View Full Version : Does the Azbox HD have built in positioner?

22-02-2009, 11:30 AM
Just wanted to know whether the Azbox have built in satellite positioner or do we have to have a separate diseqc positioner to move motor?


22-02-2009, 11:34 AM
Hi s_kates81

Welcome to the forum.

Its built in... ( but if it works 100% or not is another question) :D

22-02-2009, 11:43 AM
The DiSEqC protocol is built into everything these days, as a minimum standard.

What I expected in your post was a polarmount positioner Q.

But that no receiver[?] has these days... it seems... :(

One uses VBox then and all is cool anyhow!:respect-048:

22-02-2009, 12:13 PM
Thanks for your replies. So it means I need to have an extra positioner hardware in order to move motor right?

22-02-2009, 12:22 PM
It means if you use a 36 Volt actuator to move your dish then yes, you'll need a VBOX II to convert Diseqc to Pulse.

If you use a Diseqc motor on your dish then you wont need anything extra.

22-02-2009, 12:33 PM
Hi. I use a diseqc 1.2 motor on the dish. I currently use a positioner along with a dreambox 500 in order to move to another satellites. Well if I don't need to use a separate positioner after purchasing azbox, that's certainly a good news for me so I can jut retire my existing dreambox 500 and the diesqc positioner for good :)

22-02-2009, 12:53 PM
the diseq 1.2 and Usals protocole are build in
the only problem you have for time being is that the Diseq 1.2 does not work

Usals does move the dish OK , but here to it is a problem, the dish is being moved out of the possition you chose.

I think we will see improvments in the next software reliase, but this is only hope from my side,



22-02-2009, 01:55 PM
the dish is being moved out of the possition you chose.


Did you try my suggestion and alter the Usals location to see if that corrects the east/west error ?

22-02-2009, 02:41 PM
the diseq 1.2 and Usals protocole are build in
the only problem you have for time being is that the Diseq 1.2 does not work

Usals does move the dish OK , but here to it is a problem, the dish is being moved out of the possition you chose.

I think we will see improvments in the next software reliase, but this is only hope from my side,



So it means for the time being, we'll need to use external positioner then in order to get correct positions for our dish

22-02-2009, 03:07 PM
So it means for the time being, we'll need to use external positioner then

Definitely maybe... :D

22-02-2009, 06:58 PM

Did you try my suggestion and alter the Usals location to see if that corrects the east/west error ?

Yes offcourse i did test this, but still the same results.

I found out that buy adding falce location on the Usals , say 63 and 13
for latitude / longitude you can file tune the motor, but that is not my point

My poin here is that there is something missing or not finished on the software, and im sure this is only a software problem.

I also asked before if if some one that know or have heard where to find the diseq 1.2 files , so i can try to edit them my self and see if this helps to move the mottor with diseq 1.2 , but have not got any answer yet.

i wonder if the satelites and possitioner are build on a database or something else, as if it is in database i can correct this buy opening the database and pre-sett all the possitions i will like to have



22-02-2009, 07:55 PM
I found out that buy adding falce location on the Usals , say 63 and 13
for latitude / longitude you can file tune the motor, but that is not my point

Yeah.. I know that wasn't your point bobi, I was just suggesting it as a way around you getting the dish moving between sats, so I'm pleased that it worked for fine tuning.

Its a bl**dy disgrace that some elementary things are not working yet, I know that the box is still in "beta" but to release with so many issues yet to be resolved or even addressed, it can only be a that its a release in desperation to get some money in.

but have not got any answer yet.

Yes it makes one wonder how many beta testers there really were, or maybe they have been told to shut up about the bad points and only sing about the good, but with there being so few good ... its a very short song at the moment :D

23-02-2009, 07:57 AM
I am sure they'll shortly release stable firmwares. By the way, which is the latest firmware now?

11-07-2009, 10:50 AM
So 5months on....

Does the USALS function now work better?

Also, is there a guide in how to set this up with an Azbox?


11-07-2009, 04:54 PM
Works perfectly for me.

Its very simple once your dish is setup correctly and are fixed on a sat correctly go into Settings -> TV Channel -> DVB-S -> Antenna setup

On the satellite you have are locked on go to Positioner Setup and choose USALS. Enter your Long and Lat accurately( note it is in Degrees and decimal mine is 6.7W and 53.3N)

Save these settings. For all other sats that you want to work via the motor simply choose USALS in the Antenna Setup (they will inherit the lat and long settings). For those outside your range leave at OFF.

That should do it.

11-07-2009, 06:10 PM
Thanks mate. Suppose I am locked on to 68.5E IntelSat10, what should I go and put in usals? 68.5E ?

11-07-2009, 06:16 PM



That should do it... :cheers2:

11-07-2009, 09:29 PM
Thanks mate. Suppose I am locked on to 68.5E IntelSat10, what should I go and put in usals? 68.5E ?

No your own lattitude and longitude at your dish location...

12-07-2009, 06:46 AM
I can get my lat and lon by my gps device. but the azbox usals won't allow me to put them in there.

12-07-2009, 10:51 AM
You're not helping us to help you: what do you do EXACTLY?!?

If I remember correctly, it's 3 digit's only: xx.x


12-07-2009, 01:24 PM
I can get my lat and lon by my gps device. but the azbox usals won't allow me to put them in there.

if you lat is in full degrees and minutes format e.g 10o6'12"E then its 10.1E as there are 60' in a degree

Hope this helps

12-07-2009, 09:54 PM
google the "dish pointer"
put you postcode
this will give you in correct format
but Azbox usals section is not allow us to put fully correct numbers !!!