View Full Version : diablo cam and 6900 super

15-01-2009, 07:30 PM
does anyone know why i cant get my diablo 2.3 cam to work with my new 6900 super. i turned nagra2 au to off and i also downgraded from firmware 668 to 667 but the cam does not open anything.what am i doing wrong?
any advice would be much appreciated

15-01-2009, 08:37 PM
Have you configured it correctly :

Caids file (caids)
Auto PMT (on) or if "certain" channels do not open turn off
Emulators (on)
N2 AU (off)
Emulators Priority ( 1:Emu - 2:cards)
Fixed CW (off) at the moment for "certain" channels
Smartcard Mess. (Show Never)

If that does not work, fomat your cam and re-imput Underworld 1.54
which is opening most stuff for me at the mo ( can't seem to open FreeX)

Hope this helps m8

16-01-2009, 05:44 PM
tried the configuration but diablo does not open anything.same cam works okay on my kathrein ufs 910.any more suggestions would be much appreciated

16-01-2009, 06:01 PM
have you turned the internal technomate patch off could have old keys in it

16-01-2009, 09:25 PM
Have you asked questions in the Diablo section too M8 - someone there might have had a similar experience?
I do know load of other people DO use Diablos in TM6900HD Supers ok, so surely you might get help there too?:grouphug:

16-01-2009, 10:15 PM
have you turned the internal technomate patch off could have old keys in it
i havent.how do i do that

16-01-2009, 11:48 PM
i havent.how do i do that

go in to Menu,System information and then type in 2004 .

Do the same to turn it back on.

All the best nml