View Full Version : DreamUp via network??

15-02-2009, 10:32 PM
Can't get dreamup (v. to work over a LAN - yes the DM has fixed IP address outside the DHCP range of the router and yes it is connected. its first time use for dreamup, should I have used it via RS232 first? (trying to install second stage loader - secondstage-dm8000-70.nfi)
ANy ideas please

15-02-2009, 11:26 PM
If you are gonna use dream up you need the serial on it's own, or serial and lan together or of course you can use the webif.

The secondstage-dm8000-70.nfi is only small so will only take a couple of seconds to load anyway so it's not really critical which method you use on this occassion.

Just had a thought, you could also use the ipk version of the file and install from the menu or telnet.

15-02-2009, 11:38 PM
got the file onto the hard disk (media/hdd/) , how do I execute/install it

15-02-2009, 11:52 PM
2 ways of doing this.

FTP the file I attached to \tmp, dunno what image you use but for Nabilo for example press green then yellow for addons and and choose 'manual install ipk packages' it will then find the file you put in \tmp.

If you use a different image it will have a manual install option somewhere.

2nd way is to down load the ipk installer plugin from the plugins menu.

16-02-2009, 12:04 AM
Thanks for all your patience @dubious
at the moment, using the standard image that comes with the box, trying to follow the install done by shappaeye.
Can't find any menu entry that allows manual install of images - only available is download plugins.

16-02-2009, 12:12 AM
No problem m8 :) You really need to get Nabilo on it to unleash the full potential of this beast, but I guess you have to walk before you run :)

I have 4 tuners in mine including DVB-C and DVB-T and it's all running sweet, have no issues or complaints what so ever.

If you happen to be in the Midlands you're welcome to drop in. :)

16-02-2009, 12:28 AM
Ta - thats the 'problem' was trying to get image onto a new box, but got stuck. Looks like back to old technology & use the RS232 lead!
I am in the UK for 2 weeks, otherwise its a bit of a treck to West Mids from the Canaries!!!

16-02-2009, 12:30 AM
You should be able to download the official IPK plugin and use that or if you are familiar with telnet ftp the file to \tmp, start a telnet session to the box and once logged in copy and paste the line below in to your telnet window and press enter.

ipkg install \tmp\dreambox-secondstage_70-r1_dm8000.ipk

16-02-2009, 12:35 AM
Ta - you are a GOD.
I did look for a IPK plugin - none avail.
I will use telnet, just wasn't sure what command to use.

16-02-2009, 02:03 AM
hi i updated mine via the rs232 + lan cable (patch network cable - plugged directly from the PC to the Box)....old fashion way

works fine , and loving it :)