View Full Version : Sid not found in pat ......

22-01-2009, 11:10 AM
Since changing over to bh0.7 i seem to be getting this more and more to the point where i couldnt open anything on 28 east.

I have my tuners set up like this :- A is on simple , single and 28 east diseq No ( via a splitter from my sky hd dish )

B i have as motorised altho i have not set this up properly yet as im using a vbox switch so really need to change that and set the diseq up to control my switch and move my big dish

and c and d are set up as cble tuners .

any ideas as to what could cause me to go from having all channels no probs to more and more either tuner failed or sid not found in pat literally over night ....?

To get channels back it wasnt just a case of re adding a channel list either , i had to re flash with bh0.7 then add channel list again and i havent yet tuned cble in as i want to monitor how the satelites behave without cble being added !!

22-01-2009, 11:38 AM
A is on simple , single and 28 east diseq No ( via a splitter from my sky hd dish )

I would think this is your problem, the splitter. I will assume that you are just using a normal pass filter as your splitter, similar to how you would split your cable feed?

If this is the case then I think youll find that this is the root of your issues. - the normall splitters do no know how to deal with the LNB's need for +13v and +18v feeds injected down the line to tell the LNB change polarity from H to V. - dont be fooled by the LNB loop trought options either, these setups require the device been loop be powered off, and are more of a well planned dance than a useful solution.

Your very simplest proof of this, is to remove the splitter, and take the cable directly out of the sky hd box and put the cable into tuner A on the 8000. if that fixes the issue which i expect it will, then you can start to see where this is going....

the cheapest fix is on the LNB of the sky dish to take a clear feed direcly back to the 8000, i would expect with a HD setup from sky the lnb is already a quad feed lnb, but if not they are cheap to buy and pop in.

if running a new cable back direcly is a challange you can look at multiplexer/demultiplexers, but these will not come cheap.

- To case the point -

I have 4 dishes on the tower i use, and 4 cables coming back to the room with all the dreamboxes. - out on the tower each dish has a quad feed LNB, and i have 4 x 4way Diseqc Switches - that means that each lnb feed is set to 1 port on each Diseqc Switch, [total of 16 cables] - and then the output of each switch is routed back to the room with the dreamboxes. then every dreambox is set up as multiport Diseqc with the 4 satalites named for a,b,c,d positions.

its a lot of cable, but means i can be confident that the feeds will work [until the winds move the dishes :(]

Hope this helps

22-01-2009, 11:46 AM
Hmmmm yeah that could be it altho the splitter i bought was meant to be recommended for sly hd etc rather than an inferior cble splitter !!!

Strange thing is tho my motorised dish gets the same results on some satelites i.e. some channels comming up tuner failed or no sid in pat but then clearing seconds later but again maybe this is because i havent got tuner 2 set up properly yet as im waiting till ive got a spare day to try and set it up so that the diseq makes my v-box move my dish to around 10 or 12 sat positions !! ( i have an mti bluline 0.6 lnb if that makes any difference ..? )

23-01-2009, 12:29 AM
think im sorted, ive split the cable the other way round to what i had , the main lnb feed from my sly mini dish is now spit between lnb 1 and 2 on the sly hd box giving strong signals according to the signal test in services menu and lnb feed 2 now goes directly to the 1st tuner on my dm8k !!!

made a difference to bbc hd straight away !!!!

cheers for the info shappaeye :respect-055:

23-01-2009, 10:55 AM
note - when the second tuner on the HD box goes to a service that is on a different polarity to what your watching on the 8000, the problem will come back :001_07: