View Full Version : How to flash your DBox - the info, the lot!

23-01-2009, 04:00 PM
Sooooooooo, I finally had a chance, a little while back, to test the newest, ironed out version of PB-Enigma for sat TV DBoxes, published on 31st December 2008, one can find here, for instance:

* Fixed Bootmanager
* small fixes

* mit ogg support
* interner Videotext geht nun ohne aktivierten Caching !I will try to add the proggies and everything else you might need in this thread... :o21: The Image is for DBox wih 2 flashes, btw, more on the net, I have no time to put it ALL up, sorry...

===HOW TO SHOVE A PB or any other image INTO YOUR LINUXED DBOX===

Use the Flashtool that I will post here: setup_dboxifa311 and then...

-install it to your PC, then
-start it from your Hallenberg folder, then
-choose an Image, then
-choose your PC's gadget over which you will connect with your DBoxom, then
-choose how you are connected , then
-Start and hen DBox must NOT be plugged into electricity [you'll see a warning in a little window to unplug it], then
-click OK and then
-plug your DBox into the wall [electricity, as it's well known in the world ] and wait for the flashing process to finish/programming of your DBox to get done, that is...

If you do not succeed the first time, worry not, you will eventually. Frequently it does not "catch on" immediately. Just terminate the proggy on your PC, then unplug the DBox and repeat the procedure... Patience and you'll be dancing round the table naked, to the delight of your neighbours... or not, if you're not a beautiful, busty, bi***ual blonde...


When it's all over just follow the TV prompts and answer the Qs...

If memory serves, firstly you will see a message to terminate the Flashing Tool and to unplug and plug back in the DBox.

There, it's so bloody easy and simple to put in a new Image into your Linuxed DBox, thanx to the maestros who wrote all that helpful stuff for everyone and for nothing, no money but the love of the hobby!!!

When your PB Enigma Image starts just answer the questions which the installation of PB Enigma 7.0x poses to you, namely the main configuration, in the sense of "which HW [hardware] have you got?" - simple...

Why is that important? Because PB Enigma Image 7.0x comes with various drivers for all kinds of possible setups - like different versions of DBox receivers [Nokia, Philips, Sagem, then version 1 or 2, then various additions, like built in HDD or additional memory etc.].

If, like me, you have nothing of the HW sort added to your DBox [I'm lying, actually, I do have a new kind of MultiCam or MC but I activate that later on in an Expert settings or some such Menu] then choose an option in the middle [Flash, I think] and anything else you might need. I can't remember right now all the details, like for instance were there any other questions after the first [I]restart or boot. PB Enigma will then, allegedly, cleverly delete all the unnecessary drivers when you unplug your DBox and plug it back in.

Ergo, just continue going through various Menus and set it up according to your setup, to your HW and network gadgetry...

More to follow...:respect-065::sifone:

23-01-2009, 04:02 PM
Now, you will need an FTP tool, like Total Commander [find it attached] to connect with your receiver, i.e. DBox, which, as I said, is connected either with your PC directly or via a router using the LAN cable, in order to shove essential files into your receiver and to be able to edit them, once they are in your DBox:

-start the TC
-go to FTP options
-give a name to your new connection, if you do not already have it
-put in your DBox address
-put in a username [usually: root]
-password [usually: dbox2 or whatever you choose]
-hit the Connect buton.

Once connected [TC with DBox] the first thing you need to do is put into the DBox the new camd.xml [which I will attach here] into your DBox. Put it exactly here:

All you need to do is to locate it in one part of the TC [your PC's HDD] and drag and drop from that side to the other side [which is your DBox's above mentioned folder].

Why? GBox can't work without it...;)

23-01-2009, 04:04 PM
Then, put the GBox itself in [I will put it here, also - so all is in one place], precisely here and this is how::
var/bin: (needs o be modified to chmod 755, which in your TC is done like this: click once on a file you need to edit/modify, so that it's selected, then go to -> File -> Change Atributes -> change the number/value to 755 -> OK)

Then, add the additional files for GBox [cwshare.cfg, gbox_cfg, softcam.cfg ] which - you guessed it :respect-056: - will all be added here and put them into:
var/key [ident.info and ignore.list are recommended and they both go to the same place]

Then put in: gbox_cam.sh (also Change Attributes or in other words chmod 755) here:

One more thing: into var/keys put the cwshare.cfg file.

Details to follow...:respect-011:

23-01-2009, 04:07 PM
OK, now the Card Sharing details [here is something I prepared earlier in the Samsung section, slightly edited... :respect-051:]:

Card Sharing is:

connecting your receiver [in this case DBox] with a specific SW in your receiver [PB Enigma plus GBox (installed on your DBox also)

with your friends' receivers or PCs.

They will have Original Smart Cards [OSCs] you do NOT have, in order to watch the programs those OSCs open.

You connect with them via the internet.

With CS you have those cards virtually. But you can still watch the programs those OSCs can open, provided your friends are constantly "online" and you can connect to their receiver or PC.

Your DBox, btw, is connected to the net via your router, i.e. a LAN cable.

And now the "How to" in small steps:

First, create a DynDNS account. It's free.

Go to
w*w.dyndns.org ->
go to “Account”/"create account”.
Once you enter all the details and create an account, get the confirmation email go to ->
There you will select Dynamic DNS [even if your IP doesn't change all the time, but very rarely] ->
then select “Add Dynamic DNS”.
Just create the name you want and do not use Enable wildcard or Mailexchanger.
Click Add host.
It's done!!

After that put the DynDNS details into your Router to enable your DynDNS Service updater in it, so DynDNS Service is updated every time you change your IP address and your friends can find you through the DynDNS address. Namely, in your router's DDNS options [if you have more than one]:
choose DynDNS, then ->
put your newly created DynDNS username, then
password, then
Hostname [like myname.dyndns.org - this is just an example, create your own name!!].

That address you just created is always going to be the same, even though your IP address might change every time you logon/get online/boot your PC.
Now SAVE all that or APPLY or ENABLE, whatever is in your Router's interface.

OK so far? :respect-059:

After that you need to forward some ports in your Router. That allows your GBox to go to the net and connect with other PCs, in this case a Server with your friends' cards, the stuff you want to watch...


In your Router you must do the Port Forwarding. In my modem it's under Applications and Gaming -> Port Range Forwarding.

You name an application [say GBox for your GBox CS SW or maybe name it after your friend, as you may open many ports for GBox and each should be named after your friend].

Put the Port Range as follows:

-your port [the one you have to give to your friend to put into his cwsahre.cfg, together with your DynDNS and Pass] and the same port should be in Start and End little box, then UDP or Both Protocols, and add your IP address, plus tick it at the end, so it is active. {At least that is how it is in my Linksys Router.}

-his port - the one he gave you, where you will be let into his machine, just do the same as above but name it after your friend, so you know which one is which.

-check your address by clicking on the Network Icon in the Systray -> Support and you'll see it. Occasionally it may change, if you get another device connected to the network, so check it, if GBox is not working. It looks normally something like or so.

Now go to the bottom of the page and SAVE SETTINGS! If you did it the right way it should all be saved and you will see it the way you want it to be right in front of you.

================UltraEdit32====== ========

Now, install UltraEdit32 on your PC. Why? Because you need to sort your cwshare.cfg yourself. Here is the template you need to Copy and Paste into UltraEdit 32, NOT Notepad, Wordpad or anything else!!! One can find good, freeware alternatives on the net, like UEStudio `06, for instance.

In cwshare.cfg you will edit the yourdyndns.org and yourfriendsdyndns.whatever with the data you are given from the people you trust, like theirport but also yourport, the one you assign to your GBox, so it can go to the net. Also yourpass and hispass! JUST REPLACE THEM AS INDICATED BELLOW, IT IS EASY!!! Don't give up on me now!!!:respect-048:

That's all you need to do for DBox's GBox to work your CS magic. Nothing else. No other files except cwshare.cfg, if you did exactly as previously described above!!!

===============cwshare.cfg======= ======

Lines with # in front are not taken into account, do not matter, these are explanations. Leave them be.

M: { your.dyndns.org { yourpass }}
# Internet Friends port range password cod
D: { yourfriendsdyndns.whatever { yourport theirport { hispass { A3 A3 }}}}
#================================ ================
# allow maximum 3 share level for received card data
I: { 3 }
# Send ECM's at maximum 7 cards (please use this as default)
X: { 7 }
# 01 repeat EMM's
# 00 consider every EMM only once
# 01 restart pid on overflow
# 1* reset ENX on every channel change
# *1 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA
# *2 check/reset ENX freezes on PayTV
# *3 check/reset ENX freezes on FTA and PayTV
# 00 write nothing in atack.txt
# 01 write into atack.txt: password is wrong
# 02 write into atack.txt: ID unknown
# 04 write into atack.txt: IP is wrong
# 08 write into atack.txt: port is wrong
# 10 write into atack.txt: share.stat
# 20 create online.log for online/offline logging
# 3F write everything. (combine bits for other combinations)
# 5000 send ecm again after 5 Seconds if no reply.
# 7000 resync decode after 7 Seconds if net decode failed
N: { 01 01 03 00 5000 7000 }Your pass will be 8 signs, letters from A - F, if memory serves, numbers from 1-9.

Just Copy and Paste this into your Ultra Edit 32 and edit CAREFULLY, preserving the empty slots [pauses/breaks], then Save.

==============To recapitulate:=================

You have created a DynDNS account and enabled it in your router, forwarded some ports.

You have installed UE32 and created a GBox folder [just unpack your GBox in that folder] on your PC.

In your cwshare.cfg file, that is a part of GBox CS SW, you have put your DynDNS details and the password for your GBox, plus the ports you have opened/forwarded in your Router for it to operate freely.

You have also put your friend's details [their DynDNS address, password and port they opened for you to hook onto their GBox server] into the cwshare.cfg.

Now reboot your DBox.

Start your GBox with the newly edited cwshare.cfg, that you put into the GBox folder, as described above.

You should see some colours on your TV screen - that is, IF you are connected, if everything is properly sorted.

Change the channel to another encrypted channel in the same package, as described above [1 system of encryption].

Hopefully you will see the picture now.

========One more thing:=======

GBox is no perfect and so sometimes you will have to reboot or restart the EMU etc.

Cheers and good luck!!

[I need a drink after all this... After that I need a holiday... FFS...:respect-050::king-041:]

23-01-2009, 04:08 PM
If you wanna control your GBox from DBox itself, via remote control, then search the net or even this forum:respect-056: for GBox Control Centre and similar plugins:

GBox Suite v 2.30

cfg > CHMOD 644
SO > CHMOD 755 (atribute chmod 755, as described above)

(c) Dicaprio 2006 Anyone tried FSNES plugin for GBox in DBoxu?


23-01-2009, 04:10 PM
My settingsa/channel list, from 28'E do 43'W, for which I used Pet list as a template, but I edited it a bit, and given half a chance, I will do more of that, if only I get a dish installed... any time soon....:king-042:

Plus an editor which works well with this version of the PB Enigma Image 7.0x!!!:applause-003:

Btw, not sure how I can stop DBox from scanning a satellite position, once on it/searching for new channels all the time... if I can switch it off, that is... It does do that quite well, I have to say...

Btw, you can always download - if your DBox is connected directly to the net via a LAN cable - via online updates the latest:

Key files


sat xml files

and a lot more...

Just explore your DBox's Menu's and try and learn...

But most importanly: HAVE PHUNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!:king-041::respect-050::respect-059:

28-01-2009, 03:01 PM
Hello my friend you have been very busy here and elsewhere ;) I see you enjoying your dbox2 playgroup lolol. What can i say nokia dbox2 is a great box, still using mines for the last 8 years now, very reliable receivers!!

Nice to see you still active :)



28-01-2009, 04:04 PM
Yo, m8! How's it hangin'? :respect-054:

Just played a bit, as I got an old Philips DBox2 with 2 Flashes, before I moved countries...

Newbies need some help and some of us who do not know how to write an Emulator or an Image but do know how to flash it and use it - should, really, help any way we can and return to the hobby a bit of their time and good will... So, I did it when I was doing more or less fook all, hehe...

Have you noticed that PB Enigma is a bit too big, hence too slow and hangs when zapped too fast? Or is it me and my setup?

Is Neutrino similar in this regard? I just found way too many holes in Neutrino, so went for Enigma, generally and PB was best/fullest...

It's a great hobby, innit! ;)

28-01-2009, 08:21 PM
Have you noticed that PB Enigma is a bit too big, hence too slow and hangs when zapped too fast? Or is it me and my setup?

Yes m8, you need to remove all the extra plugins and games etc., Basically all the stuff that is not required. I did try the pb v6.0 for a while was ok. But i use neutrino md electronic board images, they rock!! MD V5.31 to be honest i have never had any problems with HDD or Cam emulation. Even my Sc8in1 works fine on it with newcs. Pretty fast channel hopping. Another alternative is the Boxcracker image they too very good. If you need a copy let me know, its for 2xI chips.



29-01-2009, 02:38 AM
Yes, please: can you upload them here?:woohoo-022::king-041:


29-01-2009, 07:11 PM
Here you go m8, The images comes with all extras aswell. some people might not require these so its best if any stuff you need adding ie plugins,HDD setup, Multicam module, cardserver,cam emulation etc.. just use the online updater from the md-menu. The less stuff you have the better!

I have also attached the latest german and english language file.



29-01-2009, 07:35 PM
thought posts regarding dboxes was banned in the rules

"3) no discussion of any SKY TV hacks , or cable tv hacks , dboxes or any cable equipment whatsoever or of any forums that have that information on them"

i understand that these posts do not refer to cable hacks but still refers to dbox...... is this allowed?

29-01-2009, 07:36 PM
Cool! Ta, m8!

Let's run a DBox2 thread worth seeing on SatPimps!!! ;) :) :cheers2::sifone::respect-056:

29-01-2009, 07:38 PM
This is satellite, Zad:smash::D - nothing to do with the local UK providers - that note is about the cable DBox stuff!;):cheers2:

29-01-2009, 07:46 PM
Here you go m8, The images comes with all extras aswell. some people might not require these so its best if any stuff you need adding ie plugins,HDD setup, Multicam module, cardserver,cam emulation etc.. just use the online updater from the md-menu. The less stuff you have the better!

I have also attached the latest german and english language file.



'Be good for newbies to Neutrino to have some easy to follow HELP files for elementary HOW TO's, I think...:confused:

Pretty please... :Angel_anim:

29-01-2009, 10:06 PM
Be good for newbies to Neurino to have some easy to follow HELP files for elementary HOW TO's, I think...

Pretty please..

lol i'll do a quick guide howto:

Well the best way is just flash with the following file which is in the attachement, and ignore all the others. This is the base image 2x_sat_mdimage_v5.31_07112008.img .

NOTE: Flashing the dbox2 sat receiver, the procedure is exactly the same as goran already explained in the above posts.

Once firmware is flashed and receiver has rebooted do the following:

Setting up network

{press = buttons on remote}

Press "dbox"
press "7" (Settings)
press"4" (Network)

Start Network on boot "ON"

if you want to use dhcp make sure its "ON" otherwise leave it as "OFF" and use following example for manual setup.

Insert box IP: <--- example
subnetmask: <--- example
broadcast: <--- example
default gateway: <--- example Router ip

Press" Red" (Start/Restart Network Now)
Press"Green" ( Test Network now)

You should have internet access now :)

press"Red" (save settings now)

Accessing MD internet Menu for latest channel listing, games, emu, HDD etc..

press "dbox"
press "6" (Image Menu)
press "4" (md.offline.online)
press "red"( online.imageupdate) if you want to add new channelist, Plugins, TuxBox, HDD setup etc..
press "Green" (online.keyupdate ) all latest keys for emu's can be download directly from the internet
press "Yellow" (online.emuupdate) all emu's can be download and installed from here including cfg files.

Enjoy :)

29-01-2009, 10:18 PM
Zad - i understand that these posts do not refer to cable hacks but still refers to dbox...... is this allowed?

well i think we all need to make sure when we refer to dbox in this case we should also add a suffix "dbox2 sat" I think this will clear any confusion. So goran m8 its advisable to edit your main title to this post something on these lines

How to flash your DBox2 Sat - the info, the lot!

29-01-2009, 10:29 PM
:respect-054:Done, but the Admin have to do the title itself, as it wouldn't take my title edit, sadly...;)

Nice little intro, m8!!!:cheers2::applause-038:

04-05-2009, 04:16 PM
Mbox + NewCS + Multicam in DBox2 does function:


Goku asks how to start them together and m3mphis responds [re. the camd.xml file, I believe :D]:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>

<emu text="Mbox" emufilename="mbox" emuzusatz="" emuzusatz0="" emuzusatz1="" Ecm="ecm.info (http://ecm.info/)" ZapSleep="2" />
<emu text="Mbox/Newcs" emufilename="mbox;newcs" emuzusatz="newcs" emuzusatz0="" emuzusatz1="" Ecm="ecm.info (http://ecm.info/)" ZapSleep="2" />

<!-- text= <OSD Name>
emufilename= <camd binary>
emuzusatz= <daemon binary>
ZapSleep= <sleep befor start a camd>

emuzusatz= <daemon binary> name of newcs binary


Thank you

both emu are running

line is going like this

<emu text="Mbox/Newcs" emufilename="mbox" emuzusatz="newcs" emuzusatz0="" emuzusatz1="" Ecm="ecm.info" ZapSleep="2" />


And then:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?>

<emu text="Mbox" emufilename="mbox" emuzusatz="" emuzusatz0="" emuzusatz1="" Ecm="ecm.info" ZapSleep="2" />
<emu text="Mbox/Newcs" emufilename="mbox" emuzusatz="newcs" emuzusatz0="" emuzusatz1="" Ecm="ecm.info" ZapSleep="2" />

<!-- text= <OSD Name>
emufilename= <camd binary>
emuzusatz= <daemon binary>
ZapSleep= <sleep befor start a camd>

Thank you @BfG28 and @m3mphis

Then, Goku says:

newcs.xml config for multicam in dbox2

you must enable cardserver in pb enigma extra menu

copyright by @telesat

<?xml version="1.0"?>

For setup-issues, look in readme.txt!
If there are other troubles, try different forums or irc channels around :o)



<readers name="Card Readers">
<!-- <boxkey>0000000000</boxkey> -->
<priority>round</priority> <!-- hard is default -->
<!-- valid value for id are:
4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. -->
<!-- valid value for id are:
4 numbers, if the service id is 3 numbers, add a 0 infront of it. -->

<!-- valid value for enable are:
0,1 - Enable or Disable radegast server. -->

<!-- valid value for port are:
0,65535 - Which port to listen for incomming connections. -->

<!-- valid value for allow are:
ALL - Not active yet. -->
<level>init</level> <!--spam-->
<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>



29-12-2009, 02:37 AM
CCcam, as an Emulator, as well as CS SW... [a very small, shrunk version of CCcam is attached to this message!]

-delete camd2: d-box -> Setup -> PB-Menu -> Camd Installer -> Delete-Camd

-[B]Online Updates -> Download Camds -> CCcam 2.1.1 [2.1.2 doesn't work with keys, i.e. as an Emulator]

-Download Config Files -> CCcam-config

-keys for CCcam: d-box -> Setup -> PB-Menu -> Online Updates -> Download Keys -> fresh Minicat CCcam keys [from the CCcam.cfg file remove the sign # in front of SOFTCAM, AUTOROLL and STATIC CW, as well as PRIO, PROVIDER and CHANNELINFO lines, if you're gonna use those files...

-from Download Plugins download CCcam Info[d-box -> Setup -> PB-Menu -> Plug-ins -> gives you the info about servers you're hooking onto, as well as your clients etc. - do not go to ECM history because DBox2 will reboot...].

What's where? Here:

-CCcam module is in var/bin folder

-config is in var/etc

In CCcam.cfg one puts C lines, in order to become client, i.e. to hook onto either

1) your own server/card on another receiver you may have in your home network

C: 192.168.x.x 12000 user pass

where 192.168.x.xxx address of your other box with a card, which is your server, then... or

2) via internet, onto another person's server:

C: hostname port username password

-IP adresa of your peer/server which you're hooking onto - in the form of something.dyndns.org [this is but an example!]
-port, which you are given by your "peers", together with your
-username and

If one is a server, one needs to allow somebody's access to your server via an F line, where you set-up the stuff related to sharing your card.

F: user pass

Simple, isn't it... ;)

Inside the CCcam file one has examples and explanations, even about card reader, built-in or connected to DBox2 serial port [Multicam].

As far as your router is concerned [opening your ports]: you need to so it only if you're a server, in which case you only need the TCP protocol. If you are a client only - no need to bother.


Then, press the blue button, hold it a bit longer -> Menu Management -> choose "Camd", then activate CCcam-2.1.1 [camd set]...

Get out and - watch... Working pretty well!!!!!!!

The file attached is to help your CCcam plug-in see/recognise and name the providers...


P.S. Once you're done and it's working well - save everything you did by going to: Expert Setup -> Software Update -> Expert Flash Save/Restore -> Save Image or Part of it -> Flash without bootloader -> Save to /tmp. It will all be in the /tmp folder of your DBox2. Move it over to your PC and voila! If necessary just restore it from the file....

P.P.S. CCcam is big and DBox2 memory is rather limited. I recommend nothing else, in terms of Emus/CS SW and the least possible amount of plug-ins. Btw, from CCcam, allegedly, one can connect to GBox server, Radegast and Newcamd.

P.P.P.S. One can see details of the CCcam traffic on one's PC, using one's net browser, like Firefox, by putting http://192.168.x.xxx:16001 (http://www.sat-plus.com/redirector.php?url=http%3A%2F%2F1 92.168.x.xxx%3A16001) in its address box - where 192.168.x.xxx is your DBox2 address.

29-12-2009, 01:53 PM
I forgot:


Remote control unit [RCU] -> press d-box button -> Setup -> Expert Setup -> Communication Setup -> tick/choose DHCP -> Save -> Reboot and when it reboots your DBox2 should be on the net, automatically getting an IP address. Go to it, then, once again and write it down, you will need it later on!

Depending on the firm that made your DBox2 you can do various things now: for your Remote Control you can choose different lay-outs -> I use Classic (Neutrino_3)version -> Save. A channel list is seen by pressing the OK button on your RCU, then pressing various coloured buttons... it's easy, you'll see...

In Setup -> PB-Menu -> PB-Experten Einstellung -> I enable the New Philips Driver for my Philips DBox2, then
-Multicam, because I have it built-in now/attached by maestro Bosmannu, plus
-ENABLE UPDATE-URL, so you can go to the net to download and install stuff directly from the net into your DBox2, which makes it all a breeze, from the PB-Enigma server - a SUPER THING!!!

In Setup -> Service Searching setup your system, according to your HW and your needs, like the number of LNBs or maybe a motor and then search the skies...

In Service Organising make your new Favorites, for instance. It's all possible to do, more or less, by using your RCU. But also using your PC and an editor [it's faster that way]...

System Settings -> Time Settings -> choose where you are and if you need it a zone correction... Also, what kind of display, A-V Setings etc. etc.

In Setup you also have the Parental Lock, if you have immature kids, to whom you want to lock some channels...

And so on and on... :respect-048:

02-03-2010, 11:57 PM
Here you go m8, The images comes with all extras aswell. some people might not require these so its best if any stuff you need adding ie plugins,HDD setup, Multicam module, cardserver,cam emulation etc.. just use the online updater from the md-menu. The less stuff you have the better!

I have also attached the latest german and english language file.




I am new with this satellite stuff and i need some help plz, I have flashed the box with (2x_sat_mdimage_v5[1].31_07112008.zip) image but when i scan,,i don't get nay channels.

All i want is at the moment sky free to air channels which are on Astra.

What files do i need and where to do i have to put them in dbox2?

Which file do i need to bring Astra sattellite option in scan menu.

I found some satellite service xml file on another forum, which i have copyed in zapit folder but still did get anything.

K . R