View Full Version : Flashing

19-01-2009, 11:48 PM
Whats the best way to flash the box ?

02-02-2009, 01:48 PM
Download usb_update.img to a usb stick.
Plug it into the BOX, Press Power+OK, then Power+Button 5
When DONE, Press Power+OK to reboot.
When LANGUAGE Selection, Reboot box again.

05-09-2009, 12:37 PM
hellon i can put wich image for cable tv ,

i have curevo mini hd dvb-c single tuner.


05-09-2009, 03:44 PM
ok , maybe a bit more detailed info will help others here.

To flash any DGS based image being it satelite, cable or terresial to any Cubrevo box or IPbox HD range do the forllowing

Make a folder on the PC and name it after the box name ie Cuberevo
Find a DGS image here or elsewhere, download it to the PC to the same folder you named after the box.

Now go to that folder and extract the image, as normaly the images comes either ziped or rared , so you have to extract them

After the extract is donne see if the image is named usb_update.img
If the image name is something else then you MUST rename it to usb_update.img
Then do this, take a USB PEN add it to PC and trasfer the file usb_update.img to the root of the USB PEN.
Take out the usb from the PC

Now to the box part.
Turn off the box with the power buton on the back side.
Add the USB PEN to the usb port on the backside of the box
Turn on the box WHILE HOLD INN the Power button at the FRONT and at the SAME TIME PRESS IN THE UP BUTTON ON THE FRON PANNEL.

Now on the front display you see Booting ,
Then you see LOADING SW, this will take some time and will be on the display
Then there comes ERASING 01, 02, 03 and so on til 100%
Then there comes Flashing 01,02,03 and so on till 100%
Then comes DONNE
When DONNE is displayed on the front pannel you are done
Now TURN OFF the box with the Power button on the back side
Take out the USB PEN , and bootup the box

That was all, you have installed the image

What ever image you instal from DGS based, being it DGS , *****, SIF , NLB , CLI , UDF or any other image that is based on original DGS image , you can install it the same way as above, and you can flash Satelite , Cable, Terresial
Image is the same for all.

For Enigma1 or Enigma2 there is almost the same procedure , asn long as the image is for flash.

Hope this is to some help for others

20-09-2009, 05:08 PM
hello and thank's for your answer i'm going to follow step by step.