110mph winds yesterday so my astra28 dish is potining at some other bird; which sucks so i have to go climbing on the tower to fix that before i can play more. amazing the thow 1m dish sat still.

I have downloaded the new Gemini4 image and will test that today to see whats the score on the multi-cam options. and i have also an email into rudream guys - they have a new image preped for the 800, which i want to try on the 8000, the graphics skin is just awsome - check these pics:





Ill share more once i get some feedback - apparently they request a contribution before sharing the code.


18-01-2009, 06:46 PM
Hi Shappaeye, I've been trying to keep up with your contributions in other threads and forums. DM8000 seems to be shaping up into a great prospect. The Diablo Cam didn't get a recent mention although I saw your exchange in the Diablo section.

I have now reformatted my Diablo and installed UW1.55 which is opening all Telenor C*n*x channels on my Echostar 3000 (and I assume my TM6900CS although I havent tried it today). The Diablo will not work in the DM8000 though and I get the "keys are our of date" message. I assume you are still drawing a blank on this one. Please update otherwise.

I am also happy to pilot any new ideas you might have, as I've got some time on my hands right now.

The graphics above look great - I'll have some of that !!!!!!!!

Have ordered a Smartgo card reader so lets see what that brings too.

18-01-2009, 06:49 PM
sorry guys i naiblo 06.but i can't even watch bbc don't know why

18-01-2009, 07:04 PM
ref diablo cam
any i dea where you enter this to open the cam
Open /etc/modules.conf

Write In a new line:

options fpga alternate_image=1

Save it and reboot the box.

18-01-2009, 07:14 PM
Hi Shappaeye, I've been trying to keep up with your contributions in other threads and forums. DM8000 seems to be shaping up into a great prospect. The Diablo Cam didn't get a recent mention although I saw your exchange in the Diablo section.

I have now reformatted my Diablo and installed UW1.55 which is opening all Telenor C*n*x channels on my Echostar 3000 (and I assume my TM6900CS although I havent tried it today). The Diablo will not work in the DM8000 though and I get the "keys are our of date" message. I assume you are still drawing a blank on this one. Please update otherwise.

I am also happy to pilot any new ideas you might have, as I've got some time on my hands right now.

The graphics above look great - I'll have some of that !!!!!!!!

Have ordered a Smartgo card reader so lets see what that brings too.

Yup - have the same problem - tired it in my dvb-s2 card for sage and it works so i agree - something aint right.

18-01-2009, 09:02 PM
Hi guys, great thread, good to see some activity re the DB8000.

I have no problem opening the C*n*x channels with my Diablo/UW Cam on mine.

I'm using the PLi Jade image, with the options line as mentioned in modules .conf.


20-01-2009, 12:09 AM
Hi guys, great thread, good to see some activity re the DB8000.

I have no problem opening the C*n*x channels with my Diablo/UW Cam on mine.

I'm using the PLi Jade image, with the options line as mentioned in modules .conf.


Interesting stuff - i had no opertunity to play with the DM8000 in the last day - stupid wind has screwed up all my dishes and i can not get a meter until saturday. The dish pointing at thor still appers to work, so ill pop pli in tomorrow and run a scan to see what happens.

are u running UW156 now or which version? - curious as i have even tried this in a Diablo Lite and Wifi with no darn luck.


20-01-2009, 09:14 AM
Hi shappaeye

I'm using UW 1.53 - went back to that one when I lost C*n*x on a later version.

Didn't work in a couple of other images I tried, or the original image.


21-01-2009, 01:04 AM
Right oh,

Well i gave up on the Diablo for now, ill try at the weekend once i get all my dishes aligned.
I poped in the new .07 black hole. the process was crap easy. -
Download the image, ftp it to the MB_Images on the DM8000, and then use the remote control to use Barry Allen to install the image. then enigma restarts.

Now before we cut over -
FTP back to the DM8000, copy these local so we upload them again to the new Image

Now get DreamboxEdit and download all you Bouquets locally also

Now - Then just select the Barry Allen again, and select to boot from 07. Once in .07 use the Green Button and install CCcam again, and then FTP back the files and use Dreamedit to upload the Bouquets so that all is where you need it.

- Now - that Canal stuff. I went out to the redlight district and picked up a strager, and offered her my C: if they showed me what they had :Angel_anim:

Well 20 mins later, i was clearing Canal Film and a bunch more, that was at 12noon, but tonight when i try, their stuff just sends CCcam listing off lines and lines of errors, so i dont think that relationship will last to long... I tired, and i learned. I need to share with nice people not strangers - right ?

ok - bed time.

21-01-2009, 11:57 AM
Hi Shappaeye, thanks for perservering with the DM8000 and all od us learners who are scrambling to keep up.

First of all Diablo now working on BH 0.7 using the module.conf tweak. The bit of detail for me was that it needs to be installed on a new line with a line number (in my case that is 07 (not a #)
I also added line 8 with nothing in it - significant or not don't know but I tried this fella before with no luck. Either way Conax is loud and clear including all HD channels - success. I am going to go back and try this with the Gemini image , we'll see !!

Secondly you mentioned you would educate us on how to get the sly EPG to work on BH. I await your pearls of wisdom.

Thirdly struggling with sly card in DM8000 - have not yet received my Smartgo but lots of stuff on the NabSat forum about getting both readers to work on SKY but not with CCCam - looks like GBOX but it certainly isn't working for me unless I am missing something which the experts take for granted.

Fourthly a question that I think I know the answer to but a strange phenomenon.

If I use the blue panel and select CCcam 2.0.11 with my Sly card in the Diablo it works no problem ! Also same without the Sly card on 1W Conac. Cam set to CCCam 2.0.11 and I get all the Conax stuff too.

My hunch is its to do with the module.conf edit.

Waht do you think ???????

21-01-2009, 02:11 PM

I am afraid though that the CAM options are limited - on my DM500 i can set different CAMs per provider, etc. and i dont see to be able to do this on Niablo [or Enigma2 from what i can see so far], which sucks, as the

..... im going to see if i can locate the home of the niablo people and bug them abit on my to 'problems'

But - on the good side. I have a full EPG from Sky!! - ill explain that trick niablo has later on ;)

Well done on your testing and reports :respect-040:

Development takes time...you cannot get it all at once.
BTW, the image is Nabilosat Black Hole, aka Nabilo, aka BH, aka Black Hole, not aka Niablo :D

Have fun with your DM8000

21-01-2009, 02:16 PM
Now get DreamboxEdit and download all you Bouquets locally also

Now - Then just select the Barry Allen again, and select to boot from 07. Once in .07 use the Green Button and install CCcam again, and then FTP back the files and use Dreamedit to upload the Bouquets so that all is where you need it.

Starting from v4.6.60, Barry Allen can also install your settings, provided a backup is available on your media's.
Then, you only have to complete the A/V setup and the image is ready to go. You can also backup and restore settings with the Backup/Restore plugin which is included by defaul to the image. Choose to back up Enigma2 and network. Then you can restore.

21-01-2009, 09:57 PM
Sounds like CCcam is starting and reading the Diablo module, and adding its services to the CCcam network, thats neat, I was doubting that may happen, I will flash to CAM to 157 and try CCcam in Debug mode to confirm your theory, but I really like the way it sounds.

Thanks for the update on Barry Allen, that sounds like a very nice feature, I did not realise, i will read the readme files and share the process with the board.

This is the promised steps for EGP on SKY via Niablo - this works a treat, and with the new functions on Nabilo .7 make things more interesting.

SKY UK EPG with Nabilosat

Sky have thier EPG in a format starting to become a new standard, up till now we have heard of Media Highway [MWH], which is the old standard for EPG, and see on channels like DigiTV. Sky uses OpenEPG, and this is normally sent down a specific transponder; so 1/2 the battle is finding the transponder.

For the UK its HIP HOP [frequency 11778, symbol rate 27500.
] radio station, so we will setup Nabilo to trigger OpenEPG fucntions if we set the channel as HIP HOP Radio. - pretty simple stuff.

Ok - stop the waffle and share the action - Set up First.....

First a decision. If you use Dreambox Edit - this i suggest you add HIP HOP Raido to one of your easy get TV boquetes so you can use the remote easy to get updates. there is about 8 days data in the stream

If you dont care to use dreambox edit the this will work - Enable Alternative Radio mode

Press MENU, and browse to SETUP>SYSTEM>CUSTOMIZE and set Alternative Radio mode to YES. This procedure will give you the option to zap through radio channels in radio mode, and have the full MENU active like in TV mode


Configure for Download

Press the Blue button to access to Nabilosat Blue Panel

Pess it again to open the Nabilosat E2 settings. Move the cursor to Nabilo E2 EPG, and press OK

The Nabilo E2 EPG Settings panel will open

Press the red button to modify settings.
* You should Enable the OpenEPGloader
* Select the path where to save the EPG
* Select the Hip Hop radio channel
* Press the red button again to save your settings.

Enigma2 will be restarted!!!

Once Enigma2 has restarted
* Change to HIP Hop Radio Channel
* Press the Blue button to access to Nabilosat Blue Panel
* Pess it again to open the Nabilosat E2 settings.
* Move the cursor to Nabilo E2 EPG, and press OK
* Press the yellow button. The channel list will popup.
* Press the green button to update the list of channels available * Now - back in the list, With the keys left/right set each channel to YES if you wish to download its EPG, or to NO if you wish to exclude it. Scroll up/down with the keys up/down.


Thats it Dreamers! you are all set.

Change away from Hip Hop, to some other channel, then Change back to Hip Hop. Wait 10 seconds and the new list will populate.
I needed to reboot the first time for the Cache to work on all the channels after the download completed; and then change to Hip Hop every few days. you can automate that in the EPG Settings menu if you prefer ;)

This is what youll be seeing....

Wait for the countdown to be over.


EPG is stored in the normal enigma cache so all epg modules should appericate this :)

Shappa Out!

22-01-2009, 12:18 PM
Hi Shappa, thanks for the update and great progress. The Sly EPG looks brilliant !

For the time being I have reverted to Gemini 4 and can confirm (as asserted by SONIC1 based on his experience with the DM800) that MgCamd 1.31 with NewCS 1.62 works on both internal slots (on Sly NDS) of the DM8000.

Question - does MgCamd 1.31 with NewCS 1.62 auto update ??????

Incidentally the Diablo is also working with Gemini 4.

So my next challenge is to find a solution for CS on my own network.

A second question - can I set up one of my PCs as a CS server or should I just use the DM8000 ?

Will DM8000 CCCam work with the Smartgo card reader I wonder - not arrived yet.

I also have a TM6900HD super combo which allegedly is patchable for CS (it already had the darkman patch on it so maybe it is patched for CS already ???). How can I tell I wonder. If I could CS between the DM8000 and the TM6900 HD that would be great ! Even better if I could CS with my Sly HD box as well ?

Would welcome thoughts on this ?

Meanwhile the Sly EPG beckons !!!!

Thanks once again ! Over and out !

22-01-2009, 01:17 PM
Hi carrpet
Yes MgCamd 1.31 with NewCS 1.62 will auto update, it does on my BigitalB card.

22-01-2009, 07:33 PM
Gerry, which image ru using ?

22-01-2009, 10:31 PM
Hi carrpet
I`m using the latest Pli

23-01-2009, 09:13 AM
Gerry, what are the advantages of the Jade pli images ?

23-01-2009, 11:10 AM
For the time being I have reverted to Gemini 4 and can confirm (as asserted by SONIC1 based on his experience with the DM800) that MgCamd 1.31 with NewCS 1.62 works on both internal slots (on Sly NDS) of the DM8000.

Question - does MgCamd 1.31 with NewCS 1.62 auto update ??????

Yes - that combination dose support updates -
you could also try CCcam with NewCS 1.62 - that should also work fine, since NewCS is handeling the card for you. - ill try that on .07 and see how that works out. [Note NewCS 1.65 is also out.

Incidentally the Diablo is also working with Gemini 4.

So my next challenge is to find a solution for CS on my own network.

A second question - can I set up one of my PCs as a CS server or should I just use the DM8000 ?

Will DM8000 CCCam work with the Smartgo card reader I wonder - not arrived yet.

You can run the Cardserver on any box, if you want cccam then it need to be linux, and the smartgo usb will make it easy to do. you can use windows for things like gbox.

If newcs is ok with the card in the 8000 then i think i would leave it there, the only issue is we play alot with this box, so if other systems are dependant on that box, [ie wife is watching the soaps that need the card] and we were twesaking then she may be ****ed.

Im going to leave my card in the DM500 for now, as thats 'her' box when im ****ing with the 8000, otherwise the 8000 is the pri box

I also have a TM6900HD super combo which allegedly is patchable for CS (it already had the darkman patch on it so maybe it is patched for CS already ???). How can I tell I wonder. If I could CS between the DM8000 and the TM6900 HD that would be great ! Even better if I could CS with my Sly HD box as well ?

Would welcome thoughts on this ?

Meanwhile the Sly EPG beckons !!!!

Thanks once again ! Over and out !

I dont know much about these none -linux boxes, but the story should be the same, the box has an IP, so add that boxes CCcam C: and F: lines.

C: = client to take card from your cardserver [8000/pc/etc]
f: = im the server, and you can be the client.

so i this - set the F: and assign the 8000s ip to be client,
restart cccam on the 6900, and on the 8000 add the matching c:

then stick in the card in the 6900, and the 8000 should get a message to say that its getting new cards to read - the simplest way is to use the web server on cccam. its http:\\ip-of-machines:16001\

if the web is running on the 6900, then you can see exactly what it will do for you, otherwise connect to the 8000s web and see what the 6900 is sharing back :)

thats it m8

23-01-2009, 05:57 PM
Hi Shappa, thanks for that !

I have not been able to get SLY card away with any combination which includes CCCam as yet including Newcs 1.62 and 1.65

Also the Gemini site has an mgcam 1.31 and NewCS 1.62 download. The BH site only offers MGCam 1.30 in various guises plus NewCS 1.62 and as yet no go at all. So Gemini is the only image I have managed to get the internal card readers working with SLY - although I do have this strange phenomenon of being able to run CCCam with my Sly card in the Diablo card reader.

On the Nab site there is talk of a working combination of CCCam 1.0.5 with Newcs 1.62. However the files for CCCam 1.05 are not in a form that I know how to install as an addon. Could do with some help here. I tried to use DCC to ftp them into the correct folders etc but the image did not offer me 1.05 on the blue panel so no go.

23-01-2009, 06:01 PM
Can I use Barry Allen latest version to back up an addon such as a CCCam in one image eg Gemini and restore it into another eg BH, or as I suspect are the backups image and version dedicated ?

Also I would like to install the Nab Sly EPG via Hipop into Gemini but not sure where to start and can't find the download on the Nab forum.

23-01-2009, 06:04 PM
One final thing. From what I have seen the Sly card is safe from overcooking and scrambling as long as you keep away from early versions of Newcs

23-01-2009, 06:06 PM
All the info you need is in this thread.


25-01-2009, 09:35 AM
Hi Shappeye, thanks for all your work and help !

First of all the good news

With the help of canthackit and Sonic1 I now have CCCam (2.0.5 / 1.62)working (NDS) on the bottom internal slot of the DM8000 on both the BH 0.6 and 0.7 images. I will try again with Gemini 4 not I know what I'm doing !!!!! I have not tried any CS yet, I have to run before I can walk.

The not so good news

SLY epg,

I am not sure what its supposed to look like but on

Button 2 - single epg you get a list (a weeks worth) of what's coming up in a vertical column.

Button 3 - multi epg just a table which is empty.

Is this because the devlopment hasn't got to multi epg capability yet or have I got more to learn / done something wrong ?

Also I have the same problem that you have in as much as Mrs Carrpet loves the SLY HD+ box - she can work it, record and play back from it etc etc. So getting the card out of there is a real challenge. Is there a way of keeping the Box going somhow via CS with the DM8000 ?

Would appreciate your views !!

25-01-2009, 10:07 AM
SLY epg,

I am not sure what its supposed to look like but on

Button 2 - single epg you get a list (a weeks worth) of what's coming up in a vertical column.

Button 3 - multi epg just a table which is empty.

Is this because the devlopment hasn't got to multi epg capability yet or have I got more to learn / done something wrong ?

Would appreciate your views !!

I believe you did not setup any bouquets in your settings. You must create some bouquets first. That is the way Multi EPG is working.

25-01-2009, 12:03 PM
Thanks Deep Diver, can you point me in the right direction to set up multiple bouquets. Thanks.

30-01-2009, 12:19 AM
SKY UK EPG with Nabilosat

Sky have thier EPG .....

For the UK its HIP HOP [frequency 11778, symbol rate 27500.]

Is the EPG transmitted on any other frequency?? - That beam is 2D north , can't get it here! (about 2.5k miles south of the UK)

31-01-2009, 06:05 PM
OK - answered my own question...
EPG transmitted on:-
11740, 11778, 12207

31-01-2009, 09:57 PM
What a busy bloddy week,

Have not had time to scratch never mind play with the 8000, but lots of new stuff waiting to be investigated tonight/tommorrow before i get locked into more grief....

So - first off, i have been having all sorts of grief with HD channels, and have got to belive that the root of the evil is the Naiblo .07 runs correctly only when in RAM, [i think due to the DM drivers - loaded from the image in RAM, and thier disapproval of the Barry Allen fiasco with clones].

OK - So, I do like Naiblo, but the long press blue crap is not working well with my Avatrix and IR distribution [Xantech] solution, so i need a way to get the PIP feature added to maybe the Yellow button, that means i need to play with some XML files, just which ones....

Y'all remember that ***y looking ruDreams image, well i have not been able to get this, [shame - ill keep looking] but the boys in Naiblo are pulling this together:
:respect-054: http://rs547.rapidshare.com/files/192108116/hd_glass.zip (http://rs547.rapidshare.com/files/192108116/hd_glass.zip)

The other interesting thing that i plan to check out is the LT image finally for the 8000; it would be neat to get rid of SageTV for watching my MKV files, and have full MediaCenter functions on the dreambox


31-01-2009, 10:05 PM
What a busy bloddy week,

Have not had time to scratch never mind play with the 8000, but lots of new stuff waiting to be investigated tonight/tommorrow before i get locked into more grief....

So - first off, i have been having all sorts of grief with HD channels, and have got to belive that the root of the evil is the Naiblo .07 runs correctly only when in RAM, [i think due to the DM drivers - loaded from the image in RAM, and thier disapproval of the Barry Allen fiasco with clones].

Regardless of disapproval, if you use BA, then you must have an image installed to flash whose drivers are not older than the image in multiboot.
If the drivers of the image in multiboot are older than those in flash, the image will not work properly.

OK - So, I do like Naiblo, but the long press blue crap is not working well with my Avatrix and IR distribution [Xantech] solution, so i need a way to get the PIP feature added to maybe the Yellow button, that means i need to play with some XML files, just which ones....


Easier to change remote.

31-01-2009, 11:24 PM
Thanks for that. I see the drivers date on LT is newer again than Nabilo 0.7. What i am not sure about is the second stage loaded

dm7025 61
dm800 70-r1
dm8000 70-r1

Is R1 newer that pure 70 loader? I guess it must be; but installing this - would that have and effect on all the other images.

I think its fair to assume also, that once i load a new flash image, it disabled barry allen, until such time is i reinstall it on the image installed in Flash.

As for the remote, thanks for the pointer for the correct XML, and your right i have a pronto sitting in the desk drawer, and it would be far better than the pile of remote controles i have sitting here.


01-02-2009, 06:38 AM
Thanks for that. I see the drivers date on LT is newer again than Nabilo 0.7. What i am not sure about is the second stage loaded

dm7025 61
dm800 70-r1
dm8000 70-r1

Is R1 newer that pure 70 loader? I guess it must be; but installing this - would that have and effect on all the other images.

I think its fair to assume also, that once i load a new flash image, it disabled barry allen, until such time is i reinstall it on the image installed in Flash.

As for the remote, thanks for the pointer for the correct XML, and your right i have a pronto sitting in the desk drawer, and it would be far better than the pile of remote controles i have sitting here.


Drivers are newer because the image has been released after. It depends on when DMM releases sets of new drivers and when the image is compiled.
As far as the secondstage goes, yes, 70r1 is newer than 70.
You can install them both to the flash image, and any image installed to multiboot will benefit from them, as they are loaded during boot.
Else, you can always install them to any image in flash which is not including them.

04-02-2009, 11:45 PM

Tried the LT Image, and it lasted about 2 hours before i decided that was not going to work for me. I do like the skin idea, it certainly looks pretty cool, even the boot up process, but all the options are Hidden under different button sequences, and i have grown to like Naiblo.

So - i tried the HD Glass skin, and thats a major step forward, but it needs a lot more polish, I would be tempted to play myself on that on in a few weeks if there is not real progress; to damn busy at the moment to do that. but - all said - ill be using this skin as my prefered one for the near furture anyway.

Those of you with Cable cards, if you have issues scanning, and not finding any channels, then check what the symbol rate is been used by your provider, I needed to use 6887 for mine to find anything.

Now - has anyone looked at the Media Center e2 module?
I installed it today and changed to the default HD Skin, not very cool, but the software has the basics. The killer feature for me is the support for MKV files. I have a load of these, and it works just as good as my Sage tv system with 1 limitation so far. Only supports files encouded up to 720p, any higher and its just dont work. sad thing is that the dev work looks to have stopped and there is just so much more that can be done.

xbmc ported to E2 would be unreal.

I got all my dishes re-alligned, and added quad port lnbs to each dish [28e,19e,13e + 1w] along with 2 x 4 port Disque switches to feed each of the s2 cards in the 8000. But i have crap where from time to time tuning fails, until i swtich channels 8 or 10 times on different birds, before everything comes back online. i guessing that the first disque switch is bolloxed, so ill swap the feeds to the 8000 round and see if the issue moves to tuner b...


07-02-2009, 12:54 AM
My Toy aint working!

I can power it up, and hold a button to start the web interface to flash it with a new image. But it just stalls in the boot process..

no matter what i use, expermential, Ooozone, Naiblo, etc the boot will start and the LCD will display Dream Mulitmedia with a progress bar, which makes its way to under the 'R' in in dream, and then stalls there forever....

I have powered down for 24 hours [ouch] and still nothing,

WHAT IS WRONG with my baby.

07-02-2009, 01:55 AM
I have sympathy for you m8 and hope you get it sorted.
I thought I done my box in earlier.. I had a green screen and a message about an error and then it went dead, I switched it off and brought up the stop on the LCD and re flashed the box with another image and then flashed again with blackhole 0.07 and so far it is ok again.
But it did frighten me.

07-02-2009, 02:18 AM
My Toy aint working!

I can power it up, and hold a button to start the web interface to flash it with a new image. But it just stalls in the boot process..

no matter what i use, expermential, Ooozone, Naiblo, etc the boot will start and the LCD will display Dream Mulitmedia with a progress bar, which makes its way to under the 'R' in in dream, and then stalls there forever....

I have powered down for 24 hours [ouch] and still nothing,

WHAT IS WRONG with my baby.

mine got stuck the other day cos i was messing around with skins via dcc and it kept rebooting over and over, i had to turn it off launch dreamup turn it on and re flash with bh0.7 to sort it out using null modem + network connection !!!

07-02-2009, 07:27 AM
My Toy aint working!

I can power it up, and hold a button to start the web interface to flash it with a new image. But it just stalls in the boot process..

no matter what i use, expermential, Ooozone, Naiblo, etc the boot will start and the LCD will display Dream Mulitmedia with a progress bar, which makes its way to under the 'R' in in dream, and then stalls there forever....

I have powered down for 24 hours [ouch] and still nothing,

WHAT IS WRONG with my baby.

Flash it again using DreamUP and a serial cable. Do not use the LAN option with DreamUP or webinterface, only with serial cable in this occasion.
And....be patient...it will take more than 1 hour :)

09-02-2009, 11:40 AM
Yep - Thanks DeepDiver.

The Serial Cable was to fix, had to try twice, as the first time i had left the computer doing the update only for Windows Update to kindly reboot the computer some point during the flashing. Cant say that impressed me much, so that policy is certainly changed now.

the second time went smoothly, and everything is back as it should be. Still get some of these Tuning Failed messages but its not as common as i previously had.

Thanks for everyones support.

11-02-2009, 11:53 PM
Getting ANY of these files is a right PITA, circular links/chinese sites - is it out of order to put them up here??

12-02-2009, 05:25 PM
we have a public upload section for files for non-vip members to use

and no more cable discussions please , read the rules here on those issues

and no requests for dealer information , we have a board sponsor here and so we should respect that fact

thanks all for reading this

if your post has disappeared , now you know why ;)

12-02-2009, 05:48 PM
Yep - Thanks DeepDiver. The Serial Cable was to fix, had to try twice, as the first time i had left the computer doing the update only for Windows Update to kindly reboot the computer some point during the flashing. Cant say that impressed me much, so that policy is certainly changed now. the second time went smoothly, and everything is back as it should be. Still get some of these Tuning Failed messages but its not as common as i previously had. Thanks for everyones support.

Amazing really and ironic that the 8000 and its purchase price still need to be rescued by a cable that cost less than €4, in fact is supplied free with a lot of receivers.......... and way back in 2004 many of us here were rescuing our model 7000's with the same!

Ah, the speed and cost of progress!!

Glad to see that you are assisting well with this topic and thanks for that.

Best wishes. 31990

16-02-2009, 11:40 PM
Hey Guys,

Not getting much time to post this weather, the day job is extra busy, so time to play is pretty limited.

I do have a DM8000 Problem, with Tuning Failed, and service breakup, its been annoying me for a while, so i have done more testing, The problem appears to be DM8000 specific.

I have the following configuration:
1 - Disque Connection to 4-Way Switch - A:28.2E B:13E C:0.8W D:19E
1 - Disque Connection to 4-Way Switch - A:28.2E B:13E C:0.8W D:19E
1 - Direct A:28.2E
1 - Direct A:28.2E

3 Devices:
1 - SatSeeker Meter
1 - DM500
1 - DM8000

Test Cases -
1 - Direct A:28.2E = SatSeeker 89% Signal Strenght, DM500 89% Signal Strength, DM8000 63% Signal Strenght [16% Loss]
1 - Disque Connection = SatSeeker A:28.2E 88% Signal Strenght, DM500 A:28.2E 88% Signal Strength, DM8000 A:28.2E 62% Signal Strenght [16% Loss]
1 - Disque Connection = SatSeeker C:0.8W 46% Signal Strenght, DM500 C:0.8W 46% Signal Strength, DM8000 C:0.8W 39% Signal Strenght [7% Loss]

So this test is indicating a major drop on the single when hooked to the 8000 that is not visable on the satseeker Elite TV or the DM500. I am running bootloader #70 and tried CSV and Naiblo, both of course give then same signal levels. - BER is 0 most of the time on the 8000, but i do get random moasiac on almost all channels in the 8000. Note the tests are all carried out on the same transponder, but switching to channels such as Living will drastically drop the signal strength on the 8000 to a point the channel is unwatachable. This issue is effecting ecm/emm also.

Am i alone? or is there a know fix/issue?

I can also provide you remote SSH/Telnet access to the 8000, or load up different test images if you need for debugging.

17-02-2009, 12:23 AM
2 suggestions I can make

1. for your tune failed, as far as your diseqc switches go, apply a diseqc repeat to all sats on the switches, this cured the 'tune failed' problem for me.

2. have you installed the latest stable DVB drivers the latest of which are from 07/02 and seem to be the most stable currently.

Also the latest bootloader is 71-r.

I don't think we can trust 100% E2s signal meters either.

17-02-2009, 05:26 PM
Thanks Dubious,

I have just the stock Nabilo 0.7 in flash currently. I see the new thread on this, going to give that a swing

I also opened a case with Dream to see what they have to suggest. I thought it may be the diseqc switches, as i just got them recently - Best 4x1 Discqe, and this are mounted up the tower to reduce the number of coax heading back to the house [15 meters run]


19-02-2009, 11:56 PM
Well, the guys from Dream have replied, and the message is bleak. they have not observed this issue, and want my baby back for open heart surgery :(

So, Im in dialogue to understand if warrenty will cover, and the collection process, but my baby is going back to its maker.

Its sort of curious, but my stupid Boot Bug just came back last night, and i was getting ready to serial link it, but now ill be boxing it instead...

Back to my reliable DM500 for a few more weeks i fear.

sad Shappa

20-02-2009, 12:03 AM
The DM800 suffers from tuner failed messages, and both out the same stable it seems. :beatdeadhorse5:

21-02-2009, 06:30 PM

We just spent a few hours with the satmeter, the dm500 and the 8000 checking signal levels, and its 100% that there is at least 20% drop on the tuners in the 8000. you can see it even wathcing channels, where there is random break up in the picture.

Nice to know that the box also decided to crash on boot again, so i am not going to get the serial cable this time, instead its into its static bag, and box, and off she goes for germany....

the suggest 2-3 weeks for this one :(


23-02-2009, 06:05 AM
On the other hand,my 8000`s tuners work very good especially for fringe reception.On my 2.4 mtr dish for 28.2 i receive channels that i wasnt able to receive until now with other receivers.Same goes for my 1.8 tuned on Astra 19 east.Regardless what my sat meter (FTE Maximal Evo) says, dm8000 is able to lock the channels and show them,even if the BER value goes crazy sometimes.

03-03-2009, 02:38 PM
hi all,

at the moment i have in my possession one of the first DB8000 (has DVD hdd double tuner etc..) which i thought would be easy to configure having owned its younger and smaller HD box. but how wrong i was ....

i have read this thead from the first post and for three or four times. this box is either faulty or i'm doing something terribly wrong. i'm trying (now my 20th time) to update but with no hint of success the latest nabilo image (or any of the latest images for that matter). this is were i'm getting stuck...

i'm at the internet browser page (http://my IP found on DB's display after holding the lower of two buttons next to display) and choosing the image i want to update to ... when i press flash the browser starts but after about a minute and the lower browser indicates three or so bars i get 'the internet explorer cannot display this page'

i also tried to update thru the serial port but when i press connect on the dreamup and switch on the box there's no response on the PC.
i'm able to download plugins, but in the network test i get an unconfirmed integrated network!!

any help would be appreciated

03-03-2009, 09:33 PM
Tried all the above. Eventually direct network link to PC & serial cable - that worked - no need for crossover cable.
When u switch on DM, hold bottom button down, get IP address, switch off DM, disconnect ALL cables, run dreamup and proceed.

05-03-2009, 08:33 PM
Your other option, is to install the newest dreamup software on your laptop/computer. and copy down an image to use. Then remove the network cable from BOTH devices [you dont need to do that, but it will ensure you are not doing any LAN communciations.

1) Get a Null Modem serial cable (- important that you have a null modem cable otherwise it will not connect).
2) Now connect the cable to both the computer and the dreambox and start the dreamup software
3) Click Connect, and Dreamup will say its preping, and to switch on dreambox.
4) Switch on dreambox, and Dreamup show see this instantly and start pushing a flash loader to the 8000. If this does not happen - then you have an incorrect serial cable.
5) If all is ready - click Flash, you will be prompted for the image file, (end as .nbi i think from memory) and click Ok
6) Flashing will start, takes about 77 minutes to flash a 50Mb image to the 8000.

Make sure that the computer does not power down, or anything during this time, or it can mess up the dreambox, and making repeating this cycle a lot more painful. ie. dreamup will report all sorts of errors and issues.

This is the FAIL SAFE method of flashing the box. slow BUT works

05-03-2009, 08:38 PM
I tried the above method, but dreamup stalled on the checksum (waited over 3 hours)!

05-03-2009, 09:04 PM
2 suggestions I can make

1. for your tune failed, as far as your diseqc switches go, apply a diseqc repeat to all sats on the switches

Can you describe how to do this?

I have 'tune failed' messages on tuner A. Tuner B works fine btw, so it's more logic to say that tuner A is broke.
DreamMultimedia wants my 8000 back for surgery too, they think that the part in tuner A which controls the disecq
ist kaputt.

05-03-2009, 10:29 PM
From the tuner setup menu m8

06-03-2009, 02:06 AM
From the tuner setup menu m8

Thnx, this helps. No more tune failed.

Altough one repeat wasn't enough, i must fill in "two".

What could this mean? Tuner A not 100% or bug in Enigma2? It stays odd that
tuner B works perfect without having to add Diseqc repeats.

06-03-2009, 10:14 AM
Well, I did read somewhere that some 'cheaper' diseqc switches don't handle true sinusoidal wave forms very well, lol. That's way over my head, i'm more the practical type, I do use Spaun diseqc switches which are supposedly the best you can buy and I have recently removed the repeats and everything seems ok with latest images.

I use Oozoon experimental in flash with BH 0.9 on usb.

14-04-2009, 11:15 PM
I tried the above method, but dreamup stalled on the checksum (waited over 3 hours)!

I have the same problem.Every time i'm trying to upload an image with dreamup it stops at "calculating checksum"
Any suggestions?

22-04-2009, 11:45 AM
I have the same problem.Every time i'm trying to upload an image with dreamup it stops at "calculating checksum"
Any suggestions?

yes mate you have the same problem i started with ... no newtork connection (if you look at the back of the 8000 where the cable coming from the router is, you should see blinking yellowish light for network connection)

i solved the problem using a laptop and dreamup (don't know if by chance but it was ok from then on).
bought a usb to rs232 adapter cable and connected to the null cable modem cable did the work

hope you fix it if you haven't already done that

22-04-2009, 12:23 PM
I have the same problem.Every time i'm trying to upload an image with dreamup it stops at "calculating checksum"
Any suggestions?

I had the same problem, i found that my router caused the problem so i plugged the LAN directly into my pc to the dreambox and that seemed to sort the problem.