View Full Version : advice before i buy

23-01-2009, 06:33 PM
after many years of reliable service from my sammy 9500 and still going strong.i am looking into buying a hd reciever as i have a hd tv and would like to view some hd channels.i like the look of the tm6800 hd super,so can any of you give me some info please as i seem a bit confused about some of the posts ive read on here.can i use my diseq motor with this reciever,has it got rf out as my sammy is connected to a distribuotin amp so as i can view sat in all my rooms,does the diablo cam work well with this reciever,and last question,i have to use a fan to keep the diablo cam cool in my sammy,do cams get hot in the tm 6800,sorry for all the questions but best to find answers now then later

thanks for any help


23-01-2009, 08:05 PM
I don't have the super, just the 6900HD but it works fine with diablo, run's cool enough to touch when you remove it, way cooler than on my old Echostar AD3000. Diseqc motor will be fine, and I understand the super series units do RF loopthrough, but can't confirm.

I'm very happy with mine, great HD pictures on my 37" LCD Sammy


23-01-2009, 08:37 PM
thanks for the reply,is there much difference between the 6900 and the 6800

23-01-2009, 08:53 PM
By all accounts the super is supposed to be the bees knees. I have not got one myself but am going to get one very soon hopefully.

23-01-2009, 11:59 PM
Its absolutely BRILLIANT M8 - take it from me - the RF loopthrough is great for piping it thru into the bedroom, instead of the dreaded sender device - and the USB at back AND front just finishes it all off!:respect-055::bravo-009::respect-040:
Oh yes, the main difference is the Terrestrial aspect on TM6900HD Super!

24-01-2009, 12:38 AM
Yup - i am very satisfied with mine[6900 super] and the service from TM was great. Fixed an HDD into back usb - piece of P***. Plug and play almost - no probs. Will do very nicely till i can return to the Dreambox fold once the 8000 price drops!!!! Brain

24-01-2009, 10:49 AM
thanks for all the replies.looks like i will be buying a tm6800 hd super
i dont need freeview built in as my tv has that built in,ive checked the sponsors site and they dont supply the technomate,so after looking around on the the net best ive seen price wise is £269.95(has to be black) to match my tv hd dvd recorder and glass stand.one last question
will i be able to view the hd channels on 28e with the tm6800,such as bbc and such like or is that only possible with a freesat box

once again thanks for all the great help


24-01-2009, 10:55 AM
thanks for all the replies.looks like i will be buying a tm6800 hd super
i dont need freeview built in as my tv has that built in,ive checked the sponsors site and they dont supply the technomate,so after looking around on the the net best ive seen price wise is £269.95(has to be black) to match my tv hd dvd recorder and glass stand.one last question
will i be able to view the hd channels on 28e with the tm6800,such as bbc and such like or is that only possible with a freesat box

once again thanks for all the great help


you will get all the chanels on 28e including the hd ones chanel4hd is encripted though