View Full Version : How To Install Keys And Transponders?

09-03-2009, 10:45 PM
I have the 900 HD Can install new images no probs but how do you install add-ons? Can the files be uploaded via a memory stick or do you need ethernet cable? Have tried via serial & PC Editor but no joy.
Also, where do the files go? Do they have to be uploaded into a particular location?
Trying to find info on this box is like pulling teeth. Beginning to think I have wasted my money.

09-03-2009, 11:48 PM
you need ethernet cable ,and you can upload via ftp.

Do they have to be uploaded into a particular location?
Also, where do the files go?
emus /var/bin
plugins /var/plug-in
spftcam /var/keys

10-03-2009, 03:39 AM
Hey Oulit. Thanks very much for taking the trouble to reply.
I wonder if I might have a faulty box or lead. I have connected a crossed ethernet cable between the box and my laptop. I have manually entered the IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway into the 900 from the manual (Auto DHCP just remains at zeros) but cannot get PC Editor or DCC to connect. Am I doing something wrong or do you think something is faulty?
The amber "glimmer" from the ethernet socket in the laptop appears very intermittent. Should this be flickering constantly? DCC reports socket not connected. But my LAN connection reports
I am struggling with this box without suspecting a fault too.
Anyway, if this makes any kind of sense to you, I would appreciate your comments.
I'll be back tomorrow if this box has not sent me completely loopy by then :-)

11-03-2009, 05:22 PM
you need to configure laptop ip address ,and assign a fixed IP


11-03-2009, 09:15 PM
Thans Oulit. Not had time to try anything yet but the penny is slowly beginning to drop. Thanks for the clues. I hope by next week I will be wondering why I thought this was so difficult.

16-03-2009, 10:33 PM
Sorted!! Networking For Dummies was required :-)
Now to see if the effort was worth it....