View Full Version : Looking to buy Sat-Nav and would like advice..

Coppull Buster
08-03-2009, 05:43 PM
Im looking to buy a Sat-Nav unit and I was hoping for a bit of advice please..

Im not looking to spend a fortune, but would like some advice as to which one to buy and which ones to avoid..

Also I would like to buy one thats updatable, i.e. able to download files to update it for free, with "points of interest" and speed cameras etc.

And a few pointers about whats involved in updating them, is it fairly straight forward, and where to download the files from etc..

Any advice will be greatly appreciated..

Kind regards

08-03-2009, 06:59 PM
The Tomtom units seem to be the favourite sat navs & are easy to update with lots of maps available for them. Get one with plenty of internal memory space or one that uses a memory card. Have a look here on how to upgrade -

Coppull Buster
08-03-2009, 08:19 PM
Thanks for this, Ive just taken a quick peek at this thread and it appears fairly straight forward..

Im busy trawling through the vast array of satnavs available, so many to choose from, its difficult to know what to go for.. Im gathering information and keeping an open mind at the moment.. Hopefully I will be able to make an informed decision soon..

Kind regards

10-03-2009, 06:21 AM
I was looking at getting one too, but is something like a TomTom One XL Classic any good and can I get updated maps easy?

I want something where I can updates the maps

I have only used TomTom on my mobile but it's a pain doing postcodes.

Max I wanna spend is £150


10-03-2009, 08:52 AM
It's easy enough to update the maps on any Tomtom unit :)

Coppull Buster
13-03-2009, 03:14 PM
Im thinking of just buying a cheap satnav such as the Tom Tom One, but I have noticed that some are listed as V2/V3 or V4..

What does this mean? is this just firmware versions? and if so, can these then be upgraded? i.e. if I bought a V2 can I upgrade it to V4 by downloading files and updating the unit ?

Coppull Buster
14-03-2009, 12:42 AM
I had been advised to get one with an SD card slot, apparently this makes it very easy to upgrade things etc...

Ive been doing a bit of research and have found the TomTom One XL has an SD card slot..

So I have ordered one of them from a site that is offering them at £91.99 and are throwing in a free carry case..

Normally around £146.95 + £14.95 for the case, so I think it sounds like a good deal..

No doubt I will be back here scouting for info & files when it arrives, lol...

14-03-2009, 04:49 AM
I had been advised to get one with an SD card slot, apparently this makes it very easy to upgrade things etc...

Ive been doing a bit of research and have found the TomTom One XL has an SD card slot..

So I have ordered one of them from a site that is offering them at £91.99 and are throwing in a free carry case..

Normally around £146.95 + £14.95 for the case, so I think it sounds like a good deal..

No doubt I will be back here scouting for info & files when it arrives, lol...

If it's the site I thinking about? Aren't they Refurb models?

Can you PM me the place.


Coppull Buster
14-03-2009, 11:15 AM

pm sent mate....

15-09-2009, 11:55 AM
get a navgo around 50 to 60 pound new and you can put tomtom 7 on it
or get an 8 gig card and have
tomtom 7 + milomap 3.3 + igo 8 with menu system
realy good easy to do pm me if you want link how to on the, navgo

30-09-2009, 09:56 AM
don't buy a Navman - whilst I have one and rate the unit - the updating etc is non existent

TomTom seem favourite