View Full Version : C/Ku Band LNB's with Auto 22KHz Switching..??

22-01-2009, 09:14 AM
HI Guys.
I have a Gregorian 90cm Philips Double Focus Fibo 36V Motorised Dish with an Invacom C120 Flansch LNB SNF-031 0.3dB at present..

I was wondering if there is an LNB for C/Ku Band LNB w/22KHz Switching which will fit on my Dish.
To run the Dish I am using the Old and very faithfull Echostar LT 8700.

As there are so many C Band Channles out there I would like to Update my LNB and get them..!

Is anyone using such an LNB and does it work..?

Can you recommend a particular LNB..?



22-01-2009, 10:08 AM
if I remember eagle makes a combined c/ku lnb when my c band was up I just swapped lnb's I used a extended 11k c band lnb the dish you have is a little small for c band reception the feed might also be a problem they tend to be bigger than ku feeds the echo is analogue only you will need a digital receiver also not sure what is left on c band analogue I have a magazine here with an article about c band reception on small dishes you can have if you want I also have a c band lnbf you could borrow to experiment with if you pay the postage

22-01-2009, 10:34 AM
if I remember eagle makes a combined c/ku lnb when my c band was up I just swapped lnb's I used a extended 11k c band lnb the dish you have is a little small for c band reception the feed might also be a problem they tend to be bigger than ku feeds the echo is analogue only you will need a digital receiver also not sure what is left on c band analogue I have a magazine here with an article about c band reception on small dishes you can have if you want I also have a c band lnbf you could borrow to experiment with if you pay the postage


OK Cheers Buddy..will keep that offer in mind.

Thanks for your prompt reply..I will have a look at this Eagle LNB.

The Echostar is Analog correct BUT this one only moves the Dish I have a lot of other Digital and HD Boxes which do C Band.

So I am am assuming that If I am on a particular Sat with C Band Feeds I can pick up the C Band Channels..OR am I on the wrong track here..?


22-01-2009, 11:18 AM
yes but most sat receivers digital will work ok on c band a blind scan receiver would be best with a good quality tuner but your dish is the weak link in your system being only 1.2m you will receive some c band channels on global beams you will also have probleme with the feedhorn being a lot bigger in diamiter than the ku feed I used 2m dish for c band and that is considered small for c band as I said how many analogue feeds there are left I know not but still plenty in digital with a big dish prime focus in easier to work with

22-01-2009, 12:23 PM
Have Blind Scan Receivers as well...Yes

I am looking at 62°East to 45°West .

I get good results with most Sat's..really Good Signal and Quality,the Set-Up was brilliant and its Spot On.
so am hoping I might just get around any Reception problems.

I actually have a 90cm Dish Double Focus which they say performs with a 20% Gain making it as good as a 110cm one....so I am hoping I will be OK.

I do not want to go any bigger because I live out in the Fields and its UP on the House Roof..Very strong Winds sometimes...I have had problems before and had to Improve on the Mount Pole.

This is a bit of an experiment on my behalf I just to see if I can get any of the C Band Channels out there..

The problem as you so well put it might be the Flansch attachment It might NOT fit..Yes


22-01-2009, 01:37 PM
nothing special there on c band compared to ku especially with a small dish you intend to use but good luck the c band lnbf is here unused if you want to give it a go save you buying the unit with no guarantee of success

22-01-2009, 01:42 PM


Maybe here you can find some more Info, got the Delta Star 0.9 and 1.2 by my self



PS: Have some more Info for you but it is in Dutch

22-01-2009, 02:02 PM

That is a Invacom Sgl 0.3 Flansch LNB or am I seeing wrong..

That is what I have got at the moment BUT I am looking for a C+KU Band Flansch with Auto 22Khz switching...which will Fit into our Flansch Holder..!

Thanks for the Pics love your Set-Up seems you have re-inforced the Dish with wire supports...very Good.:respect-044:


22-01-2009, 02:29 PM
your c120 lnb will not fit a cband lnb you will need a c band feedhorn you could also use a chapperal corator2 but again will not fit onto your dish without major surgery if at all the corator2 allows you to fit c and ku band lnb's to this unit very lossy though so the feed you have on the fibro dish is of no use for c band

22-01-2009, 04:36 PM
Hello Andrew & satwyn

I'am using the flansch Lnb > Invacom single SNF-031 0,3dB < still one for sale, brand new in box for Fibo lovers.
I can promise you that this flansch Lnb is the best, here in the Netherlands (Rotterdam) i have on my 0,9 all verticale and sometimes a few horizontale transponders on the Nilesat 7west, on my 1.2 All V & H strong.


22-01-2009, 04:45 PM
OK Guys..
Found this one..
I am a step forward..now I need to figure out if I can attach this to my Flansch Holder on the Dish..
Probably looking for an Adater Connector to Attach this one at one end and then the other end into my Flansch Holder..
Finally getting somewhere.
What do you think Guys..??

Here are the Spec's:

The BSC621 is a C/Ku LNBF that uses one coax to deliver both C and Ku bands. Its the only one of it's kind that can deliver both C and Ku in one LNB. If you have a C Band dish (BUD), this is the perfect replacement LNB that will allow you to get Free Ku Band channels in addition to you C Band programming. Works for all FTA and 4DTV receivers. 22Khz switching, 65 dB Gain on C Band, 0.3 dB Noise Figure on Ku Band.


22-01-2009, 04:48 PM
Hello Andrew & satwyn

I'am using the flansch Lnb > Invacom single SNF-031 0,3dB < still one for sale, brand new in box for Fibo lovers.
I can promise you that this flansch Lnb is the best, here in the Netherlands (Rotterdam) i have on my 0,9 all verticale and sometimes a few horizontale transponders on the Nilesat 7west, on my 1.2 All V & H strong.


IS this for C Band and KU Band ..??
Looks just like the one I already have connected ..thats for KU ONLY..!

Thank you very much:respect-051:


22-01-2009, 05:15 PM

He is only for the Ku band your's is Ku & C band in one (corroter) the best one today are Chapy or California.


22-01-2009, 05:30 PM
look closely at the size of the feedhorn not far off the size of a dinner plate not practical with the dish you have in my opinion

22-01-2009, 05:43 PM
Take a look at the page 30 of this magazine:



22-01-2009, 06:08 PM
@ satwyn
I am beginning to think you are right..am flogging a Dead horse here..
The Dish is too small..:001_07::smash:
Actually the size is just a little smaller than a Dinner Plate you are very right Buddy...!

What can I say brilliant piece of work..
Now we all know what Cans can be used for even in China :D:D:D

OK Guys..
Thank you ALL for your imput's unless we have someone here who has something like this I think we have reached the end of our Journey.

I will get in touch with the Guys who are selling this BSC621 C/Ku LNBF..and ask their Advice and Results then take it from there.

Many Thanks to you all.:respect-055:


22-01-2009, 06:55 PM
been looking at c band for 20 years in analogue and recently had a look what could be received in digital with a 2m prime focus precision dish with 11k extended c band lnb 3.4-4.2 non extendes is 3.7-4.2 could receive quite a bit from telecom even some channels from south america a dish less than 1m would struggle to receive much even after you overcome the feed problen on off set dishes I have seen a gibertini 1.5m here with both c ku lnb's side by side with good results in spain i think with digital you either get a lock or you don't with analogue threshold extension could be used 1.2m irte p/f was the smallest dish I used for c band in the old days gorisont could de viewed in secam very strong signal in western europe but if you are serious about ca band look for a dish around the 2m p/focus would be easier to work with

22-01-2009, 07:17 PM
Hello friends

Maybe this picture give's you a better few if the corroter will fit on the feedarm ?


22-01-2009, 07:46 PM
Andrew, the Fibo 90 (or 1.2) is simply not suitable for C-band in any way. The primary reflector diameter of the 90cm is simply too small, second, the scalarrings of any conventional C-band lnb will block out most of the subreflector.

23-01-2009, 08:12 AM
@satwyn @Glenn @Eugenie

OK Guys..
Thank You ALL very much for your Super Support and Answers..
seems that my main problem IS the DISH size.:o10:

I think I will have to give this little experiment of mine a miss.

I understand the complications involved and to be truthful I DO NOT want to put up a much larger Dish on the Roof.
The Garden is NOT an option either I have many Trees and wherever I choose to put the Dish there is always one in the way.
They have grown so big that nowadays they are protected and without Local Gov permission I cannot cut them down,not that I really want to anyway.

I had hoped that Electronics achievement had moved on and the LNB's for C/KU Bands combined would have improved and got much smaller and better..seems that is NOT the Case.

I will have to live with what I have got which is NOT too Bad I suppose
62°E **** 45°W........Lots of Channels to see there.

Most of the Gear the LNB's etc for C Band seems to be in the US,Canada and the Far East which makes getting hold of anything also a little complicated nothing very much here in Europe.

Eugenie nice to see you are still around been a long time since we last spoke.

Thanks Guys.:respect-051:


23-01-2009, 09:27 AM
c band gear widely available in the uk it's just that c band reception is not available on a modified mini dish 1.5m should start you off with some channels but will not compete with ku in western europe

23-01-2009, 11:04 AM
I am using TM5400 on Para-Clipse 1.8 dish between 40e&55.5w with a far eastern 17k lnb. Having done a blind search on all sats that I could find a signal on and deleting all those not giving a picture and have now found about 150 chs the strongest being on 55.5w&30.5e

27-01-2009, 07:11 PM
nice one if you used an 11K lnb you would probably do even better