View Full Version : Easy Rider 4.0x: a letter to a friend...

23-01-2009, 03:42 AM
OKI, the main points:

Most of the stuff can be done via a tool called HyperTerminal, which is included in Windows XP - under Accessories, if memory serves. The configuration is included in the info. Vista doesn't but you will find it in this thread...

============ATTACHMENTS========== =

You will see in the attachments all the info, the tools and links, plus the SW for it all to work... This forum's sponsors are not doing anything for this receiver, as it is directed to the German market, so no real conflict here...

Easy Rider

A list of channels + an editor for it [EasyEdit]

Manuals for Galaxis receivers in Spanish and German

Key converter and more for it [MikeCrypt - not sure what exactly it is for or how to do it yet]

Flashing/programming tools [HyperTerminal and PL Galaxis, maybe even ER MultiTool, not sure what and how exactly that one works]


All you need to do is move it to 1'W Thor, which has the most to see these days, like the whole package of DigiTV, which is a Central/East European package. Movies, sport, music, news, kids stuff, jolly programs etc. ;)

Even better would be to add a cheap DiSEqC motorised dish and be able to go where you want. Not expensive in a package with an installation, together with a 1m by 80cm dish and a good 0.2 dB LNB. Your Galaxis receivers have the DiSEqC 1.2 protocol to move it.


The original FW for your receiver was slow, bad, limited and limiting [on purpose!] and really crap, thanx to the commercial idea to stop you from doing more or less anything other than what they wanted you to do with it, which was only a German package Premiere and only parts of it. So, some clever and kind people pooled their info to get together a better one and then shared it with us all. Various types and then many different versions have been written so far. This one is best by far!!!

Where to find the newest version?

http://www.easyrider.ch.pn/ - more or less all you need is here. For instance, in the section CF-Karte/Fur Sat Boxen - > encryption, keys etc.

http://www.manualeitor.com/galaxis_serie_easy_pop_y_matrix/5575-er_4_02_a.html Here is the information for the previous version of ER [4.01]:

Galaxis Firmware " EasyRider 4.01 "

+ embedded gCam
+ multicam support (betacrypt, cryptoworks, conax, viaccess)
+ card sharing via gbox-SSSP
+ pcmcia compactflash support

Hardware Requirements
Galaxis McZap, Matrix, IQs, Matrix Action, Easy, Pop, Hirschmann,
Axis, Classic, TechnoTrend TT-micro S200, Premiere TV-Pilot 100,
hauppauge dec 3000s or any compatible receiver with TI AV 711xx.

+ Flash Erase (*)
+ Keyfile
+ Settings (*)
+ Firmware

(*) In case of first install via rs232 save settings and erase flash.
For flash erase, saving settings and bootloader use "pl_galaxis".

Version 3.0 or higher supports fast simple Firmware- and Settings-
flashing via Compact Flash-card.

EasyRider can be used in emulation- or share-mode via SSSP (=Simple
Serial Sharing Protocol). This Protocol defines the communication
between dvb-box and a gbox by using RS232 (serial/com/tty port).
For cardsharing activate "cw-share" in the tools menu of the firmware.
When configuring cw-share take care in using debug-mode. Only use in
case of searching errors to avoid redundant datatransfer on rs232 port.

serial port configuration for e.g. router like WR850G V2
115200 8N1 (baudrate: 115200, data bits: 8, parity: none, stop bit: 1)

gbox-RS232 communication settings
To activate add in the gbox_cfg
R: { 01 } for com1, or R: { 02 } for com2
W: and V: should be deactivated 00 00

+ irdeto
+ beta digital
+ seca
+ viaccess, tps
+ nagravision
+ cryptoworks
+ constant cw
+ biss
+ conax

ECM-Tracer (caid/pid logger)
EasyRider contains also an ecm-tracer (CaID/PID Logger).
To start tracing activate the ecm-trace and for additional information
also the debug-mode in the tools menu.

The integrated emm-blocker can be activated in the tools menu.
D0, D2 and D3's will be blocked.

thanks to all for patience, spending time for tests, cooperation work
and nerves.
thanks also to the developers of external tools and gbox through which
cardsharing with galaxis compatible dvb-boxes has become possible. Exactly how to work with it [Manual] is here:
http://www.manualeitor.com/galaxis_serie_easy_pop_y_matrix/74-manual_galaxis_easy.html Channel list is here:
http://www.manualeitor.com/galaxis_serie_easy_pop_y_matrix/762-listas_de_canales_easy.html More links for it all:


http://ng-box.com/shop/index.php?file=shop&mode=details&number=1 - CF [= Compact Flash] memory card. The reason I mention it is this: if you want, just for fun, to add a universal card reader [MultiCam or MC] - if you know how to handle a soldering iron...... You will see the "how to" in the links below... That MultiCam card reader you might put into your receiver will be able to read just about any Smart Card, then... ;)


Why is it important? To connect the laptop/PC and the receiver, i.e. to transfer the files from your laptop/PC to the receiver, of course - you need a null modem cable and a gender changer. But the Q is: is it really necessary or can it be done by the memory card alone? Yes, it is possible but only if you already have ER version 3.xx or higher, as you read in the quoted text above....

Also, because the receiver had very little memory, as well as to be able to programme the CF in your laptop/PC and then transfer the files to your receiver, like it is possible these days with USB memory cards in some new receivers. Once you programme ER v. 4.x into the receiver via the cable you will be able to put new versions via the CF memory card alone, as I said. If your laptop/PC doesn't have a card reader you can buy a cheap one that will be able to programme the memory card for Galaxis. Then, insert it into the receiver and in the Menu, using your remote controller, give the command to take over the SW from the memory card.

This is the additional info I got when I asked about it:

The bundle consists of a CI (Common Interface = expansion slot in the receiver, similar to the laptop smart card adapter) adapter and the CF [Compact Flash] card. You have to put the card into the adapter and put the adapter into one of the 2 expansion slots. You do not have to open the box.
To flash the software you need a tool named "port listener 2.7" [see attached].

Connect the box with a null modem cable (you need a gender changer as the cable is to be male-female) to your com port on your pc, click the connect button in port listiner, power on the box and click the "send d" button in port listener several times in the beginning of the boot phase. You now enter the download mode.
Then, browse to the .bin file of Easy Rider and click "pc -> stb".

Copy the keys files attached below to your CF card (1st: au.txt, then nagra2.txt, then the rest) which was formatted as fat (not fat32) before.

At First you must do a FLASH ERASE. It's integrated in Portlistener 2.7.
So, remember: format the CF memory card in FAT format, not FAT32!!!


http://galaxisboard.startlogic.com/board/ - dedicated to Galaxis receivers!!!

http://www.dvb2k.de/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=4271&sid=9381395479f6fe846a8c83ce6ab36 87f - here you can read about various non-ironed-out bugs with some chips for Galaxis receivers and how to sort them out [worry not about it for now!]

http://www.dvb2k.de/phpbb2/viewforum.php?f=14&sid=8620c7345aad7efc13e5d8419b983 8e6 - the same forum dedicated to Galaxis, plenty of things are in English

http://www.dvb-team.biz/board.php?boardid=36 - more...

==================FAQ============ =====

http://www.dvb2000.org/gktv/install.htm - how to install it all, in very easy to follow guidelines - very simple and easy...

How to install....

You need:

a null modem cable with 9-pin Sub-D connector
9-pin Sub-D Gender changer male/male:
A galaxis Box:
http://www.dvb2000.org/gktv/presse_voransicht_20010124072253. jpg
[You should have all that by now and more, I hope...]

Hyperterminal or the GkWare galaxis downloader [or the aforementioned Port Listener]

Using the downloader application is the recommended update method for unexperienced users. It contains on-screen step-by-step instructions for changing the box firmware. The following description might help you if you have problems or simply want more information about the upgrade progress.

Download HowTo (Hyperterminal):

Connect one of your PC serial ports to your galaxis box using the nullmodem cable and the gender changer (other cables might fit, but they do not work).
Start Hyperterminal and open the serial port you connected the box to (115k2, no handshake)
Power-On your box
Quickly press "d" on the keyboard when you see a series of dots
If you see "doun" in the front-display now proceed with step 6, otherwise go back to step 3.
Select Transfer -> Send File
Select "1k XModem" in the Protocol field
Select "Browse" and open the downloaded firmware file
Press "Send"
You should see a download progress bar now.
You should now UNDER NO CIR***STANCES powerdown or reset the box until the download is complete and the new firmware has started.


Do the ER 4.02 first, then a Channel List, then Keys [whatever goes on the memory card ["CF"].

When you do that, than you will see more and would probably wanna know more, so feel free to ask, I wrote a lot about it in simple and easy to follow terms and I will try to answer your Qs to the best of my ability, like "What's Card Sharing?" etc.

Here is more HOW TO in pickies:
http://foros.zackyfiles.com/showthread.php?p=2250274#post2250 274 - easy to translate online using Google or such an engine...



[Various types of SW for Galaxis and similar receivers I mentioned before...]

Not to forget: Easy Rider is for the above mentioned receivers only:
http://www.dvb2k.de/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=4593&sid=9381395479f6fe846a8c83ce6ab36 87f
http://geppotga.altervista.org/er.php - other similar receivers and various teams are working with each other and supporting each other...

http://www.gxmax.com/ - likewise...

http://foros.zackyfiles.com/index.php? - this one has a section for Galaxis recs

Here is another one for it:
http://mitglied.l*y*c*o*s*.de/gxboard/4/ Without the *'s!

==================BOOT 2.50 i 3.10=================

http://www.dvb2k.de/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?t=4474&sid=9381395479f6fe846a8c83ce6ab36 87f - information about two different versions of Boot and how to flash it, if necessary - 2.50 or 3.10... but I wouldn't worry about it. This is an operating system of your receiver and only needs to be changed if it gets very corrupted or someone figures out there's a bad flaw in it, so then you must do it to be able to put in the newest SW... A Spanish site says, I think, never to use 3.10 with Fujitsu processor 3.10: EN NINGÚN CASO USAR CON FLASH FUJITSU ].


Now, once you programme your receiver the first time and you see just how easy and simple it is you'll curse me, I'm sure, for writing so much. I just wanted to be thorough and leave no stone unturned, so to make sure it will be really simple, easy and certain... ;)

Untill then - have PHUNNNN!!!!!

All the very best!!!!


P.S. Sorry if an odd T is missing - my new laptop has a flaw...

23-01-2009, 04:01 AM
Here's a few more, just in case... ;) :)

23-01-2009, 04:17 PM
Plus the CS stuff...:respect-056: