View Full Version : copying complete setup?

13-03-2009, 10:27 AM
from one db800 to another including sat positions.

I have now two db800 and want to have them both connected to my dish. Can I copy everything from one to the other so i don't need to go through the pain of seting the new box. I am using blackhole 0.6



13-03-2009, 11:32 AM
i know that on the older versions (enigma1) you can use a tool called flash******, which would allow you to take a complete backup of one box and upload it to the other box. But this don't work afaik with enigma2...

Maybe, with dreamup you can download your image and then upload it with dreamup to the other dm800, as I know this is also an option with a dm500 (and other enigma1 images I suppose).

Other than that, the only other thing I can think of, is to use the internal "backup/restore" feature of the first dm800 to do a backup, and flash the other dm800 with the image you want, and then restore the settings from the first dm800?

14-03-2009, 02:05 AM
the best way to do this is get a usb stick....and barry allen installed

you can then back up the flash image or secondary images...and copy them onto a second unit, the second unit will need barry allen installed 1st though

it may be a bit long winded, but once done, it does give you many advantages
