View Full Version : IPBox 900 or Octagon 918?

07-02-2009, 11:18 PM
Hi guys. I live in North America. I need to get a good HD box that does NTSC and is stable. I will not use any Cams (I will mostly stick with the factory software). These are my questions:
1- Does the IPBox 900 come standard with the DVB-2 tuner or do I have to get the plug in separately. 2- Can I use the IF out to connect to another receiver( a slave)? or is this only used to connect an external antenna? 3- Are you able to lock onto all the DVB-S signals or is it a hit and miss? is this receiver stable or does it freez?

Please forgive me for all of these questions, but I am going to spend a lot of money shipping a receiver to North America and I want to make the right decision.( I also like the Octagon 918).

08-02-2009, 12:25 PM
I have the Cuberevo, the big brother of Cuberevo mini aka IPBox 900HD
& can advise on following

Comes with DVB S2 Tuner as standard -on big brother version you have two DVB S2 tuners as standard or you can request 1 DVB S2 tuner & 1 Cable or terresterial tuner, for example, for extra cost

The nlb/sifteam (3rd party images) are genarally very stable & rarely freeze or lock up

There are some software bugs, such as epg & cardreaders which need addressing so although its good its not perfect

Never had a problem locking onto sats, providing dish is big enough to pick up enough good signal

The IF out, i think, can be used to loop though to another box but as ive never tried this cant confirm

I know on Cuberevo it can be used to feed from tuner 1 to tuner 2 if you only have single LNB

The new enigma2 images are early beta versions but look very good & looks promising for the future

Give Lee @ goldwafers (top of page) im sure he will give you a price for shipping to USA & advice on the NTSC:respect-048:

08-02-2009, 12:51 PM
if u want stability go for vantage hd or octagon hd!
if u want some also to play around with get a ipbox 900(i have the 910)

08-02-2009, 10:40 PM
Thank you guys so much for this information. Now there is the Cuberevo 3000, it has blind scan on it. I wonder if it's a hardware blind scan and if it actually blind scans DVB-S2 channels?

09-02-2009, 09:58 PM
Thank you guys so much for this information. Now there is the Cuberevo 3000, it has blind scan on it. I wonder if it's a hardware blind scan and if it actually blind scans DVB-S2 channels?

3000 is the same as ipbox 910hd

09-02-2009, 10:14 PM
Guess what I have both these receivers.

Octagon 918 in my living room and Ipbox 900 in bedroom.

The 918 is more stable but less fun. If you want a box that is just for watching TV and it wont crash etc then that is the box for you.
You can also connect to newcs/newcamd servers with this box and it works very well. You can also use softcams.

The ipbox as you know is linux based, so its more open but when things are more open they tend to crash and be less stable.
Now for me my ipbox 900 running latest sifteam image is fine, its in the bedroom connected to my linux pc and works OK.
It does take a long time to boot and does crash/freeze now and then but its not that bad.

10-02-2009, 11:24 PM
Thank you sooooo much for all your advice. I decided to get the Octagon 918( since I already have the 818 and I love it). Knowing that I am going to pay a lot to ship it to the US, I figured let me get a stable box that I will enjoy and when ever we get more DVB-S2 and HD channels in north America, than I Will go for the Vantage 8000.

16-02-2009, 11:21 PM
My iPbox running SifTeam 8873 has never crashed. I run Incubus camd to connect to my cccam server and usually i have to restart it once per day by pressing Green.

The epg is perfect, picture in epg etc and its very fast for all HD channels.

IMO Kathrein looks like something from the 1950s and the support isnt as good as the Cube Revo

07-03-2009, 01:04 PM
hi be carefull the diablo cam i think doesnt work on the Octagon 918 had one got rid of it.two people on a other site told me to get diablo wireless work with the octagon.guss what dont work.so be carefully

07-03-2009, 09:29 PM
Thank you so much aapaul for your advice. I got the Octagon three days ago from Germany and its is as stable as I ever expected. I was able to get all the HD channels over here with no problem:001_302: I have no need for the Diablo here( I think) All the updates that you guys provide are for the European satellites so the only thing that I update for this receiver is the software. I really hope that a software based blind scan will be added to this receiver so I can find the DVB-S2 feed over here.
Once again, thank you every body for guiding me and helping me with my decision to choose the right receiver( and I think I finally found it).

10-09-2010, 12:44 PM
I think better look elsewhere