View Full Version : Updating keys?

13-03-2009, 09:59 PM
Hello everyone,

I received my Elite last week, with a brand new dish and LNB; this is my first satellite system, and so far things are pretty good. After fiddling for a while, I managed to get MultiCAS properly installed, and the card from my provider works correctly in the card reader (with the latest firmware - before it was freezing all the time).

Now, I'm trying to go a bit further, and I have to say I am surprised by the general lack of information out there; not only about this box, but in the whole sat scene in general. It seems that all the forums I find are loaded with people who already know everything about every receiver, every emu, CAMs, cards, encryption systems, keys... but nowhere is a tutorial or a newbie-friendly explanation to be found! :nopity:

So anyway, here are my questions of the day; hopefully some kind soul will get me out of the pit! :respect-061:

1) Is the update thingie in the plugins section supposed to work? The default url, 'azupd dot com', leads to a bogus plugin (mwkeytest - does it do anything interesting? it just sits there when I start it); someone suggested to replace the URL with 'ng-box dot com', but then there is no plugins.lst file. Is there another up-to-date server I could use?

2) I am trying to open some channels with MultiCAS, as it is my understanding that this program is supposed to do more than just read cards, but the provided set of keys does not seem to work. How do you get around to updating the keys? I tried to upload a Diablo KEYS.BIN file (read somewhere that those are supposed to work), and MultiCAS does not see it. If I rename it to Key.bin (without the 's' at the end, like the one find by default in the MultiCAS folder), MultiCAS simply overwrites it with its own version. In fact, if I replace any of card_key.bin, Key.bin or Data9F.bin, it gets recreated when I restart MultiCAS, crushing whatever was there. So how do you get around to changing the keys??? I tried to update them manually, using the data I found in a softcam.key file, but the number of digits in the file vs in the interface on the box is not the same! I am utterly confused. Could someone point me to a good source of information about keys and their various formats, and generally, how to use them?

3) Are incubucamd and gCam only useful for cardsharing, or can they also be used with keys? Right now I am not too interested in card sharing, I might go there someday when I feel blocked only with the keys, but this is another area where information is really not easy to find. Anyway, as far as keys are concerned, should I go this route instead of MultiCAS? If so, how do I get around to updating the keys on those?

Thanks for your answers! :respect-048:

13-03-2009, 10:47 PM
The default url, 'azupd dot com', leads to a bogus plugin

Its just a test of something, it doesn't do anything useful. (just ignore it)

2. Find the proggy CasKeyEdit_v102F-1.exe for loading and editing the Key.bin file on your pc, then ftp it back to the azbox when you have updated it.

Or just use the Diablo key file and rename it.

Very important... all the files in the MultiCAS folder must be CMOD to 755 (cos it wont work if you don't do it) then N2 will clear after 5 mins, and may even AU, but I'm not certain about that yet.

3. For keys only use MultiCAS at this time.

but nowhere is a tutorial or a newbie-friendly explanation to be found!

Thats because its sold with this warning......... (Well it should be)

"Please Note: This box is offered for sale to competent enthusiasts with knowledge of networking, FTP, and Telnet/SSH."

And the 'newbie-friendly' guide can't be written until the box does what it should.

14-03-2009, 12:34 AM
Thank you for your reply!

Its just a test of something, it doesn't do anything useful. (just ignore it)

So there is no update server online, then... Ok, then, I guess it'll come later, with version 1.0 of the firmware...

Find the proggy CasKeyEdit_v102F-1.exe for loading and editing the Key.bin file on your pc, then ftp it back to the azbox when you have updated it.
Thank you for the cue. I had dowloaded the program already, but then I saw I had to select a COM port (did not notice the 'load' and 'save' buttons), so I figured it was only for the non-HD azboxes.

The main problem I seem to have here is that the channels I try to open all have 16-byte keys in my softcam.key file, but there is only space for 8 bytes for N2 keys in the Key.bin file form the MultiCAS folder. I tried to put the 16 bytes in CasKeyEdit, but it crashed the application. Are 16-byte keys off-limits for this box??

Or just use the Diablo key file and rename it.
I tried this, but MultiCAS automatically erases the Key.bin file and replaces it with its internal version (which I assume is contained within the emu_module executable, as I can't find it anywhere else on the box). Any ideas? (My files all have permissions set to 755)

Thats because its sold with this warning......... (Well it should be)

"Please Note: This box is offered for sale to competent enthusiasts with knowledge of networking, FTP, and Telnet/SSH."
While I am certainly not an experienced satellite enthusiast, I spend most of my days logged onto *NIX machines, so this technical aspect is not really the issue here... I was in fact referring to the general satellite scene, not just to this box. The scene just seems very secretive... until I figure it all out, I guess! :)

Thanks again!

14-03-2009, 01:31 AM
until I figure it all out, I guess!

On this forum... If any one knows an answer to a question, then I'm sure someone will help, its just that with this box we are all pretty much in the dark.

As regards the 'general sat scene' there are loads of guides and info that can be found, so I (and with the greatest of respect) have to disagree :D

I tried to put the 16 bytes in CasKeyEdit, but it crashed the application. Are 16-byte keys off-limits for this box??

Ok the key has 16 bytes..

But in the editor there are only 8 bytes in a line....

So for example if the key were for 00 then the 1st 8 go in the line with id 00 and the 2nd 8 go in the next line that has id 10

The diablo key issue is not so much a replacement but a conversion to a format that the azbox wants.