View Full Version : smart card initializing

17-01-2009, 12:23 PM
using a tm6900hd combo, with diablo cam. in the card reader i use my gam*a card witch works fine for nova. the problem starts when i move to 1w to watch histordy hd i keep getting smart card initializing over the top of the picture. i have also got a digi alb card in the dialbo for 16e. is there anything i can turn off to stop this,apart from pulling the gam*a out a bit.

17-01-2009, 01:21 PM
diablo 2.3 with latest keys etc. should clear digitalb on 16°E without a card - does in mine.

Can't speak for Nova though - sounds to me like card needs removing when on 1°w - diablo 2.3 again with recent updates will clear nagra & conax on 1°W.

If you only have diablo 2.2 - won't do conax - but its simple enough to get it upgraded to 2.3 - you can do it online via duolabs site - or send it to sponsors here Goldwafers & Lee will upgrade it for you

17-01-2009, 01:45 PM
thanks for the reply Ghoulie, yes i have 2.3 and all the latest files m8. and
i can get the channels ok. 16e with or without the digi alb card. the problem is when i go off nova (gam*a card) to another sat the recevier seems to be trying to read the gam*ma card while the diablo lets me watch
hd channels on 1w. if i pull ga*ma out then its ok the message disappears from the screen. was wondering if there was another way without having to pull card out all the time.

17-01-2009, 04:44 PM
What firmware/magic patch is in your 6900HD
I have never had this problem currently using last magic patch

18-01-2009, 12:41 PM
KoFi its the latest 18 dec 08. the patch is usally turned off when i use the dialbo.