View Full Version : BH 0.9 Webinterface & Samba

01-03-2009, 09:16 AM
I have installed the latest pure flash (with Barry Allen) to flash and I have both BH0.8 and BH0.9 on multiboot (on USB). I have a hard drive installed,

I have a number of issues I could do with help on

Firstly with BH0.9 booted up I am unable to connect with Web Interface (works outstandingly well on BH0.8). On BH0.9 Samba is enabled by default. Could this cause some conflict ?? Also how do I use Samba in my windows network. DCC connects fine with my DM8000 and it pings fine (and is able to connect to Nabilosat) but no Web Interface and no evidence of Samba working although I don't know what Samba looks like when its working. (I was expecting Samba to appear in my Netwrok Places). With all of these new features I was wondering weather some sort of Sticky could be written so we can get the most out of it. Shappa was kind of doing this but since his DM is now back in the Fatherland being repaired this will be on ice for a while !

Secondly downloading addons from Nabilosat doesn't appear to work. I tried to download CCCam 1.05 and NewCS 1.62 which the DM claimed it had done and installed but it was not there. I subsequently installed it using DCC and edited as usual which worked fine. I wonder whether download location is the issue ?

Thirdly, because the download isn't working I therefore have been unable to download and install keys for CCCam 1.05. I then realised that I didn't know how to use DCC to install keys. Do I rename the updated key files posted as MGCam/CCCam keys which are a .zip file to a _nab.tgz file and place in temp or do I need to unzip them and put them in the appropriate place using DCC ftp.

Would welcome any help on any or all of these issues. Thanks !!

01-03-2009, 09:30 AM
I have installed the latest pure flash (with Barry Allen) to flash and I have both BH0.8 and BH0.9 on multiboot (on USB). I have a hard drive installed,

I have a number of issues I could do with help on

Firstly with BH0.9 booted up I am unable to connect with Web Interface (works outstandingly well on BH0.8). On BH0.9 Samba is enabled by default. Could this cause some conflict ??

No, this is a Barry Allen bug. BA now includes some sort of integration with the WebInterface. Just install the WebInterface again. Download the latest WebIf pack, upload it to /tmp, and complete a manual install of IPK.
I also highly reccomend to deactivate the postinst feature available from the BA setup menu. It is required each time you install or upgrade BA, because it is activated by default.

Also how do I use Samba in my windows network. DCC connects fine with my DM8000 and it pings fine (and is able to connect to Nabilosat) but no Web Interface and no evidence of Samba working although I don't know what Samba looks like when its working. (I was expecting Samba to appear in my Netwrok Places). With all of these new features I was wondering weather some sort of Sticky could be written so we can get the most out of it. Shappa was kind of doing this but since his DM is now back in the Fatherland being repaired this will be on ice for a while !

To check whether Samba is enable and working, press the blue button, then the yellow button. Check if the green light is on for the Samba server.
All the DM's of your LAN will be discovered by the new Network Browser, only if their Samba server is enabled. For example, if you have a DM7025 too, and you run the Network ****** on you Dm8000, then the DM8000 will discover the DM7025 only if its Samba server is enabled.
I just posted the guide here (https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?t=103786)

Secondly downloading addons from Nabilosat doesn't appear to work. I tried to download CCCam 1.05 and NewCS 1.62 which the DM claimed it had done and installed but it was not there. I subsequently installed it using DCC and edited as usual which worked fine. I wonder whether download location is the issue ?

If you tried about 2 hours ago, it was normal because the server was being rebooted. Else, if you constantly have a problem, then just change the DNS number of your name server, in the network setup. Use OpenDNS numbers, or

Thirdly, because the download isn't working I therefore have been unable to download and install keys for CCCam 1.05. I then realised that I didn't know how to use DCC to install keys. Do I rename the updated key files posted as MGCam/CCCam keys which are a .zip file to a _nab.tgz file and place in temp or do I need to unzip them and put them in the appropriate place using DCC ftp.

Would welcome any help on any or all of these issues. Thanks !!

No, just copy them to /usr/keys.

01-03-2009, 09:33 AM
and fourthly (I forgot this one)

With pure flash for BH0.9 in flash. BH0.8 will boot from Barry Allen multiboot when BH0.9 is booted up........however when BH0.8 is booted BA is not available in Plugins. So to reboot back into BH0.9 (or any other image) I have to reflash Pure flash for BH0.9 which is a real pain.

Again, any thoughts or solutions will be appreciated.

01-03-2009, 09:43 AM
and fourthly (I forgot this one)

With pure flash for BH0.9 in flash. BH0.8 will boot from Barry Allen multiboot when BH0.9 is booted up........however when BH0.8 is booted BA is not available in Plugins. So to reboot back into BH0.9 (or any other image) I have to reflash Pure flash for BH0.9 which is a real pain.

Again, any thoughts or solutions will be appreciated.

As already mentioned, disable the Barry Allen postinst feature.
This is all generated by Barry Allen.

You do not have to reflash Pure Flash. Just upgrade your Barry Allen. But, again, after the upgrade, disable the Barry Allen postinst feature BEFORE you install any other image to multiboot.

01-03-2009, 05:31 PM
Thanks DeepDiver have been able to act on your great advice

Web interface latest version installed and fixed

Key bundle successfully installed and working

Barry Allen post installation disabled.

Samba for a later date. I only have one DreamBox.

This is fantastic support and much appreciated !!!!