View Full Version : Dish set up menu for Emp Centauri P.168-W (S8/1PCP

25-01-2009, 02:35 PM

i've just install a multifocus dish Maximum T85 multifocus with 5 LNB

1w (KONIG Digital Single LNB Input freq. 10.70 - 12.75 - 0,2 db)

4,8 E (MEGASAT Diavolo Single LNB Input freq. 10.70 - 12.75- 0,1 db)

13E (HUMAX One Cable SCR LNB Input freq. 10.70 - 12.75- 0,3 db)

19.2E (KONIG Digital Single LNB Input freq. 10.70 - 12.75- 0,2 db)

28,2E (MEGASAT Diavolo Single LNB Input freq. 10.70 - 12.75- 0,1 db)

connected to switch the Emp Centauri 8x1 to Octagon Hd.

I can't set up the menu antenna of the decoder for having the signal (with an other decoder TM 1000 D all ok with more than 80% signal quality)

Emp Centauri P.168-W (S8/1PCP-W2) specifications are:

9in/1out switch designed for direct connection of up to 8 SAT IF inputs to one reciver. Inputs are selected by DiSEqC "Goto nn" (6B), or by DiSEqC 1.1 command.Additional input for terrestrial antenna allows to combine satellite and terrestrial signals into one cable. Weather-proof casing.
The unit is equipped with one of two software versions, V1 and V2. The difference between them lies in the way how DiSEqC 1.1 control is implemented. If You plan to use the switch in DiSEqC 1.1 mode, You must choose which version fits better to Your configuration. Please see "Receivers setting" section bellow for detailed information.
Receivers setting
The receiver setting method differs depending on the control mode of the system, and on the DiSEqC protocol version supported by the receiver.

A/ Setting according to DiSEqC 1.1 protocol

If a receiver supports DiSEqC 1.1 protocol, set correct data in the fields for "committed switch (DiSEqC)" and "uncommitted switch" for each of the connected LNBs in the configuration menu. Please choose one of the following tables according to the sticker on Your switch: if the first input (INP 1) is labeled "com A, uncom A", follow Table 1. If the first input (INP 1) is labeled "uncommitted switch 1", use instead Table 2.
Table 1:
Sat System A:committed A (1)uncommitted A (1)Sat System B:committed B (2)uncommitted A (1)Sat System C:committed C (3)uncommitted A (1)Sat System D:committed D (4)uncommitted A (1)Sat System E:committed A (1)uncommitted B (2)Sat System F:committed B (2)uncommitted B (2)Sat System G:committed C (3)uncommitted B (2)Sat System H:committed D (4)uncommitted B (2)

Table 2:
Sat System A:committed noneuncommitted 1Sat System B:committed noneuncommitted 2Sat System C:committed noneuncommitted 3Sat System D:committed noneuncommitted 4Sat System E:committed noneuncommitted 5Sat System F:committed noneuncommitted 6Sat System G:committed noneuncommitted 7Sat System H:committed noneuncommitted 8

B/ Setting according to DiSEqC 1.2 protocol

If a receiver does not support DiSEqC 1.1 version, but supports DiSEqC 1.2, receiver setting shall be carried out as if it has a DiSEqC motor. One of the satellites to be received shall be selected along with continuous holding of the push-button for motor rotation depressed (East or West) until the signal of respective satellite appears in a sufficient intensity and quality. Then stop the rotation immediately and save the found position. Repeat the search for all connected LNBs (all inputs)
C/ Setting according to DiSEqC 1.0 protocol

If a receiver only supports the basic version of DiSEqC standard, i.e. 1.0, then it is only possible to select the first four Sat Systems of the unit (Sat System A to Sat System D). In this case the receiver shall be set in the same way as for a common four-input DiSEqC relay, i.e. one of positions A, B, C, D, (1 to 4) shall be defined for each connected LNB.

Your help appreciated

Thanks a lot

17-02-2009, 11:14 PM
hi mate, my friend has also a t85 system with 5 lnbs. He uses it with a Octagon Sf918, he says that his preferences are based on diseqc 1.1 INP 1~8 inputs.

So you have to move to the antenna settings and select your diseqc to diseqc 1.1 INP 1-8 ! it should work directly.

18-02-2009, 06:04 PM
Yes, I have this combination and it works directly. This switch (at least the V2 version) uses only the "uncommited" commands. So the only thing you have to do is to go to Antenna settings and go past DiSEqC 1.0 A-D and then there is the DiSEqC 1.1 setting (just 1 to 8, according to the label on the switch).

Don't forget to save the settings like I first did, otherwise you would be surprised why this doesn' work! You have to save the settings for every single position.

18-02-2009, 11:52 PM
thanks for the info mate ;)

14-08-2011, 12:54 AM
i have Dreambox 500 + and 6 LNB
I have problem to install diseqC 87! Emp Centauri P.168-W S8/1PCP
Do you have any link,or .......... to help me
