View Full Version : HD200 Official 3.25 Firmware

18-02-2009, 01:20 PM
New firmware 3,25 for HD200 .

This firmware does not contain EMU .


18-02-2009, 02:51 PM
Please read the rules of the forum.....live links not allowed.

Please edit to include underscore, ie: as:-


Also, although your link is to a file only and therefore not applicable in this case, NO links at all to other sat equipment suppliers etc.

Please edit and thank you.

20-02-2009, 06:37 PM
Well ive tested this firmware and they say it will support sky nds card well after checking this out I have found that the receiver sees the sky nds card but does not work, the serial number does not come up and even though I subscribe to sky it will not decode anything using the sky card in the receiver., Either that or i'm doing something wrong, any help would be great cheers

24-02-2009, 02:09 PM
have you tried the unofficial firmware?

24-02-2009, 02:29 PM
Yes that is the one i'm using, but when i put in the sky card it shows nds in the menu, and then if you press the ok button it then shows the serial number of the nds card but they are all zero, it does not see the serial number of the card but does see that the card is nds.
I do subscribe to sky and had to go back to using my t-rex cam for now until they sort out this problem, i'm sure it has to be the firmware another update is needed to fix this problem.

24-02-2009, 05:28 PM
same here

24-02-2009, 08:33 PM
I'm glad that i'm not the only one then lol, however it is a great step in the right direction, just can't wait for gmax to bring out another firmware very soon to correct this problem.

And what would also be fantastic, if gmax can also get the card to update in the hd200 now that would solve all problems let's hope they can do it????

28-02-2009, 11:33 AM
Same here.