View Full Version : Date and time

08-02-2009, 01:12 AM
Hi I am using blackhole 0.7 and I am having problems with the date and time.
I have set-up my box for GMT but the time is showing roughly and hour earlier than it is.. so I set it for GMT +1 thinking that would sort it out..that puts me an hour later than what it is.
So if the time is 22.00 it shows 23.15 or GMT+1 is showing 0.15.
The date also seems to be out by a day sometimes 2.
Can anyone offer any help.?

08-02-2009, 02:13 PM
OK I have sorted it.
I went to a sly channel shut-down the dreambox and then unplugged the box waited 10 minutes and the plugged in again and restarted and it is now sorted. :respect-059: