View Full Version : Technomate 6900 behaving strange

14-01-2009, 10:25 PM
Hi Guys Not a big problem but wondering if anyone else is encountering this. when trying to add LA Babes 11488.00 V 27500 on 28.5e

It doesnt give me a signal when am adding it in advanced search. But if i go to motorized settings and move the dish sliglty right or left if gives a signal i then save the sats position and go to advanced search and go back to the transponder and its no signal again. it also caused the box to show the menue in some other lauguage spanish i think but when i came back out of the menu and went back in it was back in english. I know its nothing to do with the amount of transponders i have saved as i am able to add other transponders no problem its just this transponder causing the problem anyone else having the same issue or is my box just playing silly bug gars am not that bothered about having that channel just finding the boxes behavior strange

15-01-2009, 09:26 AM
Hello SAUS04,

LA Babes isn't worth watching, unless you like poor resolution fuzzy looking girls from the USA. :)
That channel is working ok for me; I have the 6900 HD Combo Super.
You may have made a typo, but you know the location of Astra2/Eurobird1 is 28.2 E not 28.5 E? I don't use a motorised system but maybe you are misaligned on that satellite setting?


15-01-2009, 06:26 PM
Hello SAUS04,

LA Babes isn't worth watching, unless you like poor resolution fuzzy looking girls from the USA. :)
That channel is working ok for me; I have the 6900 HD Combo Super.
You may have made a typo, but you know the location of Astra2/Eurobird1 is 28.2 E not 28.5 E? I don't use a motorised system but maybe you are misaligned on that satellite setting?


Kingof sat has it as 28.5e sky digital use 28.5e and 28.2e both will be picked up by the same Sat you have installed on your sat list. Its just that Transponder thats am having that issue with. Its defo a reciever bug only reason i ask is if anyone else had came across it
Astra is 28.2E EuroBird is 28.5e Which is why its called Astra/Eurobird1
It probley be fine if i did a factory reset and reinstal my channel lists but its not worth the hassel to pick up that channel lol

15-01-2009, 10:33 PM
Hello SAUS,

Yes, 28.5 and 28.2 but I was just wondering if you should try aligning slightly differently in case that makes a difference. ie I was wondering if you had wider problems with Astra2/Eurobird1 that you hadn't yet noticed. It sounds not, anyway.

LA Babes is a new name for an existing channel, since the last day or so, so I don't know if you want to try (if you haven't) looking for the old channel, deleting it, then re-scanning the transponder. I forget the old name, but you could work it out and find it by looking at what you have stored on the receiver for that transponder. I've had a similar issue with this receiver once or twice regarding the channel InXTC, which got renamed, and I had to delete it and rescan the transponder to get the receiver to properly tune to it.
