View Full Version : setting up with a vbox

09-02-2009, 11:39 PM
Hi guys I wish too set-up my cuberevo with a vbox how do I go about it.?
fATS :seeya:

16-02-2009, 11:13 PM
It seems my vbox2 is not supported by this box.:beatdeadhorse5:

17-02-2009, 02:44 PM
All it needs is DiSEqC and most current satellite boxes have DiSEqC.

17-02-2009, 05:35 PM
Which vbox have you got Fatbloke-ive got a V/Gbox posititioner -cost about £39 & works ok

Only bug with the Cuerevo is u cant store positions at users preference although DGS have promised to fix this soon

On Enigma 2 it the same positioner software as a DMM machine but havent tried it myself yet

17-02-2009, 09:34 PM
I have a superjack vbox 2 and have got it working sort of, by that I mean I can move the dish and store the position but if I was to change a channel that meant going to a different satellite the dish wont move.
The only way I can fix this is by going into DiSEqC and clicking ok on the satellite required and then the dish moves..so not very good.
Thanks Catseye its good to know about the box working with enigma 2.
I may have to use my dreambox 8000 to move the dish and use the cuberevo upstairs.:respect-069: