View Full Version : Its Official-No Humax Uk support for iCord

05-02-2009, 03:53 PM
At last something in writing. A fellow member of a German forum dedicated to the Humax iCord received the following e-mail from Humax UK Tech Dept.
Dear Sir
Unfortunatly I am unable to give you support on the iCord as this is a German product. If you are still looking for support please contact the German call centre.
Kind Regards
Humax Support

He contacted the German outfit only to be told that they have no intention of upgrading the firmware in the iCird to the level that is in the Foxsat as the Freesat people will not grant a licence to enable the iCord have access to the EPG data that is available.

This should be a Red flag to any potential purchaser. Buyer beware. There are definatly better boxes out there. TMULL

fred fickle
05-03-2009, 05:55 PM
Nothing new there Humax support is sh*t and has been for years which is a pity 'cos they are great boxes.:frown:

06-03-2009, 11:06 AM
No, they are not great boxes, but they could be.TMULL

15-03-2009, 03:42 AM
they are stupid thats all i can say.
support = ****