View Full Version : Can't open TV Globo

14-03-2009, 06:46 PM
I entered new keys in my mvision HD200, but it won't open it. Anyone else got this problem or any thoughts?

14-03-2009, 08:38 PM
I entered new keys in my mvision HD200, but it won't open it. Anyone else got this problem or any thoughts?

I seem to be following you and your postings of late!

These keys in this thread give you what you need, checked and working on your model of receiver, ie: syntax (keyline '01') .....:-


Think it may assist you if you perhaps read through the appropriate encryption/keys sections, test and then post if you still have a problem.


15-03-2009, 07:45 PM
Hi again dishdad. keep following I need the help. I've entered both the latest 00 keys and the 01 keys, but it won't open.
I've got the settings right I hope 11585V 27500 3/4 ?

17-03-2009, 01:35 PM
Can anyone help me with TV Globo? Please.

17-03-2009, 04:10 PM
Can anyone help me with TV Globo? Please.

Thought it best to advise you that many other users are not clearing this channel using the HD200 but apparently is clearing with other models of receivers including different models of MVision, S-4, S-5 etc... perhaps it may only relate to a particular firmware version release in the HD200, was certainly ok of late!

In another country at the moment but here at Satpimps I would advise that you would be better opening a new thread in the MVision HD200 receiver section as this will gain more attention that here in the 'Encryption' section of the forum.

Hope you manage to secure a result.

Best wishes. 32784

17-03-2009, 05:02 PM
Thanks Dishdad, will try that.

22-03-2009, 12:16 PM
I too am not only not clearing but not finding those channels on hd200 I only find 2 channels on that frequency any clues