View Full Version : Going From Humax to Azbox HD Pemium

28-02-2009, 05:22 PM
HiYa M8'ies I would be extremly grateful if you could help me before I get the Azbox coz I will be going from my old Humax VACI 5300 (never let me down for over 4yrs now) to a Linux system.
What would be very helpfull is a sort of training list when setting up and using the Azbox.

I know this is a tall order,but the change from the Humax to a Linux PVR system is also a (in my case) tall order, so maybe something like:-

1/ Using Linux with the Azbox HD Premium. How to' FTP, Telnet ect.
2/ Using the various files available IE.....EnigmaII..??,Cccam ect.

Sort of a sharp learning curve in advance so to speak, so I have a chance to get on the right track from the start.

Many thanks M8's:respect-050:

28-02-2009, 05:37 PM
Learning on a linux box thats still in its beta stage is going to be a nightmare.

Any linux box is going to be an up hill struggle... but one that you don't know if its you or the box causing any problems is going to be a right $*&!%

Seriously.. hold on until its stable or get a cheaper / easier/ stable box to start with.

There is a dm500 clone to be found that is very good.

01-03-2009, 12:16 PM
But it would still be nice to have a list with tips for this box.

01-03-2009, 12:46 PM
But it would still be nice to have a list with tips for this box.
Yes Tiptronic it would be nice, but as AJR said I could get a DM800 clone, then hopefully use the DM section tutorials....but I am not to happy with going down that route, because the quality of the DM800 clone may be questionable. Maybe AJR you could PM me about what DM800 clones are available?
As it happens I may have answered my own question about tips, cos the DM section has great support for all their STB's, and if they are running Linux the answers hopefully will be there.:respect-048:

02-03-2009, 10:40 AM
Maybe AJR you could PM me about what DM800 clones

Sorry I haven't a clue about Dm800's

Maybe Goldwafers can help



02-03-2009, 12:51 PM
I've seen some at B u l l s a t, but they are only about 100 euro less... Also remember what happened to the other clones... DM I guess can shut them down...

02-03-2009, 12:55 PM
Yes Tiptronic it would be nice, but as AJR said I could get a DM800 clone, then hopefully use the DM section tutorials....but I am not to happy with going down that route, because the quality of the DM800 clone may be questionable. Maybe AJR you could PM me about what DM800 clones are available?
As it happens I may have answered my own question about tips, cos the DM section has great support for all their STB's, and if they are running Linux the answers hopefully will be there.:respect-048:

You better buy an original one, clones does not support new images and support only some of the goodies originals DM800 support

02-03-2009, 03:05 PM
think the general drift of this thread is simple..as moving from humax to AB-IP/AZ/CubeRevo/DGStation/Duolabs etc is a big jump!...all these boxes are still 'settling in' (prolonged beta period!) and will require good all round user knowledge of linux based STB's...to get yer money's worth (as they are not cheap) and as support is only (slowly) growin'...hence the best cut your teeth on something cheaper and well supported!...

My tupence worth would be to wait for a while as one of these IP-HD-Linux boxes will shine!...in the meantime if you want to get to grips with loading linux -IP boxes ye should try DM500 (about 70 quid) and plenty of support least ye won't be p*ssed of if it fooks up!

best luck...:beatdeadhorse5:

03-03-2009, 11:05 AM
Thanks M8's for your replies much appreciated.
It seems that the way to go would be the DM 500, and the support on their section is very good so that will be a great help on the learning curve.
I think now my best bet is to hold firm for a little bit longer to see what transpires with the Azbox before I make the change.
I do like a challenge, and anything that can help to bring in the channels and stop me going down the Rupee the P*sspot trail will be a bonus.
Thanks again M8's for your advice:respect-050:

03-03-2009, 01:57 PM
plenty of stuff on youtu*be on how to set up DM500..this one is good
