View Full Version : Mobile phone makers to create standard charger

17-02-2009, 01:54 PM
BARCELONA, Spain (AFP) — Leading mobile phone manufacturers announced on Tuesday they had agreed to produce a standardised charger for the industry in a move set to save money for consumers and reduce waste.
Currently, each mobile phone maker has its own charger design, sometimes using several across different models, which increases replacement costs for users and leads to unwanted cables when a consumer swaps brands.
In a small move set to make this aspect of modern life easier, industry body the GSM Association said on Tuesday that leading manufacturers had agreed to link up to resolve the problem.
"This is a broad agreement that will move the industry to a single, energy-efficient charger for all mobile phones," said Michael O'Hara, marketing director for the GSMA.
The standard shape to be adopted by 17 manufacturers including Nokia, Motorola and Samsung is to be mini USB. The new charger will also be more energy efficient than current offerings, the GSMA said.

cont'd here


17-02-2009, 03:35 PM
At home we have countless chargers and low voltage adapters, (phone, mp3 players, portable dvd players, laptops, cameras etc...)

It can sometimes be a bloody nightmare finding the right one in a hurry, and if they could ALL standardise then maybe we can fit a standard low voltage socket in the wall that they can all use... I know low voltage distribution is a non-starter due to the inefficiences in long runs of cable, but a dedicated outlet with it's own built in transformer would be a fantastic development.

About time this was done, it's not rocket science, and just needs enough "A" brands to sign up to it.

17-02-2009, 05:10 PM
Should have been done years ago !!!