View Full Version : Azbox SDK,Api etc. available?

06-02-2009, 08:07 PM
Where can hobby devs find some informations about Azbox SDK,Api etc. to
build there own images and other applications?Using dvb-Api would be great.
Any ideas?

06-02-2009, 11:03 PM
Yes, i'm also intrested in a sdk, so we would have the possibility to enable the linux dvb api v3 at the azbox hd.
Maybe we can recode Enigma2 or Neutrino for the azbox, after the linux dvb api is running ;)

13-02-2009, 09:19 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri7bGCj-Klg - watch closely!!!:respect-054::sifone::respect-062:

14-02-2009, 03:02 AM
This "old" video is from audioslyer.

14-02-2009, 09:25 AM
Not sure I understand, please explain a bit...

14-02-2009, 09:44 AM
@ Goran


14-02-2009, 01:04 PM
This blog is closed now...
For further support ,look at the german azbox forum!

14-02-2009, 07:45 PM
We know that Toolchain and CAS Using-Example, but we want to build a own kernel with linux dvb api support, because that's much easier to use (you know from dbox2 or dreambox "/dev/dvb/adapter0/...").

But for this Project we have to know some details about stream processing, using the hardware devices (drivers too) and and and...

getting a neutrino drawn on the framebuffer is'n the goal. their are much other problems, like remotecontrol, zapping...

21-02-2009, 12:31 AM
Forget it
if you want to build an own Image

you have to start coding from beginning

22-02-2009, 11:25 AM
Forget it
if you want to build an own Image

you have to start coding from beginning
what do you mean?
the problem is to start our own kernel, because there is no rs232 outside to modify the bootprocess.
we need to connect the internal rs232 via a MAX232.

another possibility is, if opensat will modify the boot process, to load first a second stage bootloader, instead the signed kernel.

22-02-2009, 11:32 AM
Do you think Opensat will we intresetd in that ??
if im not wrong you have asked the same question on azboxworld froum,
have you gott any answer yet from some one there, any PM at all

have they showed any intrest about this,
you,r idea si briliant , but you need some support from them ,
i do not think you will ever get the things you need from Opensat,
all things here must be done by hard work, look at Kathrein , AB IPbox
they to need it some drivers to port Enigma2 , they never gott them, therefore they had to start from scratch.

Anyway, i hope im wrong here, and you get what you are after, then mage an image for us dummies ( like me ) so we can benifit from it.



22-02-2009, 12:01 PM
because there is no rs232 outside to modify the bootprocess.
we need to connect the internal rs232 via a MAX232.

It says in the OLD data sheets that

Update is possible via

But in the Manual v. 1.2 I can' find any reference to it now.

Have they removed it?

24-02-2009, 04:54 PM
i heard nothing from opensat. but i heard from a distributor, that they are interested in this project.
but at the moment they are fixing some big problems with sigma drivers (thats one course why the firmware is so buggy and incomplete).

after they got a stable original firmware, we can HOPE to get help.
if not, the next weekends will be very long :respect-048:

we needn't the full driver sources.
pre-compiled driver modules for a selected kernel (2.6.15?) version will be enough.

@goran: the actual elite and premium hardware revision has only an internal rs232 port. you can use it as serial port after you connected a max232 to it.
only voltage, transmit, receive and ground is given. so there is no serial phoenix reader support.

here is a little new developer forum for the azbox hd:


27-02-2009, 03:19 PM
Can someone re up the openxcas sample somewhere?

The azbox datbase do not seem to work.

27-02-2009, 06:03 PM
Strange.. works fine here.. try again

edit/ oups.. now that i have tried again its down... sorry my bad