View Full Version : Azbox HD and Cccam

04-02-2009, 09:58 AM

First of all, i have read the big thread about azbox hd and EMUs.

But there are a lot of information in that thread and i had problems to understand everything. My english is not the best. Thats why i open this thread to talk only about Cccam.

My question, is Cccam working with Azbox Hd? Is it right that it works in combination with Incubus? Who has tried that?

04-02-2009, 10:59 AM
Ok thank you very much!

I'm not going to configur it by myself, thats why I also need to know, what happens when i update the firmwire?
Will the Cccam, incubus configuration be lost?

Is it working good with incubus or are you having some problems?

04-02-2009, 12:10 PM
Ok thank you very much!

I'm not going to configur it by myself, thats why I also need to know, what happens when i update the firmwire?
Will the Cccam, incubus configuration be lost?

Is it working good with incubus or are you having some problems?

Yeah I wonder the same

06-02-2009, 07:01 PM
Upgraded, and nothing for OpenXCAS lost, but you will lost the channel list, then make a backup first.


Dig Deep
06-02-2009, 08:06 PM
As always, backup all config and key files :lurk5:

22-02-2009, 12:16 PM
where can we find the CCcam.cfg file in order to put our C line?

22-02-2009, 12:47 PM
where can we find the CCcam.cfg file in order to put our C line?

there is no CCcam.cfg in Azbox HD
you have to go to EMU/Incubuscamd folder
there you fin Incubuscamd.conf and it is here you have to settuo c-lines

Im not found of this emu at this stage, after some time the picture freezes
the only way to get picture back is to start the incubuscamd agein and agein , this is a bug in incubuscamd, and only from WAN , on LAN works very good.



22-02-2009, 04:36 PM
settuo c-lines ? didn't get you by it. You mean we set our cline there right?

Also, do you mean to say that if connected by LAN, the picture doesn't freeze?

22-02-2009, 06:53 PM
settuo c-lines ? didn't get you by it. You mean we set our cline there right?

Also, do you mean to say that if connected by LAN, the picture doesn't freeze?

Yes that is exactly what i mean

the Incubuscamd config looks like this

card_server_url_0=cccam://username:pasword@Local_ip_or WAN_IP:1234
########################### servers configuration ############################
# This is the section for the multi-server configuration.
# First release use this only to connect on ONE cccam server and on ONE gbox
# server.
# cccam://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>
card_server_url_0=cccam://username:pasword@Local_ip_or WAN_IP:1234

i have Bolded both lines , they must be settup the same


card_server_url_0=cccam://s_kates81:s1kates81@ :1234
########################### servers configuration ############################
# This is the section for the multi-server configuration.
# First release use this only to connect on ONE cccam server and on ONE gbox
# server.
# cccam://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>
card_server_url_0=cccam://s_kates81:s1kates81@ :1234

Hope you understand now



23-02-2009, 04:22 AM
bobi, thanks for this. But what confuses me is that there's no mention of something starting from C i.e. our cline always starts from C: , for example
C: server1.dvbcs.org 22345 kks1234j 12345 no , in this case, where will we put this cline ?

23-02-2009, 05:48 AM
C: server1.dvbcs.org 22345 kks1234j 12345 no

will become like this:

card_server_url_0=cccam://kks1234j:12345@ server1.dvbcs.org:22345

Between @ server1 there is a space now because the forum filtered it as an email address, you must remove the space in the config file.

23-02-2009, 07:51 AM
Thanks snakie for the clarification, so we have to edit it two times in the configuration file as per you said right? also, there's a NO in my example in the end, where will it go?

23-02-2009, 12:26 PM
Thanks snakie for the clarification, so we have to edit it two times in the configuration file as per you said right? also, there's a NO in my example in the end, where will it go?

there is no need for the NO in the incubuscamd.conf
so it will go no where.

i will say you are wstingt you,r time in truing to have this emu working
is wast of time for now, as it is not stable at all on WAN.
you can make it work stable on LAN , no problem as long as you have another box feeding the Azbox.

Im just very Irritated over some PPL here that have just lie to us PLEANTY
that CCcam works very very well with Incubuscamd, Bolloks i will haver to say, ot they just have no clue what stable means.

I am now hoping that the Incubus team will reliase an stable version and with the possibility to add more connections as now there is possibly to connect only 1 lne at the time.

Also im hoping that Newcs and Mgcamd will come to this box soon
then i will be happy as newcs reads every card on the marked so at list i can use my so many original cards:sifone:

I have also tested Mbox just a tiny fraction last night, but i could not even make any connection with my local card feeder. i was disapointed to find that out realy.

For being an Linux box this azbox is behind yet, and they need to get their act TOGETHER, and reliase an software that is working with basic things, plus open up for some more third part software makers.

Hoppe dies last , so lest keep that in mind



23-02-2009, 12:57 PM
Hi bobi

Its good to read your comments..

But your post is incorrect

You forgot the 'c', the word ends with ocks


23-02-2009, 01:22 PM
Mower already said that mbox doesn't work good in AzBox because of bad api drivers in this receiver, doesn't handle ecms very good.

I really like mbox in my DM500s, with local card and more than 100 cards in distance 1 is very stable and fast.

I hope that Azbox team get this solved.

At the moment Ipbox seems to be the best alternative to DM receivers, IPBOX 91HD is already for sale for 235€ seems to be a good choice. Prices for HD linux receivers are dropping...


03-03-2009, 08:21 PM
am i really stupid or blind but there is no incubuscamd.cfg in incubuscamd folder...i can find only 2 files and they are incubusCamd pluginfile and the other one is plugins list.....so where is the incubusCamd.cfg

04-03-2009, 12:04 AM
I cant seem to install incubuscam plugin.
I save to an empty USB fat32 formated.
Then Choose plug-ins from the menu, red button, the incubuscamd appears but when I click it, it says: Fail to instal plugin.
And it happens with onestepemu and mount plugin too.
I'm using patch1314 firmware.

How can I solve this?

04-03-2009, 03:06 AM
I cant seem to install incubuscam plugin.
I save to an empty USB fat32 formated.
Then Choose plug-ins from the menu, red button, the incubuscamd appears but when I click it, it says: Fail to instal plugin.
And it happens with onestepemu and mount plugin too.
I'm using patch1314 firmware.

How can I solve this?

I have exactly the same problem(and some others with this buggy box) with the incubus camd.....tried to FTP it in /EMU and i can see it then when i use the Azbox remote and go into Plug-ins section but cant see the bloody incubus.conf to edit.Its starting to ****ing me off cause tried Telnet,SSH and followed the tute from some other forum ....maybe they are using different firmware and i downloaded the latest from the 27.02.09.
please let me know guys how to solve those problems

04-03-2009, 02:53 PM
When you use USB devices such as USB hard-disk drive (HDD) and USB
memory stick, or internal hard-disk drive (HDD) with this receiver, you
should make sure that the HDD be formatted in FAT file system, not

So, FAT or FAT32 - or either will do?

04-03-2009, 06:36 PM
sorry about the caps

04-03-2009, 06:44 PM
# is deactivated

04-03-2009, 06:44 PM
sorry about the caps

ALL them emus are acctivated without the # sign in fromt
so if you like to have say Mbox runing , just take a way the # sign and you are good to go



04-03-2009, 06:45 PM
can somebody tell me if i edited the incubus.conf corectly:

card_server_url_0=cccam://NICKWA:AUSTAR@ :10019
and my cccam.cfg was like this
i was going by the example of the post above but it doesnt work...tried woth LAN aswell

04-03-2009, 07:03 PM
thanks kinkdink but i understand now what # means and i got no pics maybe because i didnt edit the incubuscam.conf properly

04-03-2009, 07:13 PM
can somebody send me his working incubuscam.conf so i can see where did i go wrong

04-03-2009, 07:47 PM
I have to restart incubus a few times, because CCcam just stops working sometimes and unless I try restarting or reactivating, it keeps saying scrambled atfer a while (±30min) .. What could be the problem, firmware?

05-03-2009, 12:23 AM
I'm using a clean install of patch of 27/07, then installed onestepemu, configured incubus, configured static IP, and still no luck connecting incubus with cccamd server! Verified that incubus cam is the first of the cam list and activated (without #). Changed permissions to 755 on all incubus files and dir.
Tried starting incubus from telnet manually, twice and still nothing.

What am I doing wrong?

Anyone can help?

Thanks in advance

05-03-2009, 05:55 PM
I found a tute how to activate a incubuscamd manualy....http://laki.dvhk.pl/faq/AzBoxHD/Manual_Installation_of_Incubus_Ca md.pdf ....and like typer have no luck to get it going.....eather my editing wasnt done corectly or in the latest firmware we have 2x incubusCamd folders and when i type thr comand:
./incubusCamd it says "no such file" and cant iniate the incubusCamd
Hope the Incubus Gurus will help us and we all will learn

05-03-2009, 10:44 PM
I think you problem is different from mine.
Your problem is lack knowledge of Linux.
Instead of doing "./incubuscamd.sh" try doing "sh ./incubuscamd.sh"
Like that it starts surely.

My problem is that even after starting the cam by telnet the Cccamserver reports that my username is not connected...and I get no picture...


06-03-2009, 05:23 AM
OK....when i type ..... sh ./incubusCamd.sh .....i can see something is starting and the keys have been checked ....etc,etc....but still no picture.
I wonder if this incubusCamd just works with a local CS and maybe not over the Net. I can see that you Typer ,you are haveing your own local server but i am trying to conect with someone over the Net. With a DM800 and CCcam i have no problems at all....lol

06-03-2009, 05:28 AM
After i manualy get the incubus cam going i am also rebooting the box (dont know if i really need to)and still no picture.....and yes i also start the incubusCamd in the Plug-in section

06-03-2009, 01:46 PM
No no you are mistaken.
We are in the same boat.
I'm trying the same as you: connect through the net to a server of a friend of mine.
With my DM7000 it works flawless, with Azbox I have the same problem as you do.
Someone told me that it might be the CCcam server version, because its 1.0.11 and incubus should work ok with 1.0.10 or something like that.

How can we solve this for our Azbox?
IS it possible to have a PC Cccam client and at the same time Mbox server for the Azbox? That would do it, right?
Can it be done?


06-03-2009, 10:03 PM
I am willing to send my incubusCamd.conf to anyone who wants to check for me if its edited OK.....and does any knows if mgcamd 1.30d will work with AZbox???

06-03-2009, 10:09 PM
1.31 is the latest, at least in my DBox2... :D

07-03-2009, 02:26 AM

My Incubuscamd is working on my Azbox through cccam
I can test your incubuscamd.conf if you wish

But dont expect too much from it
incubuscamd is still very unstable
I have to restart it on each channel change

We need a better version ;)

07-03-2009, 07:58 AM

My Incubuscamd is working on my Azbox through cccam
I can test your incubuscamd.conf if you wish

But dont expect too much from it
incubuscamd is still very unstable
I have to restart it on each channel change

We need a better version ;)

Hi Colla .....thanks m8......check your PM

07-03-2009, 12:52 PM
1.31 is the latest, at least in my DBox2... :D

You mean to say, you have working mgcamd 1.31 in your azbox? How? and where to download it?

07-03-2009, 02:25 PM
goran is saying that he is using 1.31 in his Nokia Dbox 2.

Not in an azbox

07-03-2009, 09:34 PM
any one knows what is the prio for Australien provider Foxtel

09-03-2009, 07:23 AM
Yeah.....the strange think is that i only recieve 5 of the Foxtel HDef channels but not the normal ones.....its very stable with incubusCamd even on a channel change and they dont drop out at all

09-03-2009, 07:53 AM
all working now.....found the .prio for Foxtel (P: 090b,0604).....any Aussie using incubusCamd and cccam will need this .prio for all Foxtel channels
One big THANKS to colla who edited my .conf file and got me on track
I love my AZBOX......go people and buy it.......its worth the money

09-03-2009, 01:14 PM
I need help!
It need the configuration CCcam + newcs for READ CARD LOCAL (ROM 142).

thank you!

09-03-2009, 04:46 PM
Is it possible to connect the Azbox HD to a NewCS server using incubuscamd?

11-03-2009, 08:19 PM
Is it possible to connect the Azbox HD to a NewCS server using incubuscamd?

Yes, just tested. :)
Tested on WLAN with Incubuscamd 0.55 and NewCS 1.65. :respect-048:

12-03-2009, 12:38 PM
Hi everybody,

does Incubus works with NewCamd5.25 on AZBox HD ???

14-03-2009, 02:34 PM
Hi! I cant get incubus 0.55 working with Cccam server by wan.
I have static ip in internet config. Can get youtube and browser to work, so I'm connected to the world.
Configured incubus conf file, changed permissions to 755, if I start the service by telnet It gives me [OpenXCAS CHANNEL] tag whenever I change channel, it says key sent and key received with success but no image.
The cccam server also says that my user is not connected, what could be the solution to this problem?

Thx in advance!

14-03-2009, 04:46 PM
Hi! I cant get incubus 0.55 working with Cccam server by wan.
I have static ip in internet config. Can get youtube and browser to work, so I'm connected to the world.
Configured incubus conf file, changed permissions to 755, if I start the service by telnet It gives me [OpenXCAS CHANNEL] tag whenever I change channel, it says key sent and key received with success but no image.
The cccam server also says that my user is not connected, what could be the solution to this problem?

Thx in advance!
Hi Typer,
I had a same problem and one member from this forum(colla) has edited my incubusCamd.conf....so send me a PM with your e-mail and then you can just put your cccam client details when i send you mine .conf.....hope that will help with your problem

14-03-2009, 07:18 PM
Here's some CCcam stuff, hope it works the same way in Incubus...

[Must learn about that when I get mine... :respect-050:]

Btw, these cards work with CCcam without NewCS, thanx to Allain:

Provajderi smartcard koji rade samostalno na CCcam (bez NEWCS)
( sve kartice rade, ali neke kartice bez update )

Version : 4 & 5 & 6 smartcard mit CCcam :

CAID 1702 Betacrypt ASC 384
CAID 1702 Betacrypt ACS 383
S01 smartcard mit CCcam :

CRYPTOWORKS ( bios rev 5 )
samo radi dobro sa CCcam verzijom 2.0.1





( no EMM update sa verzijom 2.0.4 )




SECA 2 / NAGRA ( tunneled ) CAID : 0100 > 4001 & 4101
( no EMM update sa verzijom 2.0.4 )



SECA 2 - Thalescrypt


SECA 2 - Thalescrypt



CCcam 2.0.X
samo sa "starom" verzijom CAID 919

( aktivizacija u original Sky box )

( NDS CARD 1327 )


*** VIEW

CAID 602 ASC 505 - IRDETO 2

( ALL OK : ECM & EMM )



HRT Croatia

And this is for cards which need NewCS:

Nakon što smo skinuli i instalirali dva plugina (cccam i newcs), moramo osigurati da oni komuniciraju kako bi se iskorištavati newcs za čitanje kartica koji još nije podržan od cccam ...
Mi moramo promijeniti dvije konfiguracijske datoteke u dva dodatka:
- File newcs.xml vezi newcs
- File CCcam.cfg za CCcam.
Pomoći će nam uređivač teksta koji podržava Unix sustava, i otvorite datoteku newcs.xml i provjeritite da isti kao zalijepljen ovdje:

<readers name="Card Readers">

Dva čitača kartica, niže i na gornjoj identificirano dva mjesta u DM 7xxx. U slučaju DM da samo jedan utor, to je identificiran kao niži.

Pomicanje datoteke su one druge 2 linije:

<deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>


Identificiranje poslužitelja, djeljeni des tipku i prijavu za spajanje CCcam.

Sada za konfiguracijsku datoteku CCcam.cfg za cccam.
Pomoću nekog text editorom i dodajte sljedeća dva retka:

SLOT= 1 : 1 : 1 :34001:user1: pass1:010203040506070809101112131 4
SLOT= 1 : 1 : 1 :34000:user1: pass1:010203040506070809101112131 4

Te linije reći će cccam da ide uzeti podatke od newcs služe za oba slota (gornji i donji). Dvije linije nose adresu poslužitelja (u našem slučaju lokalni domaćin), port pristup i pristup podacima.

Sada spremite datoteku u mapi newcs.xml var \ tuxbox \ config u dreambox.
Datoteka CCcam.cfg biti spremljena u mapu var \ etc

Mi samo moramo pokrenuti CCcam + Newcs da pročita našu karticu.

U konfiguraciji CCcam.cfg bolje string na smartcard sat freqyency ovo:




ovisno o slotu koji želite koristiti karticu ndx3

Google can translate those few words in Croat, guys...

Good luck!!!

P.S. Overclocking in CCcam, and again, thanx to Allain:

U vašem cccam.cfg trebalo biti ovako ili slično zavisno koji slot koristite:


Overclock-ira se samo frekvencija (mhz) i pravi linija.



* ovo znači da kartica radi na 5,6 mhz, koristeći ove postavke na conax kartici, sa ECM vremenom od 0.33 do 0.27 s.
Sa overclockiranjem cilj nam je da osiguramo vrijeme prepoznavanja kartice što brže, koje možemo vidjeti u ECM vremenu, niža vrijednost prepoznavanja kartice je najbolja, tetome i težimo.
ima kartica koje se overclokuju bolje od drugih, NDS i Iredteto spadaju u one druge.
Ako kartica nemože da se očitava ili pokazuje grešku, potrebno je tada smanjiti frekvenciju rada. To možete provjeriti preko vašeg browsera kucajući:


Prilikom samog početka overclokiranjka kartice i čitanja ECM, moj savjet vam je da krenete od najvanje frekvencije prema većoj, primjera radi od 4/5mhz, da nebi došlo do spaljivanja same kartice, i naravno ako kartica radi na određenoj frekvenciji, nema potrebe forsirati veću frekvenciju zbog predhodno navedene tvrdnje spaljivanja kartice.

Korisno je unaprijed znati neke frekvencije iz primjera nekih naših članova koji imaju određene kartice koje su overclokirali sa određenim frekvencijama.
Gore navedeni primjer je na 5,6 mhz za MTV karticu tj Conax.

Evo nekoliko primjera brzine tj frekvencija nekih naših članova, koje sam skupio i objedinio da budu na jednom mjestu:

SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci0 8200000 (irdeto 0.195 to 0.1370)
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci1 5250000 ( nds ECM 0.210 DOWN TO 0.191

SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci0 5300000 ( Sky uk 0.191 DOWN TO 0.172
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci1 5600000 (Digialb conax 0.275 down to 0.178



Seca2 karticu je najbolje overclocirati na vrijednost 4800000 (4.8mhz) , sve više od toga nećete dobiti bolje ECM time.


SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/sci0 6000000 ( jsc sport irdeto )

sly card :

Over clocking vrijednosti za Viaccses Card


i kad je overclock tada možete vidjeti vašu karticu pod Entitlements, a ako ne radi onda stavite manju vrijednost od
5500000 = 5.5mhz.
Ovo je za dreambox internal reader !!

CanalDigitaal SECA smartcard overclocked na 6800000
Digiturk Cryptoworks smartcard overclocked na 12000000

Obe sa Smargo Smartreader+ CCcam 2.0.8

Local avg ECM SECA : 0.310ms
Local avg ECM Cryptoworks : 0.130ms

Sky Italy card

SERIAL READER: /dev/sci0 6000000

ako imate server tada sve nds cards je najbolje staviti na 8000000 mhz, u smartreader + usb

na usb smartreader+

SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB0 7200000 #NL irdeto
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB1 6200000 #PW betacrypt
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB2 7200000 #***vieuw via
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB3 7200000 #MCT irdeto
SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB4 7200000 #SRG via2.6


15-03-2009, 01:11 AM
Guys, im tryig to configue it here.

I want it as local from my db7000
This is all i get when I look at tenet.

[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(200)

Can anyone tell me what this line is saying and should i see one saying received as well as sent ???

Thanks in advance


15-03-2009, 11:14 AM
Guys, im tryig to configue it here.

I want it as local from my db7000
This is all i get when I look at tenet.

[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(200)

Can anyone tell me what this line is saying and should i see one saying received as well as sent ???

Thanks in advance



This message is normal but you should have it repeated forever, it only means that it send the ECM for decoding to your peer.

Just one thing, in the incubusCamd.conf you need to have this:



If you read well, you need to cut and paste what you set in the Prov section into the Servers section. And contrary to what is stated in the exemple you need to keep the card_server_url_0, so you simply cut and paste.

I also try to put the syntaxe like stated so just cccam://... but this one never works, the only one which work is copy paste.

Be carefull that Incubus 0.55 only support 1 ccam sever.
I also test connection to a gbox server, the gbox server see me connected (version 2.73) but nothing happens no image.

Incubus works fine with ccam but sometime it hangs (you get the SCRAMBLED message), zapping often fix the problem otherwhise you need to restart the emu.

For me Mbox is more stable but unfortunatelly I didn't succed to have it clear the french Can***** package but it works fine with other packages.


15-03-2009, 01:07 PM

Thanks pr2, you are a star.

I have logged in from work via FTP and telnet and made the changes as above, now when I run it I get the following.

Can anyone tell me whats happening now as I am not at home to see if anything has cleared.???


[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(301694980) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(301891588) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(302088196) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(302284804) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(302481412) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(302678020) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(302874628) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(303071236) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(303267844) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(303464452) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(303661060) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(303857668) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)

15-03-2009, 04:25 PM

Carefully check the username , password and server settings, it rather look like your incubus cannot connect to your CCam server so it restart.

When it is connected your telnet should be filled only with:

[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(200)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(201)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(200)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(201)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(200)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(204)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(204)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(204)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(204)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(204)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(204)

And nothing else.

If somebody knows how to activate tracing or debugging with incubus it would be great and I am also looking for an explantion of the code (200, 201, 204, 206,...)

Also ensure that you have no more than 6 incubusCamd.sigma running at the same time, more will means that you start twice incubus.

MMP[~]$ ps -ef | grep incu
1750 root 748 S ./incubusCamd.sigma
1751 root 748 S ./incubusCamd.sigma
1752 root 748 S ./incubusCamd.sigma
1753 root 748 S ./incubusCamd.sigma
1754 root 748 S ./incubusCamd.sigma
1755 root 748 S ./incubusCamd.sigma
1764 root 80 R grep incu

Otherwhise kill all your incubus and restart it.



15-03-2009, 06:02 PM
IncubusCamd v.0.75 is released and no support for sigma chipset only sh4. :nopity:

17-03-2009, 10:41 AM
OK guys, this is the last time I am getting desperate now.

Can anyone be so kind as to tell me where I am going wrong trying to get this running?

I am trying to receive ecms from my dreambox 7000 that is connected to a cardshare.

I am running firmware version 1314 as suggested in another thread.
I have installed the azbox sigma version of incubusCamd.
I have chmod 755 to all files in the directory.
I have performed a application area format.
I have performed a reset to defaults.
I have edited my incubusCamd.conf with my server address as the dreambox local IP and user pass plus port. 2 lines added. All of which information i am sure is correct. ( I used windows notepad ) is this ok ?
I have created a F:user pass line in my cccam.cfg on the db7000.
I have rebooted.
I have run the ./incubusCamd.sigma

This is what I get.

MMP[/]$ cd EMU/OpenXCAS/incubusCamd
MMP[incubusCamd]$ ./incubusCamd.sigma
MMP[incubusCamd]$ [OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(226885636) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(227082244) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(227278852) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(227475460) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(227672068) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(227868676) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(228065284) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(228261892) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_create_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_open_channel(incu busCamd)
osdep_msq_server_open : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
osdep_msq_server_open : request msq is already created
osdep_msq_server_open : response msq is already created
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_open_channel(inc ubusCamd)
osdep_msq_client_connect : key_request 0x263CD7B6 key_response 0x263CD7B7
msq_receive: id(228458500) wait err(Identifier removed)
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist ECM filter
[OPENXCAS_API] openxcas_stop_filter: Not exist EMM filter
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_send_msg(incubusC amd): success to send message(206)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_destroy_channel
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_module_close_channel(inc ubusCamd)
[OPENXCAS_CHANNEL] openxcas_adaptor_close_channel(in cubusCamd)

PS: I have repeated the exercise lots of times.

Can anyone see where I am going wrong.


17-03-2009, 12:14 PM
@ Yoda

In the CCcam.cfg on the dreambox part you need only the
F: Username Password with no restriction
in a normal CCcam.cfg when you add someone/somebox you do this
F: yoda dreambox 2 0 0 { 0:0:2 }
but for the incubus to work i had to do this
F: yoda dreambox

and offcourse i had to disabled the
so the CCcam does not cheek what version i have on my other boxes.

after that you need to find this part under the incubuscamd.conf

card_server_url_0=cccam://yoda:dreambox @
########################### servers configuration ############################
# This is the section for the multi-server configuration.
# First release use this only to connect on ONE cccam server and on ONE gbox
# server.
# gbox://<localhost>:<localport>:<password>@<peer_address>:<peer_port>:<peer_pass>
# cccam://<username>:<password>@<hostname>:<port>
card_server_url_0=cccam://yoda:dreambox @

this is all you need to do, this is all i did and had it working localy good

hope this helps you mate



17-03-2009, 02:58 PM
OK, I have checked what you said, I have not got the line #MINIMUM CLIENT VERSION : 2.0.11 in my cccam.cfg

Here is what I do have.

Located in /var/etc

# CCcam team uvadi CCcam v1.61
F: username1 password1 1 1 0
C: myservername.dyndns.org 12123 name pass no
F: username2 password2
OSD PASSWORD : dreambox
DEBUG : yes
SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw
#CAID IGNORE FILE : /var/keys/CCcam.ignore
CAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prio

This is all thats in my cccam.cfg


17-03-2009, 06:10 PM
Is it only me who's able to find Cccam.cfg file under OpenXCas folder in EMU directory of my azbox? After opening OpenXCas in azbox, it's showing ccCam settings.

17-03-2009, 06:44 PM
Is it only me who's able to find Cccam.cfg file under OpenXCas folder in EMU directory of my azbox? After opening OpenXCas in azbox, it's showing ccCam settings.

There is no cccam.cfg at all on Azbox since cccam doesn't run on Azbox.
You probably copy it yourself or pick up a package somewhere that wrongly place this file in the Azbox setup. You can delete it!

For Cccam you only have 1 choice today: IncubusCamd (current version 0.55) and configure IncubusCamd.cfg has stated before. (Don't forget to delete the space after the @ in the exemple, so no space at all in the whole line card_server_url_0=....).


17-03-2009, 06:44 PM
Hi mate,

I dont have a cccam.cfg on the azbox in that directory and I have just got min running with loads of help especially Colla.

Thanks once again guys.