View Full Version : Azbox HD media playing

22-02-2009, 06:37 PM
I'm thinking about getting an azbox hd as one i'm just as interested in the movie player as watching tv.

I have a windows home server with all my movies, tv shows etc and so instead of having to use a pc or modded xbox to watch them, it would be very handy to watch them on the azbox hd.

On the menu screen i see a movie player, is this just for stuff recorded by the azbox?

If i wanted to watch stuff on my server where would i access it? Is there a way to create shortcuts to folders, or would have to browse until i find what i want? And what is like scrolling through films. I had a hdx1000 which is just the same as a popcorn hour and scrolling through a folder with lots of films is very slow. Is it the same with the azbox?

This receiver looks like it has lots of potential to me. For example, an apple trailers plugin is probably possible like the youtube plugin.

My ideal scenario would be dvb-s2 for sat tv, dvb-c for cable and then be able to watch xvids, mkv's etc.

btw do any of the emu's atm work with softcam key files?

22-02-2009, 08:59 PM

In the user manual ver 1.2 you will find all the explanations on how to connect to your Windows server from the Azbox. And yes you are able to play the files stored on your windows server.



22-02-2009, 09:41 PM
You could also put everything into a sata hd, as you can find 2TB hd's these days, it should be more than enough to have the whole internet on your Azbox. :D