19-02-2009, 03:07 PM
...... Ok so ive mainly been using image in flash but have toyed with barry allen via my hard drive to experiment with other images but ive realised that if i want to run my other images long term then i should really invest in a compact flash as running images direct from my hard drive cant be good for it .....?
Ok so im going to be installing blackholes new pure image 18th of feb with barry allen 4.6.79 to flash after adding a compact flash , when barry installs will it auto go to compact flash regardless that ive had it installed via the hard drive before ...?
Also to remove barry completely from my hard drive what can and cant i delete without messing too much of my hard drive up lol ....?
Ok so im going to be installing blackholes new pure image 18th of feb with barry allen 4.6.79 to flash after adding a compact flash , when barry installs will it auto go to compact flash regardless that ive had it installed via the hard drive before ...?
Also to remove barry completely from my hard drive what can and cant i delete without messing too much of my hard drive up lol ....?