View Full Version : 667p or 668p, patch

18-01-2009, 10:08 PM
Had the tm 6900 Super for about 2 weeks now and it came already loaded with patch, just went into system information and it says it has 668p loaded.

Have been reading a few threads and in file section and latest patch is 667p. What should i be using? do i keep what is on there eg 668p or put 667p on?


18-01-2009, 10:32 PM
668p is the latest and from TM but it doesnt allow some of the features of the latest patch to run. To use the latest patch fully 667p is advisable - there is another thread here about this and what 668 does - hope this helps - Brain

18-01-2009, 10:35 PM
Version 6687 17th December 2008 is official Technomate firmware, 667p is the last patched version that you can use key updates, softcam etc, if you want to update use 667p.

@brain, beat me to it.

19-01-2009, 03:22 PM
So we have to assume that the TM 668 f/w is incorporated into the latest 669 patch!:bravo-009::respect-040:

19-01-2009, 05:08 PM
And when we put a new one on the box is the old patch auto removed or overwritten? I only ask cos as a four year Dreambox user I forgot to check if this is what happens with the TM. Der!! cheers - Brain

21-01-2009, 02:10 PM
can confirm that the latest patch appears to be working fine with latest firmware:respect-001:on a 6900 hd [not super]

21-01-2009, 04:21 PM
ok on the 6900 also not super

21-01-2009, 05:01 PM
OK here on the super as well - noone has answered my stupid question re the patch its replacing - knew it was daft!!! Cheers - brain

21-01-2009, 08:04 PM
Well I always thought that the new patch always overwrites any previous patch!:respect-055: