View Full Version : HD digitalb channels hacked?

15-01-2009, 07:20 PM
I just have seen in another forum that HD channels of digitalb are hacked and soon they will be public.Is it true?

15-01-2009, 07:29 PM
I just have seen in another forum that HD channels of digitalb are hacked and soon they will be public.Is it true?

Which forum?

15-01-2009, 08:12 PM
Interesting M8 - but WHICH forum?:respect-048:

15-01-2009, 08:37 PM
should not think so cos it work like sly card for hd is married to the box hope it is though


15-01-2009, 08:51 PM
guys az hd box running mbox! the answer is yes!

15-01-2009, 09:17 PM
Hi JURG321,

Digtalb has been open for the last 6 months with
the (Diablo Cam) using the Underworld files.
The other Conax channels on Thor (0.8w) (Some say 1W) is
also open with Underworld files, has been for over a Year.
Never mist a Match with the Diablo Cam.


15-01-2009, 09:34 PM
I can't open Digtalb with my diablo cam, all others work ok, thor conax , hotbird etc with technomate 6900.

15-01-2009, 10:06 PM
I have tm 6800hd box with diablo cam,I cannot open digialb HD channels all else are ok,,,any reasons for this.:bravo-009:

15-01-2009, 10:14 PM
Hi rkbuttoo,

Digitalb sent out new cards before xmas, in efect the new cards
are married to the Digitalb STB box. Its to stop us opening thier HD Channels,
the thing is, its working. No chance of us opening the HD channels.
The SD channels are still OK.


15-01-2009, 10:44 PM
thats to bad the hd channels look good but you never now some day we hope

16-01-2009, 12:13 AM
i dont get how come the conax digitalb non hd channels are wide open but the hd ones aren't do they use another version of conax or something

as if the keys are known by underworld for the non hd channels then surely they would be able open the hd ones as well

being paired to the receiver wouldn't matter if they have totally broken the conax used on digitalb channels ?

16-01-2009, 01:26 AM
On Saturday 27December 2008, the codes have been:
Supersport HD1
CW0 :6c d7 00 43 ......................
CW1 :5b 5d d8 90.......................
CW0:5b dc f0 27................
CW1:75 24 ae 47...............

16-01-2009, 04:06 AM
That is the fooking great news m8! It looks genuine so looking forward to that.

16-01-2009, 06:17 AM
Sorry kink, but i think its just a matter of having 1 original card that havent been married,used to have 1 too but when it was time to expire and had to update my sub,i enabled the emm`s on it ...that was.Updated the sub and also lost the hd ones .. :)

16-01-2009, 10:14 AM
Sorry but a bit confused here - what with all the enthusiasm being shown - but does this provide any hope for my M2+ card opening 16E HD channels in my patched TM6900HD Super please?:confused:

16-01-2009, 10:06 PM
Sorry but a bit confused here - what with all the enthusiasm being shown - but does this provide any hope for my M2+ card opening 16E HD channels in my patched TM6900HD Super please?:confused:

Everytime, no matter the CAS, is same confusions when comes to card pairing ... Put simple, card pairing (software or hardware based) is a defence against CS for OFFICIAL cards only. It encrypts only the dialogue between card/cam, so you can't see what is real DW for ECM in use, and so can't broadcast the real DW to other clients to give them picture, until camcrypt algo is extracted from receiver firmware (increasingly in future will be harder than this soon with pairing keys hidden in CPU) and pairing keys from receiver and/or card. Its effect is on OFFICIAL cards only.

Diablo/M2 are making full emulation of the conax idents they have open ... ie algo plus keys. Camcrypting doesn't have to be any part of that emulation ... same as for kiosk ppv in past, event-id protocol was needed for an official card to work; it wasn't needed for a pirate emu. For pirate emu, you need algo/keys is all.

You don't have Dig Alb HD channels open on M2/diablo cos those channels are using a newer revision card than the SD channels which those marketing the keys have not dumped. That is only reason. If they had, DigAlb HD channels would work just easy as SD channels. If you know keys/algo card pairing is an irrelevance.

16-01-2009, 11:42 PM
Yep but judging by the pictures it looks as though (maybe) the new version of mbox has found a solution to the card/pairing for digitalb. Much the same as gbox found a way round nds card pairing a couple of years back.

17-01-2009, 01:40 AM
Yep but judging by the pictures it looks as though (maybe) the new version of mbox has found a solution to the card/pairing for digitalb. Much the same as gbox found a way round nds card pairing a couple of years back.

Check post by JURG321 above and check date on posted screenshot from MBox. I didn't look back to check, but seems to be suggesting on that date some Dig Alb HD channels were on fixed DW, hinted at by JURG321. Someone with unmarried card (like Snakie post suggested) before card due for sub renewal, could log those fixed DW. Those fixed DW would open those Dig Alb HD channels on ANY reciever or emu, not just MBox. And require zero knowledge of cas7 card pairing algo.

That's not to say, conax CAS7 card pairing algo won't be implemented on some recievers in the future. It will for sure. They didn't get as intricate with pairing there yet as they can, or some CAS are already along the road to doing. Even so, for many people, days of plug'n'play card sharing are drawing shorter. For CAS7 as current, user sharing card will require (even if pairing algo implemented) little more technical skill than in past to get his pairing keys from rec, even when all eventually ends up public or semi-public to explain how to do it. And it will in end.

But this is still only technically limited countermeasure to card sharing, a first stage to take out nice chunk of just totally 'un-techical' people who currently find it easy to cardshare. More serious solutions will be coming in next year/18 months from more and more CAS, and these will do the job much more properly. CS got too big, too public, too easy. Providers had to react. Finally, some are ... and others, if they want to keep market share, will have to follow. Hiding pairing keys and camcrypt algos in receiver firmwares as done up to now was never a serious countermeasure. Newer solutions will be much more serious and work much better for them. But I guess the public CS game has another 18 months or so before it finds itself in terminal decline.

17-01-2009, 12:22 PM
Yep but judging by the pictures it looks as though (maybe) the new version of mbox has found a solution to the card/pairing for digitalb. Much the same as gbox found a way round nds card pairing a couple of years back.
It seams so to me, too.
I consider other considerations in this forum as the same old considerations like: irdeto2, seca2, via2 cannot be hacked.
Being for some time in the sat scene, I know for sure that nothing can't be hacked.
Regarding CAS7/CAS5 discussion, I do not think that it has anything to do with pairing. I am not sure, but it seams that pairing is a totally different issue. An issue that can easily be resolved, as it quickly happened with gbox a few years back.
Too optimistic?

17-01-2009, 06:27 PM
I always look at the king of encryption and that being NDS. There pairing system has been compromised for a few years now and it's still working. So I would have thought that the conax system of pairing could well be implemented in a new update for mbox. We're not talking about a hack here but being able to use a subs card on any receiver which I believe should be able to do. Card pairing is just another way of a provider to force people to use their own receiver in this case a crappy kaon.

17-01-2009, 10:45 PM
the difference of 1 system to the other is that ndz pairing is done on card, and actually card is telling you to what receiver was married.
on conax side the pairing is done in the eprom of the receiver and the camcrypt algo is different.
2 different stories

17-01-2009, 10:56 PM
Not much EPL footy on digitalb these days !

17-01-2009, 11:47 PM
the difference of 1 system to the other is that ndz pairing is done on card, and actually card is telling you to what receiver was married.
on conax side the pairing is done in the eprom of the receiver and the camcrypt algo is different.
2 different stories

All grown men here know that "pairing" means TWO things doing something together.
Otherwise it would have been called mas....

18-01-2009, 11:23 AM
Pairing a card and S.T.B has got to be done on both card and box (in my humble opinion) there must be info somewhere on the card chip that tells the box the card is paired, in my mind some bright spark somewhere will solve this if it hasn't been solved already and is being kept quiet.

regards painter

21-01-2009, 12:29 PM
Reding on the Mbox developer forum _http://www.mbox.exyusat.com.
There is a new version of mbox in the works with gbox support and DigAlbHD support.

21-01-2009, 03:13 PM
Reding on the Mbox developer forum _http://www.mbox.exyusat.com.
There is a new version of mbox in the works with gbox support and DigAlbHD support.
this is not yet out. only rumours for now 1 month.

21-01-2009, 09:36 PM
Its not out yet but I wouldnt call the words of the developer of mbox romours.

22-01-2009, 08:22 PM
New mbox will have support for digitalb HD channels but will not read digitalb HD card,that mean if you have peers which have digitalb HD card in share you can watch from him with mbox but mbox will not read digitalb HD card in slot.


22-01-2009, 10:10 PM
That is implementation of CAS7 pairing algo, which will appear eventually on other stb/platforms. But like I posted earlier, and some don't listen cos always believe there will be easy solution, this require more from end user than first NDS style pairing. Each person want share a HD Dig Alb card must dump his OWN receiver and know where to look for pairing keys in dump. You don't just look up some serial number in box menu and type it in config file. With his own dumped unique pairing keys and pairing algo implemented in MBox, real DW can then be broadcast to clients and they can watch without problems.

And for those who post that pairing keys/algo must be on card as well as in box. Yes, of course, they are. But getting them out of card is same difficulty as total hacking card! It is 1000 times easier to get them from box ... in this system, for now, at least.

Like I posted, cas7 style pairing is next step up in pairing systems. It require 'average' user to do something more than just plug'n'play. He must be able to make his own box dump; he must know where to look for pairing keys in that dump. Eventually some can be told public or semi-public how to do it and where to find his keys. But provider have won some percentage dent in numbers that are sharing his cards. He lose the percentage for who that is all too complicated, even if/when all how to do that is public.

That is first stage, like I posted earlier, provider have cut the number of people who can't share his card just by getting rid of plug'n'play and requiring average user to do something more than type or copy/paste. One of the next stages that some CAS bring in is to hide pairing keys much, much better than that this. And for average user this will be very, very hard.

Message, as before, is enjoy next 12/18 months. The peak of public CS is now, not later.

22-01-2009, 10:21 PM
Dont be so bothered with what might come.Enjoy your life here and now.
Ive been on the sat scen for the last 10 years and there has allways been profets of dome around.If we are talking conax it is actually impossible that we are watching thoose channels.That was what the dome profets said when the m2 card stopped working.The new algo is impossible to hack.And nagra 2 dont even think about it it will never be hacked.

22-01-2009, 10:52 PM
Nagra TWO?:respect-050:

22-01-2009, 11:01 PM

I always look what happens now ... what happens now at each CAS in dev is what happens tomorrow publicly. I don't make no prophet of doom ... I tell average user same thing as you: enjoy what he have now in case of CS, cos tomorrow gets much harder looking at dev some CAS make now.

And no system any CAS create will be 'unhackable', this is true. But no CAS try to make it or believe it to be unhackable. These days most CAS lower their expectations ... they look for two years or so per card exchange, shorter than before. That's for full security/total dump shelf-life. Here, small group talented people dangerous to them ... take one man to dump card only, and sell it to 100,000 people.

With CS, it is not most CAS aim to be total unhackable either. But here for business the model is different. Small group of talented people not such a danger to CAS. Aim in protect against CS is to raise work 'average' user have to do himself. No matter where you hide pairing keys, every CAS know some talented person somewhere will get them out eventually. Question is only how hard you make it to get them out. Talented guy with right kit and much time will get his pairing keys and will be able to share via CS with some of his friends. Provider don't care about this. But here talented guy can't go round to house of 1,000 average users who want to share their cards and get pairing keys for each of them. Each one have to do it themselves. That is all changes which are coming with number of different CAS is about.

22-01-2009, 11:22 PM
New mbox will have support for digitalb HD channels but will not read digitalb HD card,that mean if you have peers which have digitalb HD card in share you can watch from him with mbox but mbox will not read digitalb HD card in slot.


Interesting. I am led to believe that any full subs card is a hd card. All it needs is pairing with an official kaon box. So what your saying is the only ones that will work are the cards that have been paired with kaon boxes, people who actually bought a kaon box. Therefore if thats the case there won't be many on on any CS share?

22-01-2009, 11:24 PM
New mbox will have support for digitalb HD channels but will not read digitalb HD card,that mean if you have peers which have digitalb HD card in share you can watch from him with mbox but mbox will not read digitalb HD card in slot.


its like mgcamd but you use a cardserver like newcs 1.65 to read the card so that shouldnt be a problem.

the problem is when is it going to be public ?

kind regards

23-01-2009, 12:07 AM
Interesting. I am led to believe that any full subs card is a hd card. All it needs is pairing with an official kaon box. So what your saying is the only ones that will work are the cards that have been paired with kaon boxes, people who actually bought a kaon box. Therefore if thats the case there won't be many on on any CS share?

You belive that all full cards are HD and say that thay need to be paired with kaon to be HD so thet mean that no one full dga card is not HD until is not paired with HD Kaon receiver.

its like mgcamd but you use a cardserver like newcs 1.65 to read the card so that shouldnt be a problem.

the problem is when is it going to be public ?

kind regards
I am talkin that mbox will not open those chanels standalone,it will need some cardserver to read them and give it ot him.
I not have idea about some non public cardservers but if thay are non public thay will probably stay like that.


23-01-2009, 12:16 AM
You belive that all full cards are HD and say that thay need to be paired with kaon to be HD so thet mean that no one full dga card is not HD until is not paired with HD Kaon receiver.

No idea m8. But my question is how do you get a hd card in the first place? Only when you have bought the Kaon receiver and the card with it? Thats what I thought? Is that right or wrong?

I mean its not like sly where u pay extra subs for the HD channels

23-01-2009, 12:28 AM
No idea m8. But my question is how do you get a hd card in the first place? Only when you have bought the Kaon receiver and the card with it? Thats what I thought? Is that right or wrong?

I mean its not like sly where u pay extra subs for the HD channels
Thats right,you need to have Kaon HD receiver and your card need to be paired with receiver and after that you can whatch dga HD channels.
After your card will be paired with Kaon HD that card will not work more in other receivers.


23-01-2009, 12:35 AM
I am talkin that mbox will not open those chanels standalone,it will need some cardserver to read them and give it ot him.I not have idea about some non public cardservers but if thay are non public thay will probably stay like that.


That sounds right ... anything other would require MBox to be able to read pairing keys from the card. Possible, but I didn't find a way yet.

However, right now, it is possible to dump pairing algo and pairing keys from a box. You make simple server then with pairing algo and your dumped pairing keys incorporated, decrypt camcrypted ecm at server end to regular non-camcrypted ecm user without a paired reciever gets and share DWs as normal. It requires the user doing the sharing to have dumped his pairing keys from his box and added them to a server with pairing algo incorporated.

23-01-2009, 07:21 AM
Well said oblomov :)

23-01-2009, 11:29 AM
Thats right,you need to have Kaon HD receiver and your card need to be paired with receiver and after that you can whatch dga HD channels.
After your card will be paired with Kaon HD that card will not work more in other receivers.


you think that by only pairing the card with their official stb all their HD channels will work on other cams ?

What emu will read and share the card ?
MBox from my understanding is only supporting client mode.
If only client mode then what emu and stb will support server mode?

23-01-2009, 03:10 PM
you think that by only pairing the card with their official stb all their HD channels will work on other cams ?

What emu will read and share the card ?
MBox from my understanding is only supporting client mode.
If only client mode then what emu and stb will support server mode?
I already answer in your firs question:
After your card will be paired with Kaon HD that card will not work more in other receivers.
Have a lot different rumors about how pairing working and I dont like to spekulate about wat emu or wat stb will support server mode.


23-01-2009, 06:52 PM
Hi Dedea - are you the Dedea who used to be on that OTHER forum M8?
If so we shared many an interesting conversation etc over there? Smashing bloke! :respect-055::respect-053:

23-01-2009, 09:15 PM
Yes m8,its me.Nice to see you here.


23-01-2009, 11:50 PM
Brilliant - my memories of you are that you probably helped me MORE than anyone else ANYWHERE - so patient, as you KNOW what a pain we dimwits can be M8? lol!!!
Nice to see YOU too - a message to ALL members, this bloke knows his stuff - really did wonder where he'd got to!:bravo-009::respect-040:

terry l
24-01-2009, 03:45 AM
dedea welcome m8,
thank's for all the help in the past nice to know you're around..

24-01-2009, 07:17 PM
To get the keys from the Hd digitalb box fist you need chip id actually should be sti 7109 not only the Card number and STB number .Cip id is extra chipset in the box who roll the keys.

This chip Id every box has one and should be paring with Card number and STB receiver number on the Server.

haw to find the chip ID numbers...very easy in the menu.

Some one has to read there the Keys to damp on eny EMU.

24-01-2009, 07:25 PM
I already answer in your firs question:
After your card will be paired with Kaon HD that card will not work more in other receivers.
Have a lot different rumors about how pairing working and I dont like to spekulate about wat emu or wat stb will support server mode.


The card will work more the one Receiver,but that have to be again KAON.That is the trick ,,i says before all Kaons STb has Chip ID ,thinks dont have 99% of other STB....

Even if some one do Their chip Id numbers are not in Conax and Digitalb Server....that's the problem....to damp a coppy Chip id number to another SB is big job taking the flash off and read and coppy and damp not very easy at all. the other on you need a Card...for it.

24-01-2009, 07:31 PM
and about MBOX with HD Digitalb channels thats not true is MBOX doing that...MBOX is Receiving like client ....No one know anythink of other box,i mean the Server !!!!!

can be anythink

You and ME mox
Kaon ...
haw can be if some try to modifity the KAON STB ,,,do not forget that has Lan conetion on the back to....

I will beleve when i see the server not the client.I mean who read the Original HD card Paring.

Pictures like that can be even take of even when generator CW keys of Digitalb operator, dont work to digitalb for 3-4 hours ,,,Thats happent to many time we have CW public..

Bye bye

24-01-2009, 08:20 PM
The card will work more the one Receiver
If that what I say is wrong you can aprove that with name of some receiver where Digitalb HD paired card will work and we can test that in other way that what you say is just rumors.In public forums we talking about public things and nonpublic thing not exist for me because we not have that .

I will beleve when i see the server not the client.I mean who read the Original HD card Paring.
Bye bye
I dont think you can see that server soon, but if something work like client probably will not work without server.


25-01-2009, 03:10 AM
If that what I say is wrong you can aprove that with name of some receiver where Digitalb HD paired card will work and we can test that in other way that what you say is just rumors.In public forums we talking about public things and nonpublic thing not exist for me because we not have that .

I dont think you can see that server soon, but if something work like client probably will not work without server.


dear Dedea ...

If your Read Carfully

Boths your answer are in My post..fist and second .

1...I says - KAON STB .Thats mean 1 card will work more the one STB ,but that will be only Kaon read please..in my fist post

I dont need to show you nothink i can activate 1000 of them.
if you need diferent STB read again is very very hard a long JOB for no Reason ...

2. I dint says what is showing there is true...is suposing mean Server or Clinet doest matter ...can be even clients or can be a damy nothink, is just showing CW can even be Publick . READ again in second my Post all this carfully..to understend the real meaning.

Is no way i can be repetitive to my self when all there is clear in fist and second post.

i think you unpatince to unswer and dont read the post is not very acurate.
#I suggest you to read again...have a nice day or nite:respect-055:

25-01-2009, 01:09 PM
I dont think that you even understand about what we are talking here.I think that you just try to be smart.
Every kids know that digitalb paired card can be paried with other digitalb Kaon receivers but I dont think that somebody is so stupid to do that except in the case that receiver is brocken so he will need new Kaon receiver.
Maybe is hard work and with no reason like you say to make paired card to work in different STB but I will like to have that even if is hard work.

In second part of my post I just answer in your post :
"I will beleve when i see the server not the client.I mean who read the Original HD card Paring"
I thing that everybody who have basic knowledge know that if client work probably somwhere must be some server frome where that client is connected.
Or maybe you write that post in houp that somebody will upload some emu here and say:
"Here is the server emu,do you belive me now"


25-01-2009, 10:13 PM
I dont think that you even understand about what we are talking here.I think that you just try to be smart.
Every kids know that digitalb paired card can be paried with other digitalb Kaon receivers but I dont think that somebody is so stupid to do that except in the case that receiver is brocken so he will need new Kaon receiver.
Maybe is hard work and with no reason like you say to make paired card to work in different STB but I will like to have that even if is hard work.

In second part of my post I just answer in your post :
"I will beleve when i see the server not the client.I mean who read the Original HD card Paring"
I thing that everybody who have basic knowledge know that if client work probably somwhere must be some server frome where that client is connected.
Or maybe you write that post in houp that somebody will upload some emu here and say:
"Here is the server emu,do you belive me now"


dedea is no way
disscusing with you here,,,you basic knolege are not even i nuf to read the Post... I am sory ,next time keep in the line and live the Kids alown.


I can repet for you my POST

can be anythink
You and ME mox
Kaon ...
haw can be if some try to modifity the KAON STB ,,,do not forget that has Lan conetion on the back to....

I will beleve when i see the server not the client.I mean who read the Original HD card Paring.

Pictures like that can be even take of even when generator CW keys of Digitalb operator, dont work to digitalb for 3-4 hours ,,,Thats happent to many time we have CW public..

Now for the second Unswer haw to get the keys and haw to do it, even is very dificult,that i explain haw in basic way...

Am not here trying to tech you somethink you will use for your own use Business.

Is against my Rulles.

bye bye.

25-01-2009, 11:20 PM
Am not here trying to tech you somethink...bye bye.

Can you do that or you stil live in dreams.
I am ready to testing and to learn how to make digitalb HD card to work in other receiver but I will not use this forum for personal things.
You talk about different emu,about Lan at Kaon receiver,about chip id,about CW,about some reading keys from chip ID etc etc and I realy dont understand which of that is true and will help us to find the way to make Digitalb HD card to work in other receivers and that is what we need and not your useless conclusions.

regards and live in dreams m8

26-01-2009, 12:18 AM
We will have soon dga hd on other stb`s dont worry..


26-01-2009, 01:01 AM
Listen I am not also any newbie on sat world so I was just asking simply from where do you get these news.

The most important thing is Server box because client can be very easy configured to open channels and in this part I agree with Darkman about the possible use of CW keys and possible use of LAN from Kaon box.

And we must not forget that Adobe PhotoShop can do miracles that people can use to attract members to join to their forums.:respect-040:

26-01-2009, 01:28 AM
....I was just asking simply from where do you get these news.

Me to,until we not have something concrets all this is just rumors.


26-01-2009, 01:34 AM

And we must not forget that Adobe PhotoShop can do miracles that people can use to attract members to join to their forums.:respect-040:

i dont think someone somewhere will sit down and edit 30 pictures just foul others i hope not.


26-01-2009, 01:41 AM
We will have soon dga hd on other stb`s dont worry..


well thats what people are saying so untill its public we live in hope.

02-02-2009, 09:08 PM
MBOX 020 Pre-Beta is out now for testing
0.4 PRE BETA build 0020

-TCP peers/connection (TCP0/TCP1 in cwshare.cfg) now works only with mbox peers!
-Mbox peers will have 1.00 as version number.
-Mbox peers now must be in G line in cwshare.cfg,D line stay for old gboxx peers.
-Added R option in mbox.cfg.
-Added J option in mbox.cfg. You can change J option with add.data at any time.
-Added A option in mbox.cfg , needed for QBoxHD receivers.
-Added back gboxx connection/protocol.Gboxx peers cant connect to mbox peers and vice versa!!!!
-Mbox now starts as deamon(background process).
-Fixed HD channels.
-Fixed problem with duplicate boxids, now mbox keep only boxid that has lower distance.
-Added support for AzBOX receivers(binary-> mbox_module).Dont expect mbox to work as should, because current API for AzboX receivers has restrictions regarding ECM "pids" streaming.

02-02-2009, 09:34 PM
MBOX 020 Pre-Beta is out now for testing
0.4 PRE BETA build 0020

-TCP peers/connection (TCP0/TCP1 in cwshare.cfg) now works only with mbox peers!
-Mbox peers will have 1.00 as version number.
-Mbox peers now must be in G line in cwshare.cfg,D line stay for old gboxx peers.
-Added R option in mbox.cfg.
-Added J option in mbox.cfg. You can change J option with add.data at any time.
-Added A option in mbox.cfg , needed for QBoxHD receivers.
-Added back gboxx connection/protocol.Gboxx peers cant connect to mbox peers and vice versa!!!!
-Mbox now starts as deamon(background process).
-Fixed HD channels.
-Fixed problem with duplicate boxids, now mbox keep only boxid that has lower distance.
-Added support for AzBOX receivers(binary-> mbox_module).Dont expect mbox to work as should, because current API for AzboX receivers has restrictions regarding ECM "pids" streaming.

I am not sure the significance of this - are you saying this receiver will clear DigitAlb HD channels?

02-02-2009, 09:57 PM
It's not a receiver, it's an emu.
Testing ...

02-02-2009, 10:22 PM
Unfortunately, doesn't seem to work

03-02-2009, 06:00 PM
I am a newbie here and trying to follow this thread and have a couple of questions.
Having a subscribed card, would it than be possible to use card sharing on a Dreambox?
How ould one get the boxkey from a KAON HD receiver?
Is there a Linux based Cardsharing program that works with Conax?

03-02-2009, 06:28 PM
There is no HD fix for getting digitalb on other receivers. The only way I can see this new mbox emu working is if someone has had their card paired with a kaon receiver and then is using it on a dreambox. But there is no confirmation of that. Also looking at the info changes with the new mbox there isn't any suggestion that digt alb HD is working with it.

03-02-2009, 10:36 PM
The author explained that it is already tested and working, but there are some slight problems needed to be fixed:
"It was working on HD channels with only gboxx protocol inside mbox , but when i put my own protocol now it doesnt work.
I will fix it ,but pls wait till I find problem."

04-02-2009, 12:14 AM
Thanks for that, m8. Mmmm looks interesting. Will wait to see what happens. Good to see that these clever chaps are working on these things!:bowing-036:

19-07-2009, 01:21 PM
Is HD digitalb working now? with diablo cam?

19-07-2009, 01:24 PM
No... conax hack is down.... no more...

19-07-2009, 01:41 PM
wish it was working there is not much on,now with all teh changes in encryptions:o11:

12-09-2009, 02:39 PM
it cannot be hacked.

12-09-2009, 02:40 PM
conax cannot be hacked,especially not digitalb.
maybe 1hours maximum
they use most secured programs in europe at the moment.
it u hack digitalb u hacked eutelsat & hotbird.
so thats impossible.

12-09-2009, 04:00 PM
conax cannot be hacked,especially not digitalb.
maybe 1hours maximum
they use most secured programs in europe at the moment.
it u hack digitalb u hacked eutelsat & hotbird.
so thats impossible.

No security hacking is impossible, improbable maybe but not impossible.

27-09-2009, 12:08 AM
conax cannot be hacked,especially not digitalb.
maybe 1hours maximum
they use most secured programs in europe at the moment.
it u hack digitalb u hacked eutelsat & hotbird.
so thats impossible.

1.Even if you hack 1 hour is Calling Hack... but is no Maybe and is no Hack for moment in publik.

2. Haw you know they using most security system in Europe !?
Do you know anythink about security system ? or other security systemns in Europe.!

3.What has to do Eutelsat & Hotbirbird to do with Conax !?
For you information Hotbird is Eutelsat parta of it Eutelsat Cominication Group. The Conax is Access control The process of ensuring that content.

Naw the here is not to Hack Eutelsat ! or to Hack Conax it self ,but to hack Mcas Chipset where are genereting those keys ....

This is the reason dont work even Card sharing because the kyes are Unknow..

Anyway this is big discussion for many hackers....an need big investiment same time if big money thats the reason why untill naw is not hack not because is not ****ible...But untill naw no one is intersting to put thouse money to hack that..

All hack generate businness Digitalb hack dont generate so money then the money request for hack...

That's is the real Unswer and live eutelsat and hotbird alowen..lol.

27-09-2009, 10:37 AM
well i do not agrea with big money politics

i know for sure that the parring box it self is hacked, but it is not an everyday users work, you need some tools to extract the box id / rsa from the box it self and you need to know where to look at.

have you seen the hack for viasat around ? they use the same system HW parring, no avarege user has seen that around , but some cleaver ppl do have it working, some CS grups do have it working , im talking about the HD channels here.

The same goes for conax here, there is a hack on ther HW , but it is not something that an avarage user can do, you need to make an Jtag and know what to look for. at list for now.

Please do not ask me how is donne as i have no clue about it, but im lucky to have some information on it, how it is donne and what is need it i have no clue about it, i wich i could do it , so i can use my digitalb card fully included HD channels.

Lets hope that they reliase something soon.

01-10-2009, 07:25 PM
Seems to me that all the big encrytpion companies are doing is lining the pockets of the people that can extract the rsa/boxkey from cards. Just look at the chap who is doing polsat, raking it in!

@Darkman, take a chill pill bruv, lol. I couldnt really understand half of what you said but it sounded like you were upset at something.

09-10-2009, 10:37 PM
He gets kinda sensitive about digitalb

13-10-2009, 10:40 PM
The kidna here are ; who is talkig bal bla bla

Who attack same one because by it self they don't know to do nothing are really not only kidna but stupid...

Fist who told me Kinda can go and fk of...

Second if same one know to use G-tag that don't send you no where ,because even if you get rsa keys they are encrypt ...haw you decrypt them ? you hack main chip set ? maybe you have no idea which one it is ?/ and even if you know the name ,haw you hack that cheap set ? if some one hack the chip set can be million er because can get all s/w of any stb in market all source codes and all osd available...

please you all have the right here to talk but not talking bull**** or ataking same one ...
naw about digitalb if i get sensitive i don't gave a **** if same one can hack HD i will help them too..

11-11-2009, 12:27 AM
I don't know how that is possible hack the HD but as far as i saw today it may not be hackable i have scan the eutelsat w2 16e on a TM500 i saw some DATA channels my guess is that these Data channels 4 of them are somehow accessing the kaon receiver not just paring the card with receiver, probably you know have notice before, these are the channels

Opentech HD OTA DigitALB Clear 950 950 8190 2009-09-13
Kaon HD DigitALB Clear 951 951 8190 2009-09-13
ODS-3000C DigitALB Clear 952 952 8190 2009-09-13
ODS-2000C DigitALB Clear 953 953 8190 2009-09-13

ps; i am just curious about these

11-11-2009, 11:49 PM
These are OTA Software over the air .


12-11-2009, 09:56 PM
The same server who share sly it, share the HD CHANELLS from digitalb too.

12-11-2009, 10:13 PM
The same server who share sly it, share the HD CHANELLS from digitalb too.

That's server doesnt exist !

Is just Bla bla bla ...is been says he could do it only for 15.000 Euro to sell solution and after when is been offer 50.000 euro says can not doit..!?
If i don't see any prove i dont beleve ,if is to beleve without watching is only the GOD nothink else.

17-11-2009, 04:20 PM
That's server doesnt exist !

Is just Bla bla bla ...is been says he could do it only for 15.000 Euro to sell solution and after when is been offer 50.000 euro says can not doit..!?
If i don't see any prove i dont beleve ,if is to beleve without watching is only the GOD nothink else.
Good afternoon i dont have permissions to upload here but this is a small proove ENJOY :respect-048:

_http://rapidshare.com/files/308338841/HD_digitalb_channels_hacked.zip.h tml

17-11-2009, 04:36 PM
Good afternoon i dont have permissions to upload here but this is a small proove ENJOY :respect-048:

So what does this prove?

As far as I can see just screenshots of digialb hd channels, not proof they are hacked, maybe the person that posted these has an official card?

I did notice bottom right of screenshots mgcamd, does this count as proof.


17-11-2009, 04:41 PM
So what does this prove?

As far as I can see just screenshots of digialb hd channels, not proof they are hacked, maybe the person that posted these has an official card?


M8 the official card work only in their box.
Its maried with the box.

18-11-2009, 12:11 AM
M8 the official card work only in their box.
Its maried with the box.

M8 ..i dont know what you call Prove !?
Fist i can not douwload anythink in that link..

second a pictures you can get a lot in time when many times they Generator dont work Out of Paring ....second Fotoshop i can do 100 like that...Can you please douwload a small Video here or somewhere else even to chek in EPG the data and time of the Video..!

in other way you know we are litle bit old in this game if we don't see with our Eye we dont trust.

I can beleve Sky iatlia or samethink else but HD digitalb is not a jocke..is samethink to do with HAKING STI Chipset!not with the digitalb it self..Ned to hack the source or STI and get Hack Conax and Hack Digitalb ...long way to go..

Haw i says i will love same one do that i be one of them to help much i can,but not easy trust me..Pictires on the net we are full now...Who is this Gentellmen has Hack a thinks like 1 Milion Euro and take for it self or for just a server C/s..! Has no Sence at all..

18-11-2009, 08:09 AM
M8 ..i dont know what you call Prove !?
Fist i can not douwload anythink in that link..

second a pictures you can get a lot in time when many times they Generator dont work Out of Paring ....second Fotoshop i can do 100 like that...Can you please douwload a small Video here or somewhere else even to chek in EPG the data and time of the Video..!

in other way you know we are litle bit old in this game if we don't see with our Eye we dont trust.

I can beleve Sky iatlia or samethink else but HD digitalb is not a jocke..is samethink to do with HAKING STI Chipset!not with the digitalb it self..Ned to hack the source or STI and get Hack Conax and Hack Digitalb ...long way to go..

Haw i says i will love same one do that i be one of them to help much i can,but not easy trust me..Pictires on the net we are full now...Who is this Gentellmen has Hack a thinks like 1 Milion Euro and take for it self or for just a server C/s..! Has no Sence at all..

SOrry wrong word i mean proof.
Both of these ( sky digitalb ) are not coming from a hacking of the encryption but of the extract of chipset STI, i dont have the project, i said only that is truth i try to upload a video too.
I am many years in sat scene and i dont give never fakes pictures etc.

18-11-2009, 08:39 AM
@ darkman
"you know we are litle bit old in this game if we don't see with our Eye we dont trust."

Do you believe news about diablo 2?

I know you are in this game so maybe you have more than just rumours.

18-11-2009, 08:56 AM
There was a time when forums like this had tangible (down loadable) proof of a hack, sadly that is no longer the case threats of litigation have killed the sat tv lovers spirit all that's left is rumors:banghead:

regards painter

18-11-2009, 09:48 PM
SOrry wrong word i mean proof.
Both of these ( sky digitalb ) are not coming from a hacking of the encryption but of the extract of chipset STI, i dont have the project, i said only that is truth i try to upload a video too.
I am many years in sat scene and i dont give never fakes pictures etc.

M8 that's one maybe you din't learn in all this Years to extract the keys the Card or Chip set is still a HACK..but to get this RSA keys from where they where are hide and Encrypt as well on the Chip set STI need to hack the STI Chip to enter in source code to read them by Jtag..You have to take of the Chip and read by Jtag but you only read Ency pt Keys in no think else..haw they work in you need to have the Source of STI is merit with source of Conax as well is more hard then hack the Encryption it self..

Please don't mix sky i with Digitalb HD totally deferent thinks Sky Italia is Not paring at all..even by s/w even by chip set paring...and they use deferent chips,.//for that don't mix them both..
I can believe Sky Italia can be done more much easy then HD.

18-11-2009, 09:54 PM
@ darkman
"you know we are litle bit old in this game if we don't see with our Eye we dont trust."

Do you believe news about diablo 2?

I know you are in this game so maybe you have more than just rumours.

M8 if i beleve or not is not importend ,more importend is to come on the game some think to last long in satshene to work for litle long for what they pay.....
More then Hack today i beleve in Comercial ..

But if is true what they are claming good lack for them.

M8 you ask me direct question haw i says i beleve only on God all other thinks , i have to test to beleve...
If i have test it i could gave you exactly answer m8.

Have a nice day.

27-09-2010, 06:28 PM



DigitAlb HD in all CI receivers...

27-09-2010, 06:39 PM
would be nice just buying the card and not needing the hd reciver

18-10-2010, 09:34 PM
what about this


18-10-2010, 09:43 PM
Interesting but probably fake.

18-10-2010, 11:22 PM
itis not face works 100% on ccam and dm800 hd

18-10-2010, 11:23 PM
Interesting but probably fake.


19-10-2010, 12:41 AM
itis not face works 100% on ccam and dm800 hd

Really...I have full card and dreambox 800 using cccam but the HD channels don't work. So please elaborate.;)

19-10-2010, 01:10 AM
We can say whatever we want about this video fake or not ,but i am long time in the sat scene, and i see wery well m8`s + i believe my own eyes.

29-11-2010, 06:51 PM
Really...I have full card and dreambox 800 using cccam but the HD channels don't work. So please elaborate.;)

M8 Digitalb HD is working with dreambox 800 and i can see with mgcamd. when i switch to digitalb HD it opens via mgcamd other chanels open via cccam emu.

p.s i have bought from payserver dreambox for one year subscriptions .

29-11-2010, 07:04 PM
please upload a few screenshots with ecm info



29-11-2010, 07:26 PM
here we go again
HD DGA is not public so do not cry if you do not see it publicly, as the Payservers will make their money before anything else

29-11-2010, 07:29 PM
here we go again
HD DGA is not public so do not cry if you do not see it publicly, as the Payservers will make their money before anything else

OK for not being public, but how come people like luli do not post consistent info? Like the above requested ecm info(difficult to fake?), or a good video trying to make it clear, not just teasing people.

29-11-2010, 07:42 PM
@ albsky why you need ecm info ,when i switch to HD 1 is going autocam to mgcamd and i dont see any ecm m8 .

others channels open with cccam

29-11-2010, 08:31 PM
Luli , you can have ECM on MGcam so Please have a look at the Config file and bring some proof here, i for my self do not care belive me
but some ppl here do not know how that is.

I for one do not care about DGA have card to both DGA and Trind and do not use the HD from digitalb, i use the Spiderbox and that is more then inaf gor me to get this channels, i do not know but for films and english sport is OK

@ albsky why you need ecm info ,when i switch to HD 1 is going autocam to mgcamd and i dont see any ecm m8 .

others channels open with cccam

29-11-2010, 08:59 PM
Dreambox is with password protected and in menu i can`t go in. i will make videos later cause i watch the game.

30-11-2010, 09:03 AM
forget to see digitalb Hd chanell with dreambox

30-11-2010, 05:12 PM
Dreambox is with password protected and in menu i can`t go in. i will make videos later cause i watch the game.

why i have to beleve you !?

when even 150 euro you have to pay me you disaper !?

people all ways do not like me ,do you know why ...i tell the truth in Face...

Fake videos.....

if some one have proper has planty time do video or proper pictures wich emu...nnd bla bla.....

i can see Digitalb with Non NON DIGITALB BOX,...but that even do not mean is HACK.or C/S. Soon wi will show to every one...

30-11-2010, 05:19 PM
So it will be possible darkman to watch the hd package without having the offical box?im using dreambox

30-11-2010, 05:46 PM
So it will be possible darkman to watch the hd package without having the offical box?im using dreambox

Is not publick, yet mate...

Soon i will get the dicission to show some think in Publik...

But let's talk later about it...gave me proper time to prepare thinks..

We have to get one of the 2 decission :

1.HACK Digitalb...

2.Digitalb Coperate in some solution ,,,,in both side are in the benifit of our Members.

is litle bit premature wich way Digitalb will get...HARD way or Soft way...We are doing all our presures for both sides benifits.

30-11-2010, 07:50 PM
why i have to beleve you !?

when even 150 euro you have to pay me you disaper !?

people all ways do not like me ,do you know why ...i tell the truth in Face...

Fake videos.....

if some one have proper has planty time do video or proper pictures wich emu...nnd bla bla.....

i can see Digitalb with Non NON DIGITALB BOX,...but that even do not mean is HACK.or C/S. Soon wi will show to every one...

what`s wrong with you .This is crazy m8 .

I know that you have digitalb HD on dreambox but you want to keep secret ,sorry i will send new video what i have made it tonight .

pairing is hacked but not for public.

and yes i have ecm`s too with box id but i will not make it public.
video is 3gp and you can watch with vlc

30-11-2010, 11:28 PM
what`s wrong with you .This is crazy m8 .

I know that you have digitalb HD on dreambox but you want to keep secret ,sorry i will send new video what i have made it tonight .

pairing is hacked but not for public.

and yes i have ecm`s too with box id but i will not make it public.
video is 3gp and you cant watch with vlc

I hope to be true...

But from the source that come from i do not beleve much..

Videos like this i have much but no eny real info..

Did you never think about Conax module chipset paring can be in any Box...like this one !?

01-12-2010, 02:31 AM
I hope to be true...

But from the source that come from i do not beleve much..

Videos like this i have much but no eny real info..

Did you never think about Conax module chipset paring can be in any Box...like this one !?

No i dont think about that module,I have in my dreambox 800.

And this work with gbox server .

another video, you need vlc to play.


01-12-2010, 05:54 AM
one time it is MGcamd , one time CCcam one time Gbox , you must diside what softcam you run it on :-) im starting to think that is fake again , where have i seen this pictures.

01-12-2010, 08:31 AM
Sorry to interrupt but it can be done, i did it before but it wasnt actually a hack.
Its more implementing a blocker on the card to avoid some functions.
Same stuff i did on nova hd to get it working on my dm.

01-12-2010, 10:35 AM
Snakie, can you please elaborate??
Can you please give more info for this??

Sorry to interrupt but it can be done, i did it before but it wasnt actually a hack.
Its more implementing a blocker on the card to avoid some functions.
Same stuff i did on nova hd to get it working on my dm.

01-12-2010, 11:52 AM
one time it is MGcamd , one time CCcam one time Gbox , you must diside what softcam you run it on :-) im starting to think that is fake again , where have i seen this pictures.

When i look ecm info it saying from gbox server port XXXX and ID XXXX

but as client with mgcamd open digitalb HD.
is it clear now?.

01-12-2010, 12:22 PM
When i look ecm info it saying from gbox server port XXXX and ID XXXX

but as client with mgcamd open digitalb HD.
is it clear now?.

Yeah Luli. I understand you. I know that this is real because i don't see a point of spending so much energy for fake things.

Thanks for letting us know this information

I wrote a PM to you. Can you please respond??


01-12-2010, 07:46 PM
Snakie, can you please elaborate??
Can you please give more info for this??

Sorry i cant say more info rather that it consists old version card and emms.

01-12-2010, 11:42 PM
Can you do me e video....n3 please just when you do movie put you hand on the screen in front of TV...

this is just to check if is you doing those videos or you find some where !?

and what about this !?

i have open vido with some programmes come out this with screet shot from that video !

02-12-2010, 12:13 AM
Why do you still doubt luli ? He's offered enough proof already.

Besides I can see it with my own eyes.

This film is on NOW!

Picture removed as ppl don't want believe there own eyes.

See Darkmans next post for my 'fake' picture :rolleyes:

02-12-2010, 12:24 AM
Can you give more information?
Mgcamd is just a client, how about showing what it's connected to? Censored of course..

02-12-2010, 12:25 AM
Can Be true ,Maybe !

Because i have my doubt about the guy...

But even this nice picture do not show me Much any way..

But haw i says i hope is been hack...one time for ever...

But still i will insist to luli to show me his fingers or heand in his video...if that video is his one...

02-12-2010, 12:45 AM
Can you give more information?
Mgcamd is just a client, how about showing what it's connected to? Censored of course..

Of course it is censored, do you really expect ppl to show sensitive information on a public forum ?

And yes MGcamd is just a client but it's still the best client :)

I really only posted to backup luli as he's getting a hard time from the perpetual doubters :rolleyes:

I don't really see the appeal of these few HD channels anyway, there's no AC3 audio, annoying subtitles and from my location I get a poor signal at certain times of the day but I guess as always in this game, we always want what we can't get :reddevil:

02-12-2010, 12:49 AM
You didn't understand, I asked for a censored view of the sensitive information so it would no longer be sensitive.
Anyone can edit a picture to make it look like it's real.. check the one Darkman just uploaded - carefully. :001_302:
I dont know you and I don't know luli.. I want to believe, but I'm still skeptical.

02-12-2010, 12:59 AM
You didn't understand, I asked for a censored view of the sensitive information so it would no longer be sensitive.
Anyone can edit a picture to make it look like it's real.. check the one Darkman just uploaded - carefully. :001_302:
I dont know you and I don't know luli.. I want to believe, but I'm still skeptical.

Well, I don't need to prove anything to anyone, least of all DM. He doesn't seem to like his glory being stolen.

I don't intend to keep posting trying to prove something to you doubters, believe it or not it's up to you!

I'm sure if sonic1 reads this thread he'll confirm my credentials.

02-12-2010, 01:04 AM
Another one? Why take potshots?
I thought you were here to back up luli's and your claims..
If you won't, then I'm disappointed that you are only posting what could be a faked picture and are resorting to personal attacks.
As you said, you've proved nothing, and I really wanted to believe you. Now, I don't.
You won't care about that, though, and I couldn't care less either.

02-12-2010, 01:19 AM
Is all ways same scenario...look naw haw many with says "thanks" and start .he he

mate you have to prove to me do you know why !?you toke my Glory...lol ah My God

If you see the story darkman has prove it self , for many years and with all hacks around has put in public for benefit of all.
If you come in forum to show off and sad i do not like distribute with you ,what are you doing here !? This is Calling Forum..

But i do not believe much in this story for only one reason who start it need sell pay servers and he need his publicity...In my experience with Me and some others if he like i can do public he is a cheater,,,You can back up him any time.That's all..

02-12-2010, 02:18 AM
You didn't understand, I asked for a censored view of the sensitive information so it would no longer be sensitive.
Anyone can edit a picture to make it look like it's real.. check the one Darkman just uploaded - carefully. :001_302:
I dont know you and I don't know luli.. I want to believe, but I'm still skeptical.

Paired cas7 conax card ITI Neovision poland working in private version off

type: Conax, caid: 0B01, serial: xxxxxxxxx, hex serial: xxxxxxxx, box serial: xxxxxxxx, card: v64
Providers: 2
Package: 1, id: 1010, date: 2010/11/01 - 2010/11/30, entitlement: 00000000 name: ITI Neovision
Package: 2, id: 1050, date: 2010/11/01 - 2010/11/30, entitlement: 00000000 name: ITI 2 Neovision

2010/11/04 0:43:09 4857 c11 dvbapiuser (0B01&000000/3AB9/6C:0875): found (823 ms) by n
2010/11/04 0:43:12 4857 r02 dvbapiuser emmtype=shared, len=130, idx=49, cnt=1: written (422 ms) by n
2010/11/04 0:43:39 4857 c11 dvbapiuser (0B01&000000/3AB9/6C:27F2): found (818 ms) by n

02-12-2010, 02:39 AM
Why do you still doubt luli ? He's offered enough proof already.

Besides I can see it with my own eyes.

This film is on NOW!

Picture removed as ppl don't want believe there own eyes.

See Darkmans next post for my 'fake' picture :rolleyes:

ah my God ...i am sory you lost your Glory.!
why you removed m8...you understud your mistake !?
Digitalb HD 1 is not DVB-S but is
check lyngsat ..lol
10976 H
tp B1

SR 27225
FEC 2/3

02-12-2010, 02:42 AM
darkman you know me wery well m8 i was administrator in your forum in ***** .

And yes if somoene from you guys want to chat with me over MSN i will tell you live picture from my web cam ok and you will see than.

I dont know how its working,but when i see ecm i see from gbox port and box id ok .

i buy tyhis only to see that is tru cause i have heard long time about pairing hack .

02-12-2010, 02:47 AM
darkman you know me wery well m8 i was administrator in your forum in ***** .

And yes if somoene from you guys want to chat with me over MSN i will tell you live picture from my web cam ok and you will see than.

I dont know how its working,but when i see ecm i see from gbox port and box id ok .

i buy tyhis only to see that is tru cause i have heard long time about pairing hack .

M8 becouse i know you and many other so Good i says do me one last piture with your Heand or figengers in front of the screen ..just to take out doubts ...if this Movie are done from your or some one else....Untill now you looking here reading did not done that video will cost you only 2 MIN to prove your self.....

I had you in msn m8 long time but you disaper and you know very well why .....

Video not done porve is douwn...now prove is douwn for me...

same like the guy who upload the fake picture...

02-12-2010, 02:51 AM
Can Be true ,Maybe !

Because i have my doubt about the guy...

But even this nice picture do not show me Much any way..

But haw i says i hope is been hack...one time for ever...

But still i will insist to luli to show me his fingers or heand in his video...if that video is his one...

Why you insist you know that this is danger for me why you insist?.

Darkman one of the developers of non public gbox wants to give me a solution and than in next day tell me that darkman insist not to give you ?> is that true ?.

02-12-2010, 02:55 AM
I have to say I've lost interest now.
If it's just a private hack and it costs money for a payserver sub to get it working and without learning anything, it's nothing to do with forums like this and looks just like payserver advertising.
When something interesting that we can all experiment with comes out, I'll be glad to see it... but not this stuff.

02-12-2010, 02:55 AM
Why you insist you know that this is danger for me why you insist?.

Darkman one of the developers of non public gbox wants to give me a solution and than in next day tell me that darkman insist not to give you ?> is that true ?.

You are making stories ..

Do me the Video please ..the finger !..lol

02-12-2010, 02:58 AM
I have to say I've lost interest now.
If it's just a private hack and it costs money for a payserver sub to get it wokring and without learning anything, it's nothing to do with forums like this and looks just like payserver advertising.
When something interesting that we can all experiment with comes out, I'll be glad to see it... but not this stuff.

ha ha ha

Where is Gone His back up ?....lol

02-12-2010, 02:59 AM
I have to say I've lost interest now.
If it's just a private hack and it costs money for a payserver sub to get it wokring and without learning anything, it's nothing to do with forums like this and looks just like payserver advertising.
When something interesting that we can all experiment with comes out, I'll be glad to see it... but not this stuff.

That`s true m8 i just buyed to be 100% sure tha is hacked .
And yes it was anounced from mbox team before 2 years that will work on dga HD but someone has stoped developing i dont know why.

I still believe thas this hack came from strsh and his co ,but they keep secret and yes they have payservers.

02-12-2010, 03:02 AM
That`s true m8 i just buyed to be 100% sure tha is hacked .
And yes it was anounced from mbox team before 2 years that will work on dga HD but someone has stoped developing i dont know why.

I still believe thas this hack came from strsh and his co ,but they keep secret and yes they have payservers.

haw i do not know that?

I knew i was In China and Korea for 1moth and maybe i lost somethink during KTV time , but i was not in MOON for 2 years !
One of the Leaders of "mbox Boys" is working with me.

02-12-2010, 03:03 AM
You are making stories ..

Do me the Video please ..the finger !..lol

No cause i dont believe you, you working for dga.

And i dont care if you believe me or not cause i can make you video ewery min. I have 1 year subscription hahah.

if you want we can chat in msn luli_ex@h o t mail

02-12-2010, 03:05 AM
No cause i dont believe you, you working for dga.

And i dont care if you believe me or not cause i can make you video ewery min. I have 1 year subscription hahah.

if you want we can chat in msn luli_ex@h o t mail

maybe is that card you did not payd me ! hmmmm..

we close here is better for you..

02-12-2010, 06:43 AM
Sorry i cant say more info rather that it consists old version card and emms.

02-12-2010, 08:27 AM
strsh! now there's a name that brings back memories, yes indeed.

regards painter

02-12-2010, 05:42 PM
Well I can Confirm that this is true hd channels are working , simply mathematic if human bean creates something , the human bean will break it :)

02-12-2010, 06:00 PM
Well, I don't need to prove anything to anyone, least of all DM. He doesn't seem to like his glory being stolen.

I don't intend to keep posting trying to prove something to you doubters, believe it or not it's up to you!

I'm sure if sonic1 reads this thread he'll confirm my credentials.

I know exactly who you are m8 and I trust anything you say 100% unlike the flood of Darkmans mob here who all seem to be here to cause trouble.

I thought they had there own board. :smash:

02-12-2010, 07:55 PM
I know exactly who you are m8 and I trust anything you say 100% unlike the flood of Darkmans mob here who all seem to be here to cause trouble.

I thought they had there own board. :smash:

do not spoke ****s ...here please

Darkman couse truble !? what this mean ?

this Picture he douwload cause truble... is FAKE

This is fake Picture for simple reson READ the posts.

Digitalb HD 1 is Dvb-S2 not Dvb-S.

check teh Red Circle.

02-12-2010, 08:06 PM
Well I can Confirm that this is true hd channels are working , simply mathematic if human bean creates something , the human bean will break it :)

This is not the Valid reason tpo beleve some think fake here..

You can not confirm no think...

02-12-2010, 08:09 PM
You are just showing your ignorance DM, that's a modified skin which clearly could not accommodate a 2, also if you look in the circle you highlighted you will see the HD symbol is illuminated.
Keep going I have all the time in the world.

02-12-2010, 08:18 PM
Using the skin now.

02-12-2010, 08:24 PM


After one year we talking again and no any prove from you ??

Why people think where this conspiracy come from !? who is digitalb so importend to be so so hide for years.... no one has eny prove and all of you in this thread are whatching digitalb HD .lol

02-12-2010, 08:35 PM
I know exactly who you are m8 and I trust anything you say 100% unlike the flood of Darkmans mob here who all seem to be here to cause trouble.

I thought they had there own board. :smash:

Hmmm and you are just a nobody anyway, another Darkman hater who seizes every opportunity to spout your bile.

02-12-2010, 08:39 PM
Hmmm and you are just a nobody anyway, another Darkman hater who seizes every opportunity to spout your bile.

And you are ?

Get your head out of his ass, I have seen your posts for many years and you are smart enough not to be a puppet.

As for Darkman hater, have a read and get your facts, I have supported him on many occasions here but in the last few weeks he has lost his head, it's probably with yours.

02-12-2010, 09:01 PM
And you are ?

Get your head out of his ass, I have seen your posts for many years and you are smart enough not to be a puppet.

As for Darkman hater, have a read and get your facts, I have supported him on many occasions here but in the last few weeks he has lost his head, it's probably with yours.

M8 Calm Down ...

let's talk like adults here and professionals too..
M8 with all My respect for you and many people here let's talk Facts not all ways darkman is bad guy....is not relevant in this thread haw i been this 2-3 weeks...

Please can you says that picture is Not FAKE ? and haw you explain the DVB-S and not DVB-S2..

Please keep in this lights not discussion haw darkaman lost Head...Because we are confusing other people here too.

Again is this Fake or Not?

02-12-2010, 09:17 PM
This is not fake of that I am 100% sure, I have known for a very long time that non public gbox has had cas7 pairing working from almost day1.

The picture shows Mgcamd client and as Dubious rightly says it is with out doubt the best client, it puts CCcam to shame and remember it is a client of almost every protocol.

As for the screen shot not saying DVB -S2 it is a simple skinning error with this hacked skin for OoZoon image.

@DM I can talk with you on this level all day and we can exchange useful information, I also have great respect for what you provide to many many happy users of the spider box.

I also believe you have every right to bring support to the spiderbox here on satpimps but what I do not like is sometimes you get very defensive and it turns in to an attack, I am sure most of what you write gets lost in translation but sometimes it is best to say nothing.:respect-051:

02-12-2010, 09:18 PM
And you are ?

I assume you included me with:

the flood of Darkmans mob


I'm not here to cause trouble, and I would have spent a lot of more time here over the years if that sort of comment were disallowed.

I just want to find out if there is a way we can all use this alleged hack. If it's not public, what's the friggin' point of this thread except to advertise a payserver? It's that lot who are ruining the hobby and in my opinion such posts don't belong on a satellite hobby forum.

02-12-2010, 09:18 PM
You are just showing your ignorance DM, that's a modified skin which clearly could not accommodate a 2, also if you look in the circle you highlighted you will see the HD symbol is illuminated.
Keep going I have all the time in the world.

If are ignoranets here M8 can be two or the people faking thinks or who done that ****i scin with no proper info..

Just to let you know

HD channnesl can be

and can be

they can not have same information!

HD do not mean nothink....
The real point is wich DVB-S or DVB-S2 !?

Naw or the picture is Fake or the Scin is Wrong !
is no other way....

02-12-2010, 09:23 PM
This is not fake of that I am 100% sure, I have known for a very long time that non public gbox has had cas7 pairing working from almost day1.

The picture shows Mgcamd client and as Dubious rightly says it is with out doubt the best client, it puts CCcam to shame and remember it is a client of almost every protocol.

As for the screen shot not saying DVB -S2 it is a simple skinning error with this hacked skin for OoZoon image.
@DM I can talk with you on this level all day and we can exchange useful information, I also have great respect for what you provide to many many happy users of the spider box.

I also believe you have every right to bring support to the spiderbox here on satpimps but what I do not like is sometimes you get very defensive and it turns in to an attack, I am sure most of what you write gets lost in translation but sometimes it is best to say nothing.:respect-051:

never i do personal atack m8 if i have no reason,put in your Mind..

But in end of the day...is not Darkmanis Ignorant haw you call is the scin Maker faults !....

I like in civil way you ask me sory or apologie for calling Ignorant....

Min we contrubute in somethink he can fix His Scin or no !?

Soon we check the digitalb...

02-12-2010, 09:24 PM
Slow down chaps, answers in my last post. :respect-051:

02-12-2010, 09:30 PM
There are many posts all over the net claiming this so-called hack is available only on dreambox 800s with mgcamd.
What's that all about?
I use mgcamd myself as a client and agree it's superior to CCcam. What is it that restricts this hack to a DM800 then?

02-12-2010, 09:32 PM
never i do personal atack m8 if i have no reason,put in your Mind..

But in end of the day...is not Darkmanis Ignorant haw you call is the scin Maker faults !....

I like in civil way you ask me sory or apologie for calling Ignorant....

Min we contrubute in somethink he can fix His Scin or no !?

Soon we check the digitalb...

With enigma2 the information you see that says DVB-S will never change, you see tuner A B C D, when triggered it goes green.

To make a skin that showed DVB -S or DVB -S2 info needs image coding as well as skin coding, it's pointless as it servers no purpose other than to slow the zapping reaction time.

Check Army or Matrix skins and you will not even see this information as it just adds to heavy and needless coding.

@Anrakh you are correct, it's a pointless thread as mostly on those that use payservers will benifit.
And I have no gripe with you. :respect-051:

02-12-2010, 09:34 PM
There are many posts all over the net claiming this so-called hack is available only on dreambox 800s with mgcamd.
What's that all about?
I use mgcamd myself as a client and agree it's superior to CCcam. What is it that restricts this hack to a DM800 then?

Mainly bullsh!t and I know for a fact that Dubious uses an 8000 not 800.

02-12-2010, 09:40 PM
I'm still skeptical anyway since luli has refused DM's request to show us a video of the thing working with his hand or even a finger in it to show us it's not fake.. and is there no skin that shows the info to prove the photos are not fake?
Let's clear this up and put the matter to rest.

02-12-2010, 09:42 PM
With enigma2 the information you see that says DVB-S will never change, you see tuner A B C D, when triggered it goes green.

To make a skin that showed DVB -S or DVB -S2 info needs image coding as well as skin coding, it's pointless as it servers no purpose other than to slow the zapping reaction time.

Check Army or Matrix skins and you will not even see this information as it just adds to heavy and needless coding.

@Anrakh you are correct, it's a pointless thread as mostly on those that use payservers will benifit.
And I have no gripe with you. :respect-051:

Sory i did not know to add in 2( is very importend Info ) in the back of DVB-S will slow the image douwn or Zaping ...ha ha ha

Camon mate, you forget wich one you are talking !?

I thought we are going to talk profesional here...not bull****ing..

I think we all ready agree was SCIN ERROR>......

02-12-2010, 09:47 PM
Getting a bit Confused here ?? Thought this is about [ digitalb HD ] N3 Hack ??

Quailman Showing a Picture of [ Channel 4 HD ] Which is [ NDS ] I Could Show you This ? I am Missing Something Here LOL:king-041:

02-12-2010, 09:49 PM
I'm still skeptical anyway since luli has refused DM's request to show us a video of the thing working with his hand or even a finger in it to show us it's not fake.. and is there no skin that shows the info to prove the photos are not fake?
Let's clear this up and put the matter to rest.

I can't support any other fact than I have never used a skin that can support what you ask, I have Vu duo, solo, DM500hd and just parted with my 800hd and I have tested most images.

Like I said its more a coding issue than a skin issue.

02-12-2010, 09:49 PM
to come back when we come From even the Video is FAKE...
Pictures slow motion will show and the guy did not put Video here the Video i ask him with his heand or finger ..lol..and could not even in MSN show me no think ...just one Video from his phone can be download from any where..

is this Scin Fault too !?

02-12-2010, 09:53 PM
to come back when we come From even the Video is FAKE...
Pictures slow motion will show and the guy did not put Video here the Video i ask him with his heand or finger ..lol..and could not even in MSN show me no think ...just one Video from his phone can be download from any where..

is this Scin Fault too !?

Sorry but I can not even see what that picture is showing.:woot-035:

02-12-2010, 09:53 PM
Getting a bit Confused here ?? Thought this is about [ digitalb HD ] N3 Hack ??

Quailman Showing a Picture of [ Channel 4 HD ] Which is [ NDS ] I Could Show you This ? I am Missing Something Here LOL:king-041:

M8 you are right....lol

some one try confuse thinks puting some videos and picture and confuse people with no real facts and not real support for this forum...to helps people haw we can HACK digitalb...
I doubt in their acts....i have reason why...if some one read will understend.

if i hack i declare will be fist one to put that in Spiderbox for sure...for the benifit of all of us..

02-12-2010, 09:57 PM
Just showing that the skin dubious is using does not show dvb-s2


02-12-2010, 09:57 PM
Sorry but I can not even see what that picture is showing.:woot-035:

RED cirlce...
M8 we are discussion here in base of that Video to not what i have to my house .!

i can understend if TV is Plasma PDA can be FAULT ...can show the last picture motions some time ..but not Half of them that like here .,.

M8 i am trying open lights here, are those thinks true or Fakes....in profesional way...

02-12-2010, 09:59 PM
Just showing that the skin dubious is using does not show dvb-s2


Weldone for your support...

still that only show is Scin Faults... no think more...

yes very nice Picture of Ch4 HD too..


02-12-2010, 10:06 PM
RED cirlce...
M8 we are discussion here in base of that Video to not what i have to my house .!

i can understend if TV is Plasma PDA can be FAULT ...can show the last picture motions some time ..but not Half of them that like here .,.

M8 i am trying open lights here, are those thinks true or Fakes....in profesional way...

True or Fake, I think the simple facts are many of us know it can be opened but if you get it open on Spider box then you will be the first to get it to the masses of that no one is denying.

I wish you all the best in that venture.

02-12-2010, 10:07 PM
For me videos are real taken from one enigma2 .
I'm not sure that luli is the owner of this videos but if
he really has a dreambox I'm able to break the protection .
So naturaly if he wants , we can see privately the real
source or other interesant informations .

02-12-2010, 10:13 PM
ahahaha have you guys lost you,r mind.
Why will anyone keep DGA secret, it is not any famus pakage or any dangerus pakage. Common guys we have had Sky DE and Sky IT nad Sky Uk giving us the HD channels via OScam, why cant they do the same with Digitalb that is the last pakage on earth to have that much power that can frighten ppl.

Luli what danger are you on mate, no one is asking you or the guys that insist and say it works to show their face, all we need is Prof on a video , write Nicname in a white papper and hang it in front of the TV while you fil a bit.
Write the date and time and the name / Nickname and show it here or else where, then all those that are sceptic with shut up including me :-)
i will be the first to say sorry for my doubt

02-12-2010, 10:18 PM
Think you Chaps are All [ MAD ]:302:

Bye the Way ? [ NDS ] IS Hacked ?? Maybe Not Public [ BUT YOU NO THE SCORE ]:cool:

02-12-2010, 10:20 PM
Benhur, at last a known name (at least for me).
Do you have any information, except the info from Luli (that seems desapeared). I don't understand all the secret. I don't understand the words "it's dangerous for me" that he has said :(:(

02-12-2010, 10:22 PM
ahahaha have you guys lost you,r mind.
Why will anyone keep DGA secret, it is not any famus pakage or any dangerus pakage. Common guys we have had Sky DE and Sky IT nad Sky Uk giving us the HD channels via OScam, why cant they do the same with Digitalb that is the last pakage on earth to have that much power that can frighten ppl.

Luli what danger are you on mate, no one is asking you or the guys that insist and say it works to show their face, all we need is Prof on a video , write Nicname in a white papper and hang it in front of the TV while you fil a bit.
Write the date and time and the name / Nickname and show it here or else where, then all those that are sceptic with shut up including me :-)
i will be the first to say sorry for my doubt

even foking Nds sky uk and sky italy and Nagra 3 irdetto2 all are publik...But not Albanian DIGITALB with 6 hd ****i channels. ...

02-12-2010, 10:25 PM
hahaha Rabby you shall be carfull so Uncle Rupie do not do you an unexpected visit. Please show us Proff of that ( hihihihi )

02-12-2010, 10:25 PM
Benhur, at last a known name (at least for me).
Do you have any information, except the info from Luli (that seems desapeared). I don't understand all the secret. I don't understand the words "it's dangerous for me" that he has said :(:(

Not is asking Luli...lol

02-12-2010, 10:33 PM

[QUOTE][hahaha Rabby you shall be carfull so Uncle Rupie do not do you an unexpected visit. Please show us Proff of that ( hihihihi ) /QUOTE]

He Can Visit me any time he wants m8:cool: ?? He Will be Told Were to GO:grouphug:

02-12-2010, 10:58 PM
Anyway Chaps Keep it Real ? Hope Your Dreams Come True:king-042:

Catch You Tommorrow:cool:

Hope Everthing gets Hacked ?? Take Care



03-12-2010, 12:31 AM
If someone could put a bit of conclusive evidence here that the hack is valid, and maybe give an iota of useful information, one would have a basis to start investigating the possibility of a public hack.

03-12-2010, 10:04 PM
M8`s the hack is for sure and the video is mine .Plus you will all believe me and Darkman too cause i will send him one (dreambox 800) with digitalbHD included.

03-12-2010, 10:16 PM
ahahaha have you guys lost you,r mind.
Why will anyone keep DGA secret, it is not any famus pakage or any dangerus pakage. Common guys we have had Sky DE and Sky IT nad Sky Uk giving us the HD channels via OScam, why cant they do the same with Digitalb that is the last pakage on earth to have that much power that can frighten ppl.

Luli what danger are you on mate, no one is asking you or the guys that insist and say it works to show their face, all we need is Prof on a video , write Nicname in a white papper and hang it in front of the TV while you fil a bit.
Write the date and time and the name / Nickname and show it here or else where, then all those that are sceptic with shut up including me :-)
i will be the first to say sorry for my doubt

Why i need to lose so much time to make fake videos or fake pictures just tell me why .I can tell you that digitalb HD (pairing) is hacked .Videos from me are real and taken from my HTC Hero .

Where you live m8?. i Live in newest country in the World Kosovo and here is not safe from digitalb cause you dont know who is behind digitalb co.

03-12-2010, 11:29 PM
M8`s the hack is for sure and the video is mine .Plus you will all believe me and Darkman too cause i will send him one (dreambox 800) with digitalbHD included.

Thanks for the Offer M8...show me fist in Msn haw you says ....lol

was for yesterday you forgot !?...before yesterday you show me only Mobil video ..

if you show me that in msn i beleve you why not...! and i will be happy coperate to hack the hack and to do publik ,no more conspiracy.....Garanty..

03-12-2010, 11:52 PM
Better Putting it on [ Utube ]

Like a laugh:respect-050:

05-12-2010, 10:18 PM
I too can confirm it works.

05-12-2010, 10:51 PM
yes the Consipacy is broken ...lol

i can Confirm...soon maybe the spiderbox Owners will be happy..:king-042:

05-12-2010, 10:54 PM
Finally there's confirmation. That's all I've been asking for!! :respect-023:

05-12-2010, 11:11 PM
Finally there's confirmation. That's all I've been asking for!! :respect-023:

Me too Anrakh...me too.. :):respect-020:

06-12-2010, 04:16 AM
And who has right ?.

06-12-2010, 04:57 AM
And who has right ?.

why you come so late !? lol

4 days waiting for you to show me the vido in msn never you come on !?

I was write to i says if somethink is hack the conspiracy will be broke..

Untill now we have HAlf way Hack... like a Clinet is working ,,,is our job to find other half the Server to get the benifit the Members not Payservers.

this is for you read...

06-12-2010, 09:06 AM
What is shown in the photo Darkman???

06-12-2010, 11:54 AM
Yes it is possible to see Digialb HD channls ive had those running for quite some time already and very much stable on my DM800HD & please be aware that i do need or have any disire to use payservers infact i think they are all S*** of the earth each and every 1 of them :9898: :9898:

i attached some pics as proof since most peeps do not believe its possible still but please do not Spam my pm inbox as i will not be answering 1 million and 1 questions so dont waste your time .


06-12-2010, 12:14 PM
why you come so late !? lol

4 days waiting for you to show me the vido in msn never you come on !?

I was write to i says if somethink is hack the conspiracy will be broke..

Untill now we have HAlf way Hack... like a Clinet is working ,,,is our job to find other half the Server to get the benifit the Members not Payservers.

this is for you read...

Cause i am busy with elections here:respect-051:

06-12-2010, 12:17 PM
Well Barney m8 if you don't want the mither why this post is it just to say i've got it and not telling or what.

regards painter

06-12-2010, 12:41 PM
Luli, listen mate i know where you live and i know where and how DGA is being smashed, i know you are in Kosovo and i know that is not you or the Kosovars that hacked this. All i asked you is to show us some Picture like other her did OK.

I do not need to tell you where i live, as then im the one that will be risking something, i keep my mouth shut even that i know that is going on bihind the sceene, if you had the Disire HD then you could take a quality HD video and add to Youtube.

Hahahahah do you think that DGA can do you something, down there is not a probleme mate and no one is going to harm you as DGA know that this is not Albanians that hacked them , at the end of the day they diserve it.

Anyway it is beter to keep you,r distance fro the Fire and that you do is nice, but if you was afreid then why did you post in first place ?

i am in Tirana for bussiness 3-4 time a year and im Albanian as you are but i dare and im not afreid og some s***bags that can stop me on the road.

Anyway im happy that those that have balls and are not hiding have put up some photos even beter will be a video

Where you live m8?. i Live in newest country in the World Kosovo and here is not safe from digitalb cause you dont know who is behind digitalb co.

06-12-2010, 07:55 PM
Well Barney m8 if you don't want the mither why this post is it just to say i've got it and not telling or what.

regards painterno its because i dont exactly know how DGA HD works i dont have that info , all i can say is i have a m8 that use not public gbox emu and has found a way to c/s this version via CCcamnewcs emu to me but i know and trust him thats why we c/s privately because he can trust me i just put up those screens to show it can be done on a dmbox even better bonus if Darkman can make this work via spider or if this can be made public but i can respect that maybbe is best being private it may be just too dangerous to alow this in public forums we can only wait n' see i guess .

06-12-2010, 08:57 PM
no its because i dont exactly know how DGA HD works i dont have that info , all i can say is i have a m8 that use not public gbox emu and has found a way to c/s this version via CCcamnewcs emu to me but i know and trust him thats why we c/s privately because he can trust me i just put up those screens to show it can be done on a dmbox even better bonus if Darkman can make this work via spider or if this can be made public but i can respect that maybbe is best being private it may be just too dangerous to alow this in public forums we can only wait n' see i guess .

Fair comment m8.

regards painter

06-12-2010, 09:14 PM
wht you are saying is keep this in Not public throught some Payserver only.>?..becouse the fist publik did not come from you or some else here but from payserver...c**am-server.****

come only when the payserver relese and done 300 coustemers in one day...

I have no see any vidio or pciture before this payservers come in midle !

i all wyas need to be Honest....some think going on....

is this a game snifing ips and emails or is reall HACK....reall hack si for publik m8

What is not publik are other deals in midle i am in business and i know hwat i am talking...

if i hack i like have publik this is our job m8 to gave to members not to hide from them !

I hope is full HAck...soon every one get benifits ...
ah just to let you know can any one gave me one picture NOW !? in this moment ,just to check ...was a game or attack from digitalb becosue some think been channge looks to me......

06-12-2010, 10:54 PM
Yeah..something have changed.
Maybe it was an attack from DGA.

06-12-2010, 11:58 PM
wht you are saying is keep this in Not public throught some Payserver only.>?..becouse the fist publik did not come from you or some else here but from payserver...c**am-server.****

come only when the payserver relese and done 300 coustemers in one day...

I have no see any vidio or pciture before this payservers come in midle !

i all wyas need to be Honest....some think going on....

is this a game snifing ips and emails or is reall HACK....reall hack si for publik m8

What is not publik are other deals in midle i am in business and i know hwat i am talking...

if i hack i like have publik this is our job m8 to gave to members not to hide from them !

I hope is full HAck...soon every one get benifits ...
ah just to let you know can any one gave me one picture NOW !? in this moment ,just to check ...was a game or attack from digitalb becosue some think been channge looks to me......LOL's ...Game over ..??
i think around 1 or 2pm today DGA made thier counter measure i think we both expected that to happen ? :eek:
i respect what your sayin' Darkman and to be honest with you that just mite be the End now if indeed DGA HD has closed thier door which i agree with you does seem to have happened today :nopity:
it was never a proper ha*k anyways as you say it didnt go public probably i assume 'cause it was never gonna last ?
as always i respect the work your doing but looks like its gonna be quite some time untill something solid comes of this project .
but i wish you good luck as always amigo :respect-063:

07-12-2010, 08:03 PM
LOL's ...Game over ..??
i think around 1 or 2pm today DGA made thier counter measure i think we both expected that to happen ? :eek:
i respect what your sayin' Darkman and to be honest with you that just mite be the End now if indeed DGA HD has closed thier door which i agree with you does seem to have happened today :nopity:
it was never a proper ha*k anyways as you say it didnt go public probably i assume 'cause it was never gonna last ?
as always i respect the work your doing but looks like its gonna be quite some time untill something solid comes of this project .
but i wish you good luck as always amigo :respect-063:

is gone for them, not for me ..lol

07-12-2010, 08:46 PM
is gone for them, not for me ..lol

Is it time to go public Darkman??

Please elaborate..

07-12-2010, 08:57 PM
Is it time to go public Darkman??

Please elaborate..

No mate i live the masters of this thread to do that,is their Honor...where they gone now ...Do they have more pictures TODAY ,,,,,,they are years whatching or not ? ....

Benfica 0 Shalke 1

Golllllllllllllll ..lol:respect-059:

07-12-2010, 09:04 PM
No mate i live the masters of this thread to do that,is their Honor...where they gone now ...Do they have more pictures TODAY ,,,,,,they are years whatching or not ? ....

I'm sure you are a lil bit angry but...don't do the same mistake they did..

I would really be curious for this, what happened, how it got solved etc...
Even through PM..

Anyway is your choice :(

07-12-2010, 09:27 PM
I'm sure you are a lil bit angry but...don't do the same mistake they did..

I would really be curious for this, what happened, how it got solved etc...
Even through PM..

Anyway is your choice :(
Let me try to guess:
Someone has the solution. Like we had a test line, he gave it to the pay server, maybe just for some advertisement.
Darkman tracked the person with the solution and asked him to use it for private use. Anyway, the solution is there and DM is trying to implement it. People thinking that is was a counter measure from DGA are just being naif.

07-12-2010, 09:36 PM
Let me try to guess:
Someone has the solution. Like we had a test line, he gave it to the pay server, maybe just for some advertisement.
Darkman tracked the person with the solution and asked him to use it for private use. Anyway, the solution is there and DM is trying to implement it. People thinking that is was a counter measure from DGA are just being naif.

You maybe right albsky, but

I have tried to find such person, even tried to buy a dm from them just to see with my own eyes, but nothing.

Its not that this DGA-HD can't be done. I've seen that N paired card can be done, so why not DGA-HD.

If they have the solution, and if they doing advertising, why do not sell???


07-12-2010, 09:41 PM
AFAIK it's a private solution(gbox or kpcs), and the owners either are trying to keep it private , or just trying to get the highest price(more likely now days)

07-12-2010, 09:54 PM
i was more interested to know if such emu works with the mpeg-4 channels

07-12-2010, 09:59 PM
i was more interested to know if such emu works with the mpeg-4 channels

I tested it myself. It worked for 24 hours.
But I am more interested in having an emu that reads my official card.
I'll never pay a cent for pay servers.

07-12-2010, 10:09 PM
The mpeg-4 channels too?? To me didn't.. The HD ones instead yes.

If this was an advertisement, how did they manage to spread it so much? Near everyone i know, got the chance to see through its own network !! Strange ..

07-12-2010, 10:14 PM
Yes,all mpeg-4 channels were working

08-12-2010, 01:20 PM
Can any body please Confirm....is C/s with Dreambox working again ? in private from people whatching from 2 years !? lol.... any pictures Please ? From yesterday or Today are welcome ??

08-12-2010, 01:58 PM
Nothing here today only dark screens on DGA HD ,
has anyone got it running in dmbox at all at the moment ??
gotta be someone that provide a recent pic or vid ?
i know DGA HD is deffo back working ok in koan HD with sub cards after glitch/attacks yesterday ,

08-12-2010, 02:10 PM
Nothing here today only dark screens on DGA HD ,
has anyone got it running in dmbox at all at the moment ??
gotta be someone that provide a recent pic or vid ?
i know DGA HD is deffo back working ok in koan HD with sub cards after glitch/attacks yesterday ,

he he

Looks all people was whatching from "2 years" or better 2 days disaper ,have no commet to do !

I have says even before Conspiracy broke when is a real HACK . We all bee witnes we all see some hours some think happnets about 2-3 days ago. Eny one has picture and video Naw?

08-12-2010, 03:23 PM
he he

Looks all people was whatching from "2 years" or better 2 days disaper ,have no commet to do !

I have says even before Conspiracy broke when is a real HACK . We all bee witnes we all see some hours some think happnets about 2-3 days ago. Eny one has picture and video Naw?

Maybe.. but i don't see your point.
If you don't give informations, i don't see whats the purpose of writing in this topic..

So much for: "We are here to help other users"..

08-12-2010, 05:20 PM
Maybe.. but i don't see your point.
If you don't give informations, i don't see whats the purpose of writing in this topic..

So much for: "We are here to help other users"..

Mate was not me Claming the Digitalb HD Paring hack ! read post...
Was not me claiming i am Whatching from 2 years ,blabbla ... where they are now !?
some was was talking me the Clory..lol

This is the real Point...

With this post i like to show to all their real contribution, not only coming here and bla bla...maybe this is a lesson for them ( not for you ).

08-12-2010, 07:38 PM
DGA HD 4 is running ok i can confirm that too in my dreambox800HD :king-041: :cool:

08-12-2010, 07:48 PM
DGA HD 4 is running ok i can confirm that too in my dreambox800HD :king-041: :cool:

ha ha ha . lol every one can see it now ..

Digitalb 4 in this moment is Not Paring duo digitalb testing .....

any one see Digitalb 1 -2-3 ?

08-12-2010, 08:25 PM
So DM.

Is there any real HA*K?? What happened the last days?? What was the previously "hac*k" ?
Is there going to be something public?... etc etc

08-12-2010, 08:41 PM
Can someone tell us how to setup this, so digitalb hd work!

08-12-2010, 09:18 PM
Can someone tell us how to setup this, so digitalb hd work!

It is not just a simple configuration problem, cw postprocess algorithm needs to be added to the emulators, as well as the box unique keys needs to be dumped by every user.

08-12-2010, 11:05 PM
It is not just a simple configuration problem, cw postprocess algorithm needs to be added to the emulators, as well as the box unique keys needs to be dumped by every user.

Thanks for the reply.. Please tell me in wich cam this can be accomplished. im not afraid of complex configuration. Maybe you can help. send me your email in PM please.


09-12-2010, 10:59 PM
Even oscam can do that. Its just a matter of the user's capabilities.
Read here: hxxp://oscam.ump2002.net/board/thread.php?threadid=808

Darkman any new info??

10-12-2010, 09:01 PM
Close this thread this is so lame.It like whos got the bigest ...
If you know something share it.If you have something share it.If you wont share it then dont.
This whole scen used to be about sharing .You guys are sharing nada.
Just a big ?...competion.

10-12-2010, 10:50 PM
Nice publicity


No other Stbs...:respect-040:

11-12-2010, 02:21 AM

i think works on dreambox too non publik emu

11-12-2010, 04:04 AM

i think works on dreambox too non publik emu

Was working was the Past.... that Video was from more then 5 days agu...
from 3-4 days No more picture and vidos !? why !?

11-12-2010, 10:23 AM
Nice publicity


No other Stbs...:respect-040:

It seems you know why it isn't working on the DM, but you want just to take information and not to give.

Other users on other forums are saying that even on spiderboxes they are not working, but i don't have one of my own to test.

Anyway, nice hard*core scene. :P:P

11-12-2010, 10:32 AM
It seems you know why it isn't working on the DM, but you want just to take information and not to give.

Other users on other forums are saying that even on spiderboxes they are not working, but i don't have one of my own to test.

Anyway, nice hard*core scene. :P:P

Now that i read something you wrote elsewhere in my (and yours) mother's tongue... i understand and know more about things.

Thanks bro.

13-12-2010, 06:56 PM
Still no publick hack / howto??

14-12-2010, 02:36 AM
HD4 opening with my full subs card at this moment on DM800.

24-01-2011, 10:20 PM
Still no publick hack / howto??

25-01-2011, 08:20 AM
Dream on you lot even if there is a hack it won't be posted on this forum now no way.

regards painter

22-03-2013, 12:32 AM
Is possible how nobody make public the new hacking for dga HD channels?Is working as well in mgcamd but nobody till now can reshare them.Please if somebody is a real hacker let know what can do about it.
Best Regards.