View Full Version : Skin Install has caused System Crash

05-03-2009, 08:18 PM
I downloaded through Addons the Rhianna skin for my 800
I went into skin settings and selected the skin
The Enigma2 rebooted and is now stuck in a loop as it boots, then crashes (fatel error), then boots, then crashes

Anyone able to tell me how to fix this issue Please:117:

Preferably through DCC as I can`t communicate with box through null serial (ref previous post)

05-03-2009, 09:34 PM
whilst box is continualy rebooting go to /etc/enigma2 open the file named config with the txt editor and delete the line that looks similar to this


then save the file and the box will boot normally with default skin

05-03-2009, 10:01 PM
Which image version ?

05-03-2009, 11:15 PM
whilst box is continualy rebooting go to /etc/enigma2 open the file named config with the txt editor and delete the line that looks similar to this


then save the file and the box will boot normally with default skin

:respect-059: Sir you are a Star :respect-059:

I really thought I`d lost it for good
Thankyou very much for the advice it worked perfectly.

05-03-2009, 11:18 PM
Which image version ?

I`m learning more and more each day.

I`ve got Black Hole in flash, but not sure which version (how do I find that information?)


05-03-2009, 11:36 PM
:respect-059: Sir you are a Star :respect-059:

I really thought I`d lost it for good
Thankyou very much for the advice it worked perfectly.

No problem m8, i've had it happen to me a few times.

These Dreamboxes are really not as fragile as some seem to think.

Worst case scenerio is you would of had to re-install the image.

Don't forget to uninstall that dodgy skin ;)

06-03-2009, 03:53 PM
just for an update guy's

should you have an offending skin, just FTP tp your box /usr/share/enigma2 and delete the bugger then reboot it'll reboot into your defalut skin.

regards: canthackit