View Full Version : FORTEC PASSION HD How to.....!!!

24-02-2009, 10:18 AM
For Setting -Up the Passion it is best to follow these Instructions:
I am assuming you have done a primary Scan of your Sats.
(OR you can use my Settings.)
You have the latest Loader V1.50 Installed.
You have some sort of S/W version Installed.

To continue from here in the future its always best to

1.WRITE and SAVE your Settings ONTO your USB Stick and SAVE them also INTO the Receiver Database using the On-Board Memory Function.

2.Put the Unzipped S/W File NAKED onto your USB Stick.
Now you have Both the Files on your Stick,the S/W File and the Settings File named *CHDB

3.Do Factory Reset.

4.READ the S/W File with the Latest Update.
Allow the Receiver to re-Boot.

5.READ your Settings from USB Stick.
Allow the Receiver to re-Boot.

The USB Commands are:

There are TWO ways to READ the Files INTO your Receiver.
1. The Standard way using the USB Function via Menu.
2. Power Down the Receiver using the Front Button..
a.Insert the USB Stick..
b.Power ON the Receiver..
c.Follow the Instructions in the Display Window on the Receiver.
d.Choose the File you want to READ and press..OK

ALWAYS REMOVE the USB Stick when the Downloading Cycle has Finished just BEFORE the Receiver Starts the re-Boot Cycle.

Thats it :respect-067:


24-02-2009, 09:32 PM
Hi Andrew007,

Thanks for the, Passion and Passion + (Sticky).
Loaded you New Setting, Its a Good Start.
Any chance of adding 9E and 10E.
I Changed to (Usals) picked up All your Sats, Spot On.


30-03-2009, 04:00 PM
Dont want to sound thick but still learning about sateliite tv what do l achive by following your setting up instructions. Passion+ working l think ok but dont know if your way means it might work better in some way

30-03-2009, 04:39 PM
new software usially sorts out minor bugs

06-04-2009, 08:37 AM
Dont want to sound thick but still learning about sateliite tv what do l achive by following your setting up instructions. Passion+ working l think ok but dont know if your way means it might work better in some way

I have posted the How to...because I keep getting asked How to do this, that and the other.
So now there is NO need to ask the same Q's over and over..
Just Read around and ALL will be revealed..OK
If you follow my Instructions NOTHING can go wrong.

A while back I think about 2 S/W versions ago..
The Normal procedure for loading the S/W via USB Stick DID NOT WORK..and many users were confused and HAD NO clue How to alternatively Load the S/W Updates....NOW they know..!

If a S/W version WORKS for you and ALL is OK then you know the Old saying " If it ain't Broke DONT Fix it.." ..!!
and as "satwyn" so kindly said S/W Updates are released to improve the Versions and Fix Minor Bugs..YES


06-04-2009, 10:54 AM
My passion ran like a three legged dog with the latest 124 op s/w, it would reboot everytime the diablo glitched.

I went back to 122 op s/w and all is now stable again.

06-04-2009, 01:04 PM
My passion ran like a three legged dog with the latest 124 op s/w, it would reboot everytime the diablo glitched.
I went back to 122 op s/w and all is now stable again.


Nice one that I like it..:D

Thanks for that useful Tip m8y.:respect-applause-00

So the Old saying really does "Hit the Nail right on the Head"..!

" If it ain't Broke DON'T Fix it.." ..!!


06-10-2009, 06:45 PM
HELP updating hd passion receiver cannot get latest files working latest is september 10 2009 1st loader v150 OK 2st updated stop at 75% help hd passion receiver

13-10-2009, 10:34 AM
HELP updating hd passion receiver cannot get latest files working latest is september 10 2009 1st loader v150 OK 2st updated stop at 75% help hd passion receiver

Try this method ..

There are TWO ways to READ the Files INTO your Receiver.
1. The Standard way using the USB Function via Menu.
2. Power Down the Receiver using the Front Button..
a.Insert the USB Stick..
b.Power ON the Receiver..
c.Follow the Instructions in the Display Window on the Receiver.
d.Choose the File you want to READ and press..OK

ALWAYS REMOVE the USB Stick when the Downloading Cycle has Finished just BEFORE the Receiver Starts the re-Boot Cycle.
