View Full Version : FORTEC Passion Settings ..28.02.09 UPDATED..!!

28-02-2009, 03:43 PM
Here you go Guys..

Did a little Scanning work and Updated my List.

Contained are:..
TV Channels = 6464
Radio Channels = 1554

Updated to 17 Sat Positions.

My Settings/Channel List is a sort of Mix between Motorised and Fixed..

Diseqc A-B-C-D
C = is my Motorised.

ASTRA 1 .........19°E = A - Fixed
HOTBIRD .........13°E = B - Fixed
ASTRA 2 .........28°E = D - Fixed
HISPA .........30°W = C - Motorised
THOR 2/3 .........0.8°W = C - Motorised
SIRIUS .........5°E = C - Motorised
EUTEL W3 .........7°E = C - Motorised
EUROBIRD 9 .........9°E = C - Motorised
EUTEL W2 ........16°E = C - Motorised
ASTRA 3 .........23°E = D - Fixed
TURK ........42°E = C - Motorised
AMOS ........4°W = C - Motorised
ATLANTICBIRD 3 ........5°W = C - Motorised
ATLANTICBIRD 2 .........8°W = C - Motorised
ATLANTICBIRD 1 ........12°W = C - Motorised
TELSTAR .......15°W = C - Motorised
BADR .......26°E = C - Motorised

So If you want to use it you will have to re-Configurate and Change the LNB Settings to FIT your Set-Up.



28-02-2009, 08:16 PM
Cheers Andrew m8

01-03-2009, 01:14 AM
Hi Andrew007.

Thanks for Update, Mosy Excellent, MINT.

Can I just say, (Im not Criticizing) about 1w.
Its a good layout of channels, but with (Digitv @ 1w) ****ing
around with ower Keys, is it posible to have 2 Sat positions
for (Thor Telenor @0.8w) and (Digitv @ 1w).
The best list to have this kind of layout is (laurals53) list for
the (Humax HDCI2000).
It has Telenor at 0.8w, with Sat name (Thor).
And It has Digitv at 1w with the Sat name (Intelsat 707) its
some kind of Glitch, thats the reason for (707).
As you know, Intelsat 707 is at (53w), but in (L53s) list
its at @1w, with Digitv Channel list loaded.


01-03-2009, 02:55 PM
Hi Andrew007.

Thanks for Update, Mosy Excellent, MINT.

Can I just say, (Im not Criticizing) about 1w.
Its a good layout of channels, but with (Digitv @ 1w) ****ing
around with ower Keys, is it posible to have 2 Sat positions
for (Thor Telenor @0.8w) and (Digitv @ 1w).
The best list to have this kind of layout is (laurals53) list for
the (Humax HDCI2000).
It has Telenor at 0.8w, with Sat name (Thor).
And It has Digitv at 1w with the Sat name (Intelsat 707) its
some kind of Glitch, thats the reason for (707).
As you know, Intelsat 707 is at (53w), but in (L53s) list
its at @1w, with Digitv Channel list loaded.


BF ..
I don't understand what you mean m8y..?
On my THOR ALL the Transponders have been Scanned and ALL the available Channels are on there ..there IS NOTHING new/different/else not even on Telenor10 @ 1°W its ALL on the Same Position on the Clarke belt m8y..!!
ALL the available Channels I can Pick-Up on my Dish Size and in my Location are there..!!
(Am using a Gregorian Double Focus 90cm Fibo Dish)
But saying all that its my List m8y.
I am just sharing because someone asked for a Settings List..!

I have around 20 Boxes to Play around with SD and HD ones.
I have made the Settings this way because it suits MY purpose.
I now have the same Settings List in each of the Boxes saves me looking and searching thru each Box for Sats and Channels...each and every Box has the same Channels/Sats in the same places.

You are always welcome to Move/Delete/Rename the Channels around and Edit them to suit your needs.
You can even sort/split the Sats and the Channels so that it Suits your needs.
Make THOR into Thor 2 and 3 and Telenor10
As you know this is very easily done with this Box...even in groups of complete Sats.
BUT I am NOT going to make a List for anyone else other than me..m8y.
You can NOW do this yourself ..the Sats are there...!
You have the choice of several Lists now choose whichever is best for you.


01-03-2009, 02:59 PM
Cheers Andrew m8

My pleasure
Hope you can enjoy. Edge..:respect-059:


01-03-2009, 04:42 PM
Hi Andrew007,

Thanks for your Reply.

Its not about new channels, its just when one or the
other provider goes down thier are big gaps in Thors list.

When Digitv, and Telenor, are in channel lists on there own Satellite, when
one goes down, you go to the other and thier are no gaps.

If you have a look at Laurals53 list with (Formula for HD 1.1) you
can see what I mean. L53 is @ Sa*aid.


05-03-2009, 07:49 PM
Hi Andrew007,

Thanks for your Reply.

Its not about new channels, its just when one or the
other provider goes down thier are big gaps in Thors list.

When Digitv, and Telenor, are in channel lists on there own Satellite, when
one goes down, you go to the other and thier are no gaps.

If you have a look at Laurals53 list with (Formula for HD 1.1) you
can see what I mean. L53 is @ Sa*aid.



If one Provider changes its Channels..
Just DELETE the NON working Channels and Re-Scan for the New ones on the new TP's and then bring them from the Back of the List and Insert into the THOR Sat List again in any order you want.
I know Laurals Lists.if you prefer them ..Pls go ahead and use them..
You Can also Edit his Lists and make them suit your own needs.


03-01-2012, 02:30 PM
28 Satellite positions from 53E - 45W. A mix of lists, some from my Passion and others found elsewhere from a recently updated list (December 2011) of an Argus Mini STB - whatever that is - converting the Argus settings file to .sdx in Satedit and then to .dnl.

I've added Atlantic Bird 7 and the TP's that I can receive at my location - not all that are usually available to me, as I made the scan at the worst time of the day for this satellite.

Diseqc is off in the satellite lists, just configure for your setup either in the Passion or Setedit.