View Full Version : AZBox HD Premium and WIFI?

04-03-2009, 09:02 AM
This is my first post on this great Forum. So big and warmHELLO to all my next friends, here!!!:respect-050:

Wired network conection work OK!
When I tried to use a WIFI conection, NOP, if I switch OFF my WIFI router security psw. It conect in a second, and everything work great: YouTube (very quickly),Browser (very slow, need a long time to open full page I setted), and CS over MBox. (very good, but it don*t open me SKY HD channels and SView programs on HBird. Rest of my CS channels work OK, tried only Astra-HBird for now)
But, when I switch ON, my router WIFI pswd. (router is Siemens 555), then I have to set a passphrase pswd.for WIFI conection, in AZBox Internet settings..I did it, AZBox accept it, and then when I go to Menu Information, I see that AZBox is trying to conect to WIFI network, but w/out success.!!!??
So, can someone help me, how to connect on WIFI conection, which is under security psw. (of course I need security).
Best regards from CRO!

04-03-2009, 10:38 AM
..Do you have MAC address filter switched on in your wireless router?."
No, I switched OFF Mac address filter, for a long time.
I red on some Forum, that AZBox HD Premium can accept only 10 letters(numbers) long passphrase? I tried both version of WEP encryption (64 and 128 kB), with short and long Passphrasse (problem is that my Siemens 555 router have longer Passphrasse (13 letters) by defoult, but and with short (5 letters) or longer Passphrase, NOT conected.
Without router WIFI psw., everithing is OK!!!
But I can*t leave my router OPEN, for shure!
P.S.Thanks kinkdink fo a help! Hope, someone have a answerr.
In my Premium now, is fw. which come with it ( v0.9.1314, one before last from 27.02.09.).