View Full Version : Diablo & Oct 918

20-02-2009, 06:17 PM
Does the cam now work in the Octagon 918?


20-02-2009, 06:44 PM
Works for me. It's Diablo Light revision 2.3.

I've heard there were problems with Diablo Wi-fi but only some UW versions (which usually doesn't help much as long as you have to upgrade the UW in order to decrypt Conax channels).

20-02-2009, 06:50 PM
Thanks for the quick reply

01-03-2009, 01:13 PM
Hi Guys.
I am using the latest "OCTAGON_HD_SF918_EMU_AU_PVR_eSATA _V10323__27_02_09_HDTV" and the Diablo V2.3 UW1.62 and I am still having problems with Pixels and Picture Break-Up and sometimes even Sound loss on most of the Thor HD and many other Channels from various Sat's.

It runs OK for the first Hour or thereabouts and then the Problems/Bugs start.
Screen goes Black NO Pic's ..switch Box OFF/ON and then it works for about 7/8 min's then the Bugs return and a Cycle starts where this just continues over and over.
Watching TV becomes very Frustrating..at times even impossible.
I have taken time to observe this Bug and its always the same.
Makes absolutely NO difference whether the Cam is inserted in the Top or Bottom Slot.
The Diablo and UW Versions makes NO difference either I have had this problem with ALL of them..!

As I support this Box on several Forums I have passed this Info on to Octagon ....this and MANY other Bugs way back last Year..still NO Fixes..getting a little Frustrated with this Box.:frown:
Already looking at other alternative HD Boxes...which work..!!


05-03-2009, 02:18 AM
hi andrew, the problem will be definitely solved, I was informed that it is in the bug list, it is at the top of the list.

Believe me I have a dreambox which costs about 400 € and it has more problems than the 918, so I am not sure if you find a hd receiver which has some support or a perfect software.

05-03-2009, 07:38 PM
hi andrew, the problem will be definitely solved, I was informed that it is in the bug list, it is at the top of the list.

Believe me I have a dreambox which costs about 400 € and it has more problems than the 918, so I am not sure if you find a hd receiver which has some support or a perfect software.


HI Buddy..You are of course correct to find a Box which works WITHOUT any Bugs is difficult.
They all seem to have a few Bugs and problems even the lovely DD Boxes.
Thats the MAIN priority for any Good SD or HD Box nowadays..!


25-03-2009, 07:13 PM
Diablo light V2.3, underworld V1.66 and homeshare of the box.
Latest FW on the box
Diablo is in first cam slot

I have two cards, one seca2 and one irdeto (g*mm*)
Both cards work ok on the box, doesn't matter which card I put where.

Now I've just been trying to share both these cards towards my second box via homeshare (so I can eliminate the internal newcs server on my PC).
It always turns out the card in the internal cardslot gets shared without any problem, but the card in the diablo seems never to get shared via homeshare.

Anybody here tried this setup before ? Or any specifics to keep in mind?


03-04-2009, 07:41 PM
meet another "happy" owner of diablo wifi and octagon 918hd...

exactly same problems, distorted picture, jerky sound always...

06-04-2009, 09:28 PM
Yes the problems are known, I am sure that the latest emus will fix some of them, they should work on it.

07-04-2009, 08:36 PM
I hope they will be working on WPA network security too...
If using WEP I can connect almost immediately to the cam by ftp
If using WPA it takes several hours to see the cam by ftp

Cam log states
"2009/04/06 22:46:10 - --WLAN-- WPA Encryption: 4-way Handshake FAILED!" over and over again, until (out of the blue and hours later) succeeds.

Nevertheless router associates with cam and vice versa when reading the logs of both.

Already fooled around with several network parameters to get WPA working(beacon period etc), to no avail.


18-04-2009, 07:10 PM
Well, I found a trick to get WPA working, though it's not user-friendly

If the diablo doesn't succeed in associating correctly, but does find the correct network ssid:
1) in the diablo select wifi settings
2) select "access point [ssid name]"
3) "AP scanning in progress" appears
4) select the correct ssid name, wait about 20sec
5) repeat 1 to 5 until under "CAM info" an IP appears (instead of "AP not associated") or you can ftp the diablo (takes usually 5-20 times)

It isn't that clean, but it works.


20-04-2009, 03:53 PM
I've checked diablo wifi with latest octagon firmware and found the following:

1. mtv package - distorted
2. euro1080 - distorted
3. canal digital (astra and thor) - distorted
4. Digi TV (thor) WORKING
5. cardsharing using wifi - distorted

20-04-2009, 05:37 PM
I've checked diablo wifi with latest octagon firmware and found the following:

1. mtv package - distorted
2. euro1080 - distorted
3. canal digital (astra and thor) - distorted
4. Digi TV (thor) WORKING
5. cardsharing using wifi - distorted

About point 5: WPA2 and WPA2 works too, only thing with it:
The setting "rekey interval" (AKA "group key update interval") must be as high as possible.
When using the (most common) 60sec interval, diablo has problems with it due to its apparently long calculation times. It looks like diablo disconnects, then starts calculating before reconnecting.

Raising it to (in my case max) 65535sec gets the group key updated every say (hopefully) 18h, which I don't mind.

Whenever (after the 18h period) diablo gets disconnected and doesn't succeed reconnecting use the following workaround to speed it up:
1) menu - wifi settings
2) select "access point [your SSID]"
3) it says "AP scanning in progress"
4) in the list of SSID's, select yours
5) check (after say 20-30sec) in menu - CAM info if it associated with the router
6) if it doesn't associate: repeat 1...5 (usually succeeds after 8-15 times), and you're good for another 18h.

My setup now:
diablo wifi gbox <=> wifi <=> router <=> wired LAN <=> PC with mpcs (gbox to newcamd) <=> wired LAN <=> second box


20-04-2009, 06:12 PM
"distorted" I mean picture on receiver. I have no problem in connecting my diablo to AP. Currently I'm using it with Comag SL65/2CI without any problems.

But I'd like more to focus on Digi TV. Why it works on Octagon SF918HD using diablo, and why other encodings does not work? Seems like it's not only receiver issue, but cam issue also.

20-04-2009, 07:51 PM
Keep in mind that if the box has its own emu for specific broadcasts AND the diablo has them too, it might not mix since both have their set of keys and emu.
I for one must exclude several CAIDs of the diablo OR delete keys.bin/data.bin OR select priority cards/emu versus emu/cards when switching between specific stations (beyond my "normal" ones) to have clear picture. That takes somewhat experimenting in what to use and what to disable.


21-04-2009, 03:04 PM
Well after nearly 2 months and numerous S/W Updates.
The problems are still very present.

If you remember I started observing this Pixelation and Pics Distorting and loss of Audio on lots of Channels Bug, with this S/W Version
"SF918_EMU_AU_PVR_eSAT A_V10323__27_02_09" and the Diablo V2.3 UW1.62"
We are now at.........
"EMU_AU_PVR_eSATA_V10391__13_04_09" and the Diablo V2.3 UW 1.72
and still nothing has improved.

This problem does NOT really have much to do with the EMU being switched ON.
The Diablo is really a very forgiving Cam and DOES work very well with the EMU activated in other Boxes.
So I still believe its a S/W problem.

Even with the Box EMU OFF it is still present..!

Lets hope the Guys come up with a solution for this silly problem would be a shame because this Box is getting better and better.


22-04-2009, 06:37 AM
I don't see any visible improvement since initial PVR firmware release...

22-04-2009, 06:09 PM
Well...urmmm.... that's maybe just because you forgot to upgrade ? :sifone:


28-04-2009, 10:11 AM
haha, I'm upgrading regularily.

Only one usable upgrade is diseqc cascading addon..

01-05-2009, 10:37 PM
I'm still finding that encrypted channels suffer minor glitches to the picture every few seconds with my Diablo/SF918 combination. But it's way better than it was six months ago, when there was total picture corruption. It'd be nice to eliminate the glitches (random horizontal strips of pixel blocks which discolour or flash for half a second or so), but it's a perfectly watchable picture.

By the way, what does the SF stand for?

22-03-2010, 02:43 PM
Dont know what the Sf means :D