View Full Version : SMB HD mount on boot

14-03-2009, 02:39 PM
I've been having some troubles with the mount plugin.
If I go to plugin menu and ask for a start/restart it doesnt mount the drives I have configured.
If I go by telnet and do "sh ./mount.sh" and use the mount.cifs in the file it gives me a mount error 148.
I sorted this out by using in mount.sh the line "mount -t cifs" instead of "mount.cifs". However both ways it doesnt mount the drives on boot, nor by the plugin menu.
But If I telnet the box , go to mount folder and do "sh mount.sh" it mounts them correctly.

How can I solve this so that I have the drives mounted at boot?

Thx in advance!

14-03-2009, 03:23 PM
I take it that in plugins, the mount folder does not have a # in front of it ?

14-03-2009, 04:34 PM
Yes the mount plugin doesnt have the # symbol in it...
Its the second of the list (the first is incubus)...

Thanks for all the help possible in this issue!

14-03-2009, 05:29 PM
Hi Typer,

Check that the config files does not contain dos characters (^M), and also try to look at the path in openxcas.conf file. The mounting script should also have 755 (rwx). Hope it helps.
