View Full Version : What am i doing wrong?

Dice Man
24-01-2009, 08:55 AM
I'm trying to get my newly arrived s#y hd card to work in the internal reader of the dm800 with CCcam + Newcs.

I've been reading the two threads on here so i would know exactly what to do.

May be helpful:

pc + router + dm800
port 21/80 tcp/udp - dm800 ip
port 12000 - tcp/udp - dm800 ip

Dyndns account set up with router.

I've used CCcam before well with set up.

All connected in DCC.

I install the latest CCcam + .config + Newcs (bin) + config.

I download the 2 files and ftp over to the correct paths, follow the instructions for rebooting/starting the cam. All black & no info in the CCcam server window.

I try deleting all the cams, and starting again, i wasn't too sure if i needed the newcs bin file or not as it's "bundled" with CCcam file. So i tried both ways. No go.

Sonic kindly advised that i edit the newcs file with my dm800 ip and different port (12000) and change password. I also changed the N line in the CCcam .cofig with all these detials.

On doing this the CCcam server window picks up my card, it shows CAID/Idents and N#S...but nothing clears.

The CAID/Idents and N#S info appears erratic and often isn't shown at all, but its only shown with sonic's suggestions.

Card working fine in s#y box!

I figured a 10 min job as i had all the prep done. Nope.

I can't figure out where/if i'm going wrong, it seems easy enough.

Help me out before i go fookin' mad and :smash: and :smash: and :smash: ffings.

24-01-2009, 09:18 AM
No need to mess around with the files yourself any more


Dice Man
24-01-2009, 04:42 PM
I'm using the latest Gemini image, will this work on that ?

I thought it was for nabilo only .

24-01-2009, 05:30 PM
The files are the same just won't auto install

Dice Man
24-01-2009, 10:51 PM
Hey, i got everything to clear eventually, thank you! :respect-049:

I had to use the files posted by x5 and ftp'd them as he suggested.

localhost worked fine, but i changed it to my dm800 ip and changed the port to 12000.

Can someone explain this?

As i wanted to retrace my tracks and do it all again, i uninstalled all the cams from the nabilosat uninstall panel and from usr/uninstall.

The only files that remain are the newcs.xml.sc8,sci,phoenix from the newcs config full download.

I have 1 cam installed - default cam - common interface (enabled)

All channels are still clearing, with all info still in the CCcam 2.05 server window.

I've rebooted/restarted/re-inserted card, but it won't go off! WTF is happening here?

No cam + common interface only = open channels?

Please explain.

25-01-2009, 01:41 PM
how do you install the files?? ftp ? and where do you ftp them too ?

25-01-2009, 01:47 PM
:@ dice man

remove all CCcam and newcamd files manually (FTP) reboot then reinstall either manually or download.

regards: canthackit