View Full Version : How do I fix it if I break it?

12-02-2009, 12:06 AM
I just know, after playing with my DM8000 for at least a day, I'm going to go 'arghhhhh', 'panic'.
How do I put it back to 'factory default'? Is it best to download the image (nfi file) from dream main site? Once done - how do I get rid of all the chaos I've caused & put the image on the box.
Ta (panic mode off)

12-02-2009, 12:22 AM
Isn't that what the recovery stick is for?


12-02-2009, 09:18 PM
[my stupid mode on] eh?? i assume back up to a memory stick first (not in manual) [my stupid mode off]

12-02-2009, 10:12 PM
..... after playing with my DM8000 for at least a day, I'm going to .......

''for at least a day''...........sounds like running before walking....you need to read & test a lot more.

This thread will assist:-

These type of receivers do not work 'straight from the box'......a strong learning curve is the accepted norm.

Tell the thread what you have tried then ask for help on the outcome !


13-02-2009, 08:26 AM
There aren't any hints on backup/restore in the blog - I Know I can ask questions here, is it worth a new thread 'DM 8000 for dummies' ??

13-02-2009, 11:22 AM
You and me are just going to have to wait until dream get around to translating there.
how to use the recovery stick, that on there web site.


13-02-2009, 04:00 PM
You and me are just going to have to wait until dream get around to translating there.
how to use the recovery stick, that on there web site.


Unfortunately, the PDF is protected, so I can't copy text into an online translator. Maybe if enough of us ask Dream ....

13-02-2009, 08:02 PM
Guys, go to plugins and download the NFI Image Flashing plugin.

Once it's installed run the plugin and press the blue button which will run the w!zard and guide you through the process of preparing your USB recovery stick.

It also allows you to backup your settings.

*** Dreambox NFIFlash DM 8000 ***
This is FAT16 partition image for a USB stick that is bootable in a Dreambox DM 8000 HD PVR.

To perform boot into the NFIFlash tool, insert the USB stick
and hold the "down" key on the frontpanel while powering up the box.

*** FILES ***
autoexec_dm8000.bat is being executed by the 2nd stage loader and contains the kernel commandline
deltafs ext3 container for read-writeable filesystem which is unionmounted and allows storing settings
README this text
squashfs-dm8000 compressed root file system of the NFI Flasher environment (read-only)
vmlinux-dm8000.gz compressed Linux 2.6.12 kernel for the DM 8000

14-02-2009, 08:01 PM
Hi dubious
Can you please give me a link to the NFI Image Flashing plugin.

14-02-2009, 08:07 PM
It's available from main menu plugins m8.

Press the green button to get a list of available plugins.

14-02-2009, 08:48 PM
Thanks dubious, it`s no wonder I couldn't find it in the download section of satpimps.

19-02-2009, 05:09 PM
Tried all that
Display on DM says- Boot #63(20080724)
that's it - now't else happening

19-02-2009, 05:29 PM
Tried all that
Display on DM says- Boot #63(20080724)
that's it - now't else happening

What iamge are you trying ?
Bootloader #63 means you are trying an early image.
Latest are using bootloader #71

Maybe you should try New Nabilo pure flash HERE (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=103126)

Read the info that is posted with it :respect-048:

19-02-2009, 05:38 PM
#63 is the one I saved "just in case".
Thought I could recover using the recovery USB
Lost network & text turned to arabic; couldn't get the network running, am now waiting 73 minutes whilst the serial upload finishes!

19-02-2009, 06:55 PM
Why not just flash the box with a new image? _http://www.dream-multimedia-tv.de/dm8000/eng_browser.php

A link to DMM's website gave me an yellow card :respect-013: Ok if I link to a suspect website but this i a joke :smilielol5:

19-02-2009, 10:05 PM
Can't flash the box - tried RS232,Network, USB
I now have an expensive box of chips with no OS!!

19-02-2009, 11:52 PM
#63 is the one I saved "just in case".

What do you actually mean by this m8 ? Are you saying there is no .nfi image on your stick ?

Plug it in to the PC and make sure there is an .nfi image actually on it and not just a bootloader .nfi

20-02-2009, 12:03 AM
What do you actually mean by this m8 ? Are you saying there is no .nfi image on your stick ?

Plug it in to the PC and make sure there is an .nfi image actually on it and not just a bootloader .nfi

Yep - image is there; but booting off USB either doesn't work - or has no effect.

20-02-2009, 12:05 AM
However - have managed to upload an image - another lesson - make sure the DM's IP address (when flashing) is outside the range of your DHCP server!
Phew - all working now.

20-02-2009, 09:53 AM
Here's what I found.
The DM lost network connection, so tried to re-install an image.

When I turned on the DM (holding in the bottom button), the display said "STOP" and gave an IP address.

The USB recovery stick didn't work - display said "Boot #63(20080724)" and nothing else happened. No idea why.

Tried to upload to Flash (using DreamUP) in serial mode. Kept stalling at "getting checksum" message.

Tried to upload to Flash (using DreamUP) in network mode (using the ip address given in the display). - Make sure that this IP address is outside the DHCP range of your router, then that worked.

Questions still unanswered:-
why the recovery USB didn't work?
why the serial flash upload didn't work - one possible explananation is that the DM was stuck in network mode?

20-02-2009, 10:23 AM
A possible cause is flashing image after image in the flash, 1 image updates the bootloader and then the next one you try is a much older bootloader.

Maybe the box just did not like it, when ever I replace the flash image whether it is my Dm7000, DM7020 or DM800 I only ever flash a newer version, never an older version.

Maybe I am lucky but I have never had a problem flashing an image on any box ever!!

20-02-2009, 02:36 PM
Understood @Sonic1; however - I would expect the recovery USB to work, no matter what image is on it.