View Full Version : Has Anyone Ever Cracked A BISS Key ?

30-01-2009, 04:50 PM

Can anyone confirm with hard facts if anyone has ever hacked a BISS key or viewed a BISS encrytped program with data extracted using one of the extraction programs?

The reason I ask is that I was told that its a myth, a pile of tripe, made up by dreamers and that in reality, all the BISS keys in circulation are in fact leaked keys from the broadcasters or their staff.


07-02-2009, 01:14 PM
i wish someone would leak some keys for E*PL feeds on both 7 east and 10e.

07-02-2009, 03:01 PM
Hi, Can anyone confirm with hard facts if anyone has ever hacked a BISS key or viewed a BISS encrytped program with data extracted using one of the extraction programs?

The reason I ask is that I was told that its a myth, a pile of tripe, made up by dreamers and that in reality, all the BISS keys in circulation are in fact leaked keys from the broadcasters or their staff. Rgds

The simple test was/is no different now than 5+ years ago.

Tune into your BISS encrypted channel and record (1-2MB is ample) the .ts stream....channel must be actually transmitting encrypted as several are part time 'open'.

Load this .ts recording into your preferred software prog and config the prog with your search parameters, ie:, a starting and finishing range. It will then scan, stop and advise you indicating when the correct syntax is found for that particular channel and the .ts packet you loaded.

An easy proving move for this is to load a .ts recording for a channel that YOU ALREADY KNOW clears with a working BISS keyline (syntax). Config your 'finder' prog with a line several 1000 keys before and after the KNOWN working keys and set the prog running.......it will stop and indicate the syntax when it finds it, check that found keyline with your own known keys.

Does work, but be advised that to cover the whole range of possibilities may take several weeks of non stop scanning before success!

Added to the above, many of the 'feeds' using the BISS system, as opposed to the fixed running tv channels, often change their keyline with every transmission, fortunately the public tv channels alter keys less frequently.

Leaked keys or not, keys are keys and this software prog finds them.

Below, gives the thread containing one of the 'finder' progs, sample .ts packet and suggestions for you to try yourself:-

Demo and program download to 'Search' for BISS/DCW.

This thread gives a little more BISS info:-

For lots it enhances an already interesting hobby although it seems to be of little interest to the basic channel watcher.

Whatever, hope this helps a little with the questions asked.

Best wishes.

07-02-2009, 06:38 PM
I have used Biss many times and found tet 5 east sirius works with biss ok and axn 30 west wen edited with correct key's and correct parameters biss wont work why ?

07-02-2009, 09:16 PM
I have used Biss many times and found tet 5 east sirius works with biss ok and axn 30 west wen edited with correct key's and correct parameters biss wont work why ?

Apologies if I am reading you incorrectly but you appear to be saying that AXN at 30ºW is not clearing....obviously depending on your receiver and the compilation of the syntax, the existing, known keys, are still clearing AXN, tested 30 mins ago as :- 31929

and keys:- 31930

Please advise, thank you.

08-02-2009, 01:03 AM
The simple test was/is no different now than 5+ years ago.

Tune into your BISS encrypted channel and record (1-2MB is ample) the .ts stream....channel must be actually transmitting encrypted as several are part time 'open'.

Load this .ts recording into your preferred software prog and config the prog with your search parameters, ie:, a starting and finishing range. It will then scan, stop and advise you indicating when the correct syntax is found for that particular channel and the .ts packet you loaded.

An easy proving move for this is to load a .ts recording for a channel that YOU ALREADY KNOW clears with a working BISS keyline (syntax). Config your 'finder' prog with a line several 1000 keys before and after the KNOWN working keys and set the prog running.......it will stop and indicate the syntax when it finds it, check that found keyline with your own known keys.

Does work, but be advised that to cover the whole range of possibilities may take several weeks of non stop scanning before success!

Added to the above, many of the 'feeds' using the BISS system, as opposed to the fixed running tv channels, often change their keyline with every transmission, fortunately the public tv channels alter keys less frequently.

Leaked keys or not, keys are keys and this software prog finds them.

Below, gives the thread containing one of the 'finder' progs, sample .ts packet and suggestions for you to try yourself:-

Demo and program download to 'Search' for BISS/DCW.

This thread gives a little more BISS info:-

For lots it enhances an already interesting hobby although it seems to be of little interest to the basic channel watcher.

Whatever, hope this helps a little with the questions asked.

Best wishes.

So I could record a EA*L feed encoded in Biss, use one of thes programmes and use these programmes to watch it weeks later, sounds interesting.

08-02-2009, 09:47 AM
So I could record a EA*L feed encoded in Biss, use one of thes programmes and use these programmes to watch it weeks later, sounds interesting.

No, I am afaid not.

The software 'search' prog will/can only look for the working keyline, the actual .ts recording you loaded again is only used for that purpose and is why it needs to be encrypted at recording stage.

If the keyline is found, the recording itself will always remain encrypted and why you only initially need to record a 1MB or 2MB file so that the PC employed search prog runs faster due to its scan time on the small file.

So, unfortunately it means that:-

Use search prog to locate working keyline.

Enter keys to your receiver or PCI card if used.

Once decryption is proven working, then record.

View the recording as is or recode to burn to DVD etc depending on media being used.

Sounds a pain but many have had months/years enjoyment with channels that have retained the same keys.

Good luck and enjoy your day harshy.

09-02-2009, 12:29 AM
No, I am afaid not.

The software 'search' prog will/can only look for the working keyline, the actual .ts recording you loaded again is only used for that purpose and is why it needs to be encrypted at recording stage.

If the keyline is found, the recording itself will always remain encrypted and why you only initially need to record a 1MB or 2MB file so that the PC employed search prog runs faster due to its scan time on the small file.

So, unfortunately it means that:-

Use search prog to locate working keyline.

Enter keys to your receiver or PCI card if used.

Once decryption is proven working, then record.

View the recording as is or recode to burn to DVD etc depending on media being used.

Sounds a pain but many have had months/years enjoyment with channels that have retained the same keys.

Good luck and enjoy your day harshy.

Wow not as easy as I thought, I guess I need to make a 1 minute recording and locate the correct programme to stand a chance.

OK, thanks again,


09-02-2009, 09:22 PM

Many thx for your reply and input, it is very interesting.

I wonder if you could assist with the following:

I have a 30 second recording of a transmission that is BISS but the recording is approx 16mb as a TS file. Will the file size itself impact on the amount of theoretical time the CW finder program will take to run.

For example, if I had a 15 second recording that was 8mb would it be processed quicker by the CW finder program.


10-02-2009, 12:31 AM
So I could record a EA*L feed encoded in Biss, use one of thes programmes and use these programmes to watch it weeks later, sounds interesting.

Yes you can...

You could use Joshyfun's offlinedecryptor on larger recordered ts files with MD-API the proper plugin and the correct key you could weeks later still decrypt the file and view it...

14-11-2009, 01:00 PM
ok I am back to using TSDEC, but where do I find a .cwl file with every combination of BISS keys?

28-11-2009, 10:21 AM
Hi folks!

for all of you to have problems with wrong ts files for cwfinder this may be useful.
I recently found a small test ts file on the net. For that file the PID is 123 and the CW is 7FFAE9A02486. You can use it to test the cw searching in cwfinder or to benchmark your pc.
As the file disappeared, I uploaded it again here
CWFinder_Testfile_PID_123_CW_7FFA E9A02486.ts (http://rapidshare.com/files/313294691/CWFinder_Testfile_PID_123_CW_7FFA E9A02486.ts)

Have fun!

16-02-2012, 04:56 PM
Hello..I'm newbe..

I have a .TS in BISS E (16 hex number). How am I use CW Finder for crack that?


09-11-2012, 12:50 AM
hi my friend
does your software encode Cryptoworks keys? or PowerVu
anyveys great work

20-01-2013, 10:43 PM
In answer to original question........... Yes! :D


06-09-2013, 07:16 PM
In answer to original question........... Yes! :D


Crock of gold at the end of the "Rainbow"

06-09-2013, 07:29 PM
Yes, always look for the Rainbow and your dreams will be answered!

09-09-2013, 07:29 PM
far to easy these days, thanks to Colibri. :) Used to be so satisfying to find a key after days/weeks of searching via brute force. People valued the keys more back then, now it seems to be a key posting willy waving competition.

13-09-2013, 11:30 AM
far to easy these days, thanks to Colibri. :) Used to be so satisfying to find a key after days/weeks of searching via brute force. People valued the keys more back then, now it seems to be a key posting willy waving competition.

I agree about the cóck flashers, but not so sure about the far too easy bit. I agree it is a lot easier than it used to be and it also saves a lot of time if the user has a good size RBT. However, ac***ulating the files for a good sized RBT can take quite a bit of time if you create them yourself so the saving from the tool can be offset by the creation of the files in some respect.

Looking back at the start date of this topic, it was 2009, since then there has been a huge leap forward in this field that started early in 2012 onwards to date.

The tools created by Colibri are a brilliant piece of work, if there was a Nobel Prize for hacking satellite keys then this guy should definitely be on the short list.


14-03-2014, 01:15 AM
I find this thread informative. I am curious as to how biss keys are cracked. My knowledge is weak but I understand that you examine the encrypted data stream from the satellite using a software program that "finds" the key in this data, how long does this process normally take ?

Any info appreciated thanks dave1234

14-03-2014, 10:35 PM
I find this thread informative. I am curious as to how biss keys are cracked. My knowledge is weak but I understand that you examine the encrypted data stream from the satellite using a software program that "finds" the key in this data, how long does this process normally take ?

Any info appreciated thanks dave1234

Here's what you need to get going.

Powerful computer. Suggest quad core 3GHz or better. Good Nvidia graphics card. PC tuner card to record transport stream. Dedicated Hard drive, 2TB is good.

CSA Rainbow Table tool by Colibri.

Start by making the chains (tables). This could take many weeks of non stop computer running. It's about 1.2TB file size. (Once you have your chains, the next time there is a key change, it will just take minutes to find the keys).
Then record your stream and begin the search.

I'm no expert, but since I lost my TV channels I started investigating.

02-02-2021, 08:27 PM
i know this is an old thread, but is this still the norm when trying to obtain a BISS KEY ?

rainbow website looks old, and there isn't a how to....i.e how do you make the chain tables for starters?

modern pcs with 8 cores and 16 threads (Ryzen 3800x for example) should make light work of this stuff no?

02-02-2021, 09:15 PM
Depends V1 Table key search is about 4-6 mins
V2 Table is under 45secs BIG Difference
you could try something like FreeCam DVBFinder from google playstore and run it via NOX Android PC


But you still need to record Your .TS File and Get a Crypt8 regardless of anything,
once you have valid Crypt8 you can copy/paste it to FreeCam DVBFinder and it will find the KEY in around 2-3mins max
sometimes instantly , or you can d/load TSDec and use a really good CWL file where it will find the CW Key and decrypt your recording at the same time there is several tools you can try without the need for d/loading Rainbow tables
good luck : )

02-02-2021, 09:42 PM
V1 search is between 2 and 3 minutes for me.

03-02-2021, 01:08 AM
i know this is an old thread, but is this still the norm when trying to obtain a BISS KEY ?

rainbow website looks old, and there isn't a how to....i.e how do you make the chain tables for starters?

modern pcs with 8 cores and 16 threads (Ryzen 3800x for example) should make light work of this stuff no?

back at the end of 2011 when Colibri released the first rainbow table tool, a bunch of use got together to create the chains required for the then 00 table. The gtx 5xx series was king back then and would heat a medium sized room when creating chains :)
took a dozen of us about a month to create enough chains for a decent 300gb+ table. This was fine for feeds that were mpeg2 or had a Dolby-E audio stream. Colibri updated the v1 to include diffrent plain types, H264 feeds used FF and 03 plain types which required tables creating for those also. Once tables were created for those just about all feeds could be opened within a few minutes if you had you tables on SSD's

Didnt matter about your cpu performance, rbt used your cuda gpu to do the crunching.

quailty dvbs2 feeds are few and far between these days compared to 10 years ago so dont go waisting $$$ on hardware. The EBU are migrating to BISS v2 which will make what little feeds they still have using dvbs2 redundant.