View Full Version : Setting Up 500s

21-02-2009, 04:39 PM
Hi All,
Trying to set up a friends 500-s (I have a 7020-s)

What I`ve done so far -
Flash Erased
Loaded GemProj Image
Setup Sat
Scanned Channels
All FTA Channels are fine

I have tried to use the Blue Button and then Addons to download CCcam but the only choices I get on Addons is `Download Gemini` or `Download Myserver`
When I try to go to `Download Gemini` I get to 21% (instantly) and then after a while I get an `Unknown Error`

I`ve tried using DCC to see the box, but without success, so I`m guessing the box is not connected to the net.

Having not worked on a 500 before, could sopmeone please point me in the right direction for the settings etc to get it connected.


01-03-2009, 09:57 AM
I never flash erase and Gemini images can damage the bootloader of clone 500's.
I would flash it with Darkstar II its a doddle to use then download the CCCam and manually install the key Updater utility its Gr8 allows you to select which cam keys you want to update on one button.