View Full Version : Why is dm8000 so pricey

14-03-2009, 04:50 PM
Thinking getting a new sat box ?? But this [DM8000 ] At about £900 , Would have to do something so fooking outstanding for this price ?? All i can see it has Twin tuners [ So what ] LOL:respect-applause-00 CI slot!!!!

Dream Multimedia are taken the ****!!!:respect-050:

14-03-2009, 05:10 PM
Agree, DMm are taking the edgar bliss

I thought about getting one & opted for Cuberevo box instead

It aint perfect & has some way to go before it can be compared side by side to Dm 8000 Hd but seems to be going the right way for half the price,so far

E2 is working ok, although its a beta image & card & cam slots aint working yet

newer releases of incubus camd, the ccam for ipbox is improving

13-04-2009, 01:20 PM

Totally agree . They have priced them selves out of the market .

Some many boxs at half the price .

Cheers :smash:

14-04-2009, 10:44 AM

Totally agree . They have priced them selves out of the market .

Some many boxs at half the price .

Cheers :smash:

Anything is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it just look at cars they all do basically the same thing but look at the price difference between various models.
I have both an IPBox 9000HD and a DM8000 and it's the DM8000 for me.

14-04-2009, 10:52 AM
Its worth waiting to see if CCcam appears on the Azbox in the next week, if it does then potentially this will make it a dream multimedia killer...


15-04-2009, 06:11 AM
I'm still saving up me pennies for an 8000.

15-04-2009, 11:22 AM
Keep saving it`s well worth the wait!

15-04-2009, 12:06 PM
I have a cuberevo twin tuner running sifteam enigma2 on flash and connected to CCcam server and working perfect.

Both tuners work fine. I have 8-1 switch with fixed dishes on tuner a and then motorised dish on tuner b.

Half the price of the 8000. Have a look at Lee's site above looks really nice in black.

I expect sifteam to release another image soon which is even better than this one.

15-04-2009, 02:48 PM
I had a long chat with Lee yesterday regarding the merits of both boxes, as I have lusted after an 8000 but just can't quite justify the (ridiculous imho) price.
Keano, I know the cuberivo runs incubus and unlike my Kathrein will work with more than one C line. Could you confirm if it will share back please?
As for Cccam on the Azbox, I hope this is made possible but have been told it is straightforward to make an emu work as a client but much more difficult to act as a server or internal decoder.
Meanwhile for me the only thing that can justify dreambox prices is the support.

15-04-2009, 03:26 PM
m8 it wont share back.

I also found the use of 1 more line a bit unstable.

The best thing you can do is get a db500, dead cheap now on fleabay.

Use the db500 for reading your card and connecting to your friends and then connect the cuberevo to the db500. OK you will lose some cards because it is a extra hop but after time you can build up a good base of hop1 cards.

I use a linux pc and have 4 boxes around the house connect to it and have no probs.

Also remember those nice chaps at dream released CCcam_2.1.0 couple of weeks ago and this stops incubuscamd connecting. So if you have any friends using 2.1.0 you will not be able to connect with incubusCamd. So better to use a db500 or linux px with CCcam_2.0.11 and then you can connect your cuberevo to it.

Hope that all makes sense

15-04-2009, 04:44 PM
Yes it does all make sense, but I should have explained what I use now.
I have 7020 as main server with Kathrein as incubus client, as you say I only get cards with an extra downhop so I have the 7020 able to decode HD channels that it can't tune!
I really need an HD box as my main server, hence my interest in an 8000 or Cuberivo or Azbox etc.
I am surprised that your cuberivo wont reshare with the latest version of incubus as a friend of mine has one arriving after he was assured that it would.

15-04-2009, 09:47 PM
m8 unless he knows something that is coming in the next release then he can't use incubusCamd to read cards on the cuberevo or any other box.
He will have to use newcs.

16-04-2009, 03:11 PM
hi to all, adn nice to see th Pimps back.

Now when it comes to Cuberevo/IPbox 9000 that we are talking about.
i have to say is worth every penny.

i to use Incubuscamd here on my LAN, then i have some mates that gives me C-line,

i use Qbox SD , and connect my mates to CCcam 2.0.11
then i connect my IPbox 9000 to Qbox and voila all is fun.
i have tested Incubus 0.80 with direct connection but that is not as stable as it should, it freezes sometime, and does not reconnect to the outside world
runs ok for about 1-3 hours with out problem , but here and there it disconects

when connected only via LAN the incubus is just as good as CCcam

to share back to mates, or to your next room box you will need to use
newcs in combination with Incubuscamd , then you can share via newcs
you just give an Nline to the next room box , and voila you are good to go.

I run SIF 8873 image and has been runing nonstop since the day it come out

I have try Enigma2 also, but it is not in the standard that i exept , or stable inaf to use, offcourse i have try only PTK , and not SIF directly on flash
Enigma2 is stil eary days for this box, but has come long way.

and if you read tele-satelitte last version there is a article in there that says ***** is not far from reliasing Enigma1 for this boxes.

i do not have Dreambox 8000 , but have the little one 800,
the DM 800 is a total disaster, waste of my money realy.
always freezes, alwasy no signal , and i can make my breakfast on top of it
no need for any owen to make my egss or backon.



16-04-2009, 05:22 PM
I have had dreamboxes since they began
but now they are taking the P
there is nothing in that box worth anything near that
they are taking advantage of us enthusiasts
as long as people pay prices like that they will never come to reality
and dreamboxes will always be daft prices

I have always paid good prices for quality eqiptment like my pioneer at £3500
but you can see the quality in that not a cheap plasic box were the flaps drop off