View Full Version : Nabilo CCcam Switch addon

12-03-2009, 10:14 PM
Anyone got any info about this addon - it says the config files are in /var/etc/CCcam_x.cfg (x being 0 - 5) and also gives you the option to give each file a description.
1. There is no directory /var/etc - so no files!!
2. Where does the addon keep its data?

should I mkdir /var/etc?? and copy the config files from /etc

12-03-2009, 10:24 PM
This is a copy and paste from DeepDiver on Nabilo board.

Nabilosat E2 CCcam autoswitch plugin v 0.2

This plugin is useful for all the ppl using CCcam emu that can switch instantly to a different configuration.
When you launch the plugin for the first time it create six alternate CCcam config files:
At the beginning these files are all the copy of your original CCcam.cfg default.
You can leave unchanged the file CCcam_0.cfg as your original config file.
You can edit manually the other files to have alternative configurations.
You can now use a name to refer to each different config file.
As for example you can include or exclude servers and clients in your alternative config. You can also change the CCcam settings like enable/disable EMM or smartcard updating or others in the different config files.
When you will have personalized the config files you can use the plugin.
With this plugin you can:

Show the current active config file
Show the details of each config file
Show all the entire configurated settings (only the uncommented lines)
Show all the configurated Server
Show all the configurated Clients
Change the active config file.
NEW Feature added with v 0.2: now you can add a name for each configuration.

When you change the active CCcam config file with the plugin the changes will be immediatly active and you don't need to restart the CCcam.

12-03-2009, 10:35 PM
Thanks sonic1.
I found the config file for the plugin - /etc/NabiloCCCSwitch.cfg
As I said in my post - the instructions are not correct - there is no directory /var/etc and therefore these files don't exist where they should.
Unfortunately I can't post on the nabilo board 'cos registration is closed.
So .. question (I guess) remains - should I create the directory /var/etc and move those cfg files from the /etc directory?

12-03-2009, 10:38 PM
it goes in etc not var/etc which is more common on e1

12-03-2009, 10:45 PM
You might think so .. the config file (NabiloCCCSwitch.cfg) says /var/etc - which is (again a guess) where the system will try and pick up the files?

12-03-2009, 11:22 PM
On E2 there should be folders with arrows on named var or etc which take you to the directory your find CCcam Switch files or anything else thats meant to go in var/etc on E1 ?

CCcam switch is good if you have lets say two servers that give the same provider with similar ecm times CCcam will always use the first in line in this case, having two cfg files with C lines in different positions allows you some control over which it selects so if the first one is freezing you just select the other cfg with CCcam switch putting the other C line first ;)


12-03-2009, 11:31 PM
On E2 there should be folders with arrows on named var or etc which take you to the directory your find CCcam Switch files or anything else thats meant to go in var/etc on E1 ?

No idea about 'arrows' - what u using to see them? - as far as I can see there are no symbolic links..
Anyway, done some digging, it works whether the directory structure is correct or not.
But - we are having 'freezing' on local network with sly shared - dunno why - it was fine last nite!

13-03-2009, 12:17 AM
I'm not using E2

But I'm surprised there is no link in var called etc that links back to etc where you found the NabiloCCCSwitch.cfg along with everything else that normally goes in var/etc


13-03-2009, 06:57 AM
No idea about 'arrows' - what u using to see them? - as far as I can see there are no symbolic links..
Anyway, done some digging, it works whether the directory structure is correct or not.
But - we are having 'freezing' on local network with sly shared - dunno why - it was fine last nite!

Sooore there are symbolic links. Go to /var and you will find a symbolic link to /etc.
Anyway for E2, go straight to /etc and you will find the config files.
Freezing is not caused by the plugin or the image. This is an EMU issue.

13-03-2009, 11:01 AM
... Freezing is not caused by the plugin or the image. This is an EMU issue.

No - it was caused by a circular link in the cfg file (took wrong line out for local network!)

13-03-2009, 02:15 PM
Sooore there are symbolic links. Go to /var and you will find a symbolic link to /etc.

Thanks for the clarification thought I was going nuts for a minute, those links have to be there in var because emus still look in var for directories keys, etc, and so on, should be a number of links in var for directories that were in E1 otherwise everything would have to be written again for E2